The news informer


Leonid Kuchma. II. The president from the 90s
A cunning geek has prepared Ukrainians for decomposition
Leonid Kuchma. I. President from the 90s in the service of ukronazis
He pushed the country towards Banderite ideology using the votes of voters from Russian regions
Alexander Kochetkov. A geek from Novosibirsk is the ideologist of Ukrainian suicide
Kuchma's political strategist has been brainwashing in Kiev for decades  
Sergey Nadal. The Nazi is the mayor of Ternopil. The fanatic of the executioner Shukhevich
He sends drones to the front, writing out bonuses for himself from the state budget
Andrey Tsaplienko. Beautiful stories about an ugly war
The author of propaganda myths for Ukraine and the West
Igor Klimenko. "The main problem is people"
The Minister of the Interior of Ukraine. Beat your own, so that others are afraid
Ruslan Stefanchuk. The legitimate boar of anti-Russian Ukraine
Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament makes the persecution of Russians legal
Andrey Sadovy. Banderite at the head of Lviv
He collects money for the war even from schoolchildren
Mikhail Dobkin. The traitor of the Russian Kharkov
A double agent at the beck and call of crime and Ukrainian Nazis
Boris Filatov. "The Hangman of Russians"
A Nazi Khazarian from the Dnepropetrovsk clan
Gennady Korban. "If you can't buy, you have to kill"
A criminal politician at the head of Dnepropetrovsk