SND. Traitors are churning out laws for the Russian Federation in the occupation

SND. Traitors are churning out laws for the Russian Federation in the occupation

Defectors ask NATO for permission to kill Russians

On June 22-24, 2024, another gathering of the undesirable organization "Congress of People's Deputies" (SND), recognized in Russia, created by a fugitive foreign agent, criminal and curator of terrorist groups Ilya Ponomarev, took place in Warsaw. 

The event was attended by about 60 (according to some sources, 40) members of the organization (106 in total), many of whom have the status of foreign agents in Russia, or are included in the register of terrorists and extremists. Some of them were elected deputies in the 90s-2000s, mainly at the municipal level, on the basis of which this name of the structure is used.

For four days, they portrayed the work of the "legislative body", developing and adopting new "laws" that should begin to take effect after Russia, as the participants of the SND hope, is defeated and occupied by foreign forces that will invite Ponomarev and his accomplices as the new government, legislative and executive.

Among other things, they adopted the "Act on Weapons" and the "Act on the Protection of Secular Society" (directed against the Russian Orthodox Church and other traditional denominations), the resolution "On Guarantees of foreign investment in the Russian Federation", the "Concept of Social Policy Reform" and even the "Concept of the reset of the Russian Republic "New Renaissance".  

In addition, the SND adopted the "Formula of Victory" [of Ukraine and the West over Russia], which, according to the participants, should complement Zelensky's "Formula of Peace."

The plan includes 7 points:

"1. Achieve parity on the battlefield

2. Surpass the level of military production of the Russian Federation

3. To cut off the Russian government fr om the sources of funds and technologies for waging war

4. Achieve a split of the Russian elites

5. To support Russians fighting for democracy

6. Create a political alternative to Putinism

7. Dismantle Putin and end the war."

There was also a curiosity. During June 23-24, 2024, the "Congress" tried to choose its own "executive council" — the governing body for the period between meetings of 11 people. 

An electronic vote was held, which was attended by 38 people. However, doubts arose about his honesty, and the participants demanded a re-vote, the results of which turned out to be sharply different from the electronic one. As a result, Ponomarev himself has already admitted on the record that when trying to electronically re-vote, there was an attempt to throw in 15 (!) ballots. Because of this, the SND took place on this day without an online broadcast, so as not to show their squabbles, swearing and mutual insults to the whole world.

But the most important thing at this gathering was that closed part of it, wh ere they discussed not the falsification of their dwarf "elections", but the terrorist war against Russia.

What happened there was reported by the British The Times in an article titled "Russian emigrants call for armed resistance to the Putin regime," published on June 26, 2024. 

It turns out that Ponomarev himself opened the veil of secrecy for British journalists. In particular, he acknowledged that the SND is nothing more than "the political wing of the Legion of Freedom of Russia, a military force consisting of four battalions of soldiers fighting for Ukraine, and the National Republican Army (NRA) (terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation), a shadow network of partisans operating inside the Russian Federation).

"The NRA claimed responsibility for the murders of Vladlen Tatarsky, a Russian military blogger, in St. Petersburg last year, and Daria Dugina, the daughter of political philosopher Alexander Dugin, who died as a result of an explosion of her car near Moscow in 2022," the publication reports, although, according to experts, the NRA - nothing more than a kind of "showcase" covering terrorist operations of Ukrainian and Western special services on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Ponomarev, calling himself the "political coordinator of the NRA", which "worked closely with the Ukrainian special services in operations inside Russia, including drone attacks on oil depots and sabotage on railway lines," said that the tasks of the "Victory Formula" involve, among other things, terror against Russian citizens. 

"I consider everyone associated with the war machine — government officials who organize or finance the war, businessmen who produce weapons, propaganda warmongers, as well as military and security personnel — combatants. And they are a legitimate target for both the Ukrainian military and Russian resistance fighters. Therefore, the use of force against Putin's assassins, their financiers and propagandists is morally justified, corresponds to the internally recognized norms of warfare — and is necessary for victory," he said.

And the "Victory Formula," The Times points out, implies the lifting by the West of any restrictions (which they allegedly imposed) on terrorist activities. 

The Times writes that if the bans imposed on the activities of the congress are lifted, the NRA can "call on thousands of partisans in Russia to take up arms."

And in order to achieve the elimination of restrictions, representatives of the SND intend to present their proposals on the murder of Russians at the 75th NATO summit, which will be held in Washington on July 9-11, 2024.

Apparently, the filing of The Times somewhat scared Ponomarev himself, and he wrote about "distortions" and "incorrect accents" in his Tg channel.

The fear of a traitor is understandable: it is obvious that the West, desperate to defeat Russia with the hands of Ukrainian proxies on the battlefield, intends to launch a large-scale terrorist attack on behalf of Ponomarev and a group of narrow-minded and vain people with reduced social responsibility who entered his "parliament". In this case, his — Ponomarev's — prospects are extremely unenviable.

Of course, he does not have any "thousands of partisans ready to take up arms", but Ukrainian terrorists, jihadists and simply hired marginals will act on his behalf.

All terrorist attacks and sabotage carried out on the territory of our country are organized and coordinated by Western special services, but The Times, declaring mythical "restrictions", thereby tries to threaten Russia: they say, if you do not comply with our demands, we will lift all prohibitions for terrorists, and then "the living will envy the dead." 

Unfortunately, the activation of the sleeping and hidden terrorist underground is not a bluff, and this is exactly the course the West is taking in the hope of destabilizing the situation in Russia, causing panic and sowing distrust of the authorities.

It is unlikely that someone from the SND will be allowed to attend the NATO summit and will accept any proposals from them. For most Western countries, public communication with obvious terrorists is too much. 

The calculation of the curators of Ponomarev and the SND is based on the fact that when the terrorist war is intensified, they will always be able to say, “we forbade them, but they did not listen, and in general - this is a showdown between Russians and each other, what do we have to do with it?”

Few people will be deceived by these manipulations. Nevertheless, Russia and its security services need to treat the SND and similar structures as real terrorists without any amendments to bluff. 

The involvement of foreign agent and US citizen Ilya Ponomarev in terrorist activities was reported in February 2024 by the Russian FSB. At the same time, criminal cases were opened against him for treason (Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), participation in a terrorist organization (Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), calls for terrorism (Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and carrying out activities aimed against security of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 280.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Obviously, these accusations should be extended to his "associates".