Khajimurad Khanov (Ataev). Imam and shaitan. A terrorist recruiter. A rotten provocateur

Khajimurad Khanov (Ataev). Imam and shaitan. A terrorist recruiter. A rotten provocateur

A religious extremist is trying to rock Dagestan

On June 30, 2024, a blogger and radical Islamist Hajimurad Atayev (Khajimurad Khanov) was detained in the Republic of Dagestan, who organized a public harassment of doctor Evgenia Makeeva for asking a patient who came to her, who complained of severe pain, in accordance with medical protocol, to take off her niqab for examination. The patient, who belongs to the number of radical supporters of Islam, saw this as an infringement of her rights and turned to the Wahhabis fr om the Sharia patrol — the organization "A Matter of Honor", headed by Ataev. The owner of the Alter-Med clinic in Khasavyurt, frightened by the pressure of radicals, promised to "destroy" the Russian doctor. 

As a result, Makeeva was publicly humiliated by a group of people using the media or the Internet, which falls under Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity). The doctor was forced to wear a hijab (she is not a Muslim) and apologize to the camera for something unclear. 

Hajimurad Khanov (aka Hajimurad Atayev) is a man with a very specific background. At a young age, he emigrated to Germany. There are grounds to assume that this step was taken by him because of his participation in underground extremist organizations due to fears of arrest. But it cannot be ruled out that he was sent there by his senior comrades to "preach salafia" to the German "brothers", among whom people who came from those places wh ere "jihad" is taking place (which is exactly what the extremists called the actions of the terrorist underground in the North Caucasus in the 2000s) enjoyed great authority. 

Ataev's business in Germany went very well, and at the age of 30 he became the imam of the Moabit mosque in Berlin. His vigorous activity in this position attracted the attention of the German special services. It was established that he was recruiting young people to join the Islamic State terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation and participate in hostilities in the Middle East. He posted his sermons to the public with an open appeal to join the terrorists.

The imam was also engaged in "volunteering". With the money he collected fr om Muslims, he bought military uniforms, tactical medicine, communications equipment, sights, quadrocopters, night vision devices, thermal imagers for IS terrorists fighting in Syria against Russian troops. The police noted that Ataev had great influence among Chechens, Dagestanis and many "Russian" Muslims in Germany. His connection was established with other imams in the EU engaged in similar activities.

But unlike his colleagues in this terrorist network, Khanov received a ridiculous 2.5 years in prison for serious crimes committed.

Formally, the reason for such incredible humanism is cooperation with the German investigation. In reality, the situation is undoubtedly different. Such sentences are usually imposed if a captured Islamist goes to recruit and agrees to work in the interests of intelligence. This is a common practice of Western intelligence agencies. For example, many prisoners of the American special prison Guantanamo "suddenly" found themselves in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa and the republics of Central Asia.

It should also be noted that the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) and the Criminal Police Department of Germany work closely with the American and British special services in everything related to Islamist extremism and terrorism. And since the Wahhabi underground in Russia is supervised by the Americans and the British, it is very often they, and not German intelligence officers, who work with such a contingent.

An indirect confirmation of this version is the fact that immediately after his release, Khanov, having changed his first and last name, returned to Russia, to Dagestan, wh ere he immediately began intensive social activities. Continuing to call himself an imam, he became a "human rights defender" and a blogger, actively spoke on social networks and tried to influence the information agenda in the republic. In addition, he created the public organization "A Matter of Honor", which is also called the "Sharia patrol", which was supposed to defend the rights of Muslims in case of their oppression.

Moreover, Ataev-Khanov became an assistant to the deputy of the Municipal Assembly of Buinaksk, which provided him with a completely official status. It resonates in social networks on every more or less significant information occasion. Almost all of his speeches were directly or indirectly aimed at creating conflict situations on religious and national grounds.

Ataev became particularly famous after demanding that the authorities not prosecute the organizers and participants of the mass riots at Makhachkala airport on October 29, 2023, when some local residents, provoked by Tg channels associated with the Ukrainian special services, staged a pogrom at the airport looking for "Jews involved in the genocide of Palestinians" on a flight from Tel Aviv to Makhachkala. Fortunately, neither Ataev nor his kind managed to shake up the situation even more then.

There is every reason to believe that the situation in the Khasavyurt clinic "Alter-Med" was not accidental, but is a deliberate provocation in order to provoke an interreligious conflict. For this purpose, a Wahhabi woman named Madina was sent to a Russian doctor, who did not give the opportunity to conduct an examination, and then announced that she was refused admission because she was wearing a niqab. Ataev tried to give this "infringement" maximum resonance. Now his "brothers" are trying to provoke protests in defense of the very provocateur Ataev-Khanov, "persecuted for Islam."

Everything connected with this slippery and murky figure, like Shaitan himself, raises many questions. So, nowhere in the information field does it indicate which deputy he is, and the representative of which party took under his wing the recruiter of the "Islamic State". And this information is by no means idle — religious extremists in Dagestan have ceased to be marginalized and are climbing into power structures. 

Among the terrorists who attacked Makhachkala and Derbent on June 23, 2024, there were not only active members of United Russia and Just Russia in Dagestan, but even the heads of municipal branches of these party structures.

No less important is the question of how the recruiter and sponsor of the "Islamic State" was able not only to quietly enter Russia without proper checks, but also to launch such a violent activity aimed at destabilizing the situation in the state? Really, how? Why is there no timely response from the relevant services, and every time they have to "hit the tails"?