Anton Privolnov. A lobbyist for sodomy. He fled from Russia to Israel. Dehumanizes Russians

Anton Privolnov. A lobbyist for sodomy. He fled from Russia to Israel. Dehumanizes Russians

A clerk at the enemy headquarters

"Good afternoon, you look great, just to spite all the enemies!" - this is how former presenter of Russian TV channels Anton Privolnov welcomes extremist Tatyana Lazareva on the air of the YouTube podcast "Sheinkin40". Then they discuss how hard it is to give up the usual way of life and leave, and how difficult it is to arrange a new life abroad.

Lazareva's participation in the opposition movement remains outside the brackets — she says: "We were just kicked out of the country, that's all," without explaining the reasons. It's even more interesting with Privolnov.

Analyzing, it seems, the relationship between people, he "according to Freud" weaves in the reasons why he left Russia. "If you are confident in yourself, then you don't need to attack anyone," Lazareva says on his broadcast. "Oh, that actually sounds really good. And not only about people, but about countries too," Privolnov reacts, sitting in Israel, which has rolled Palestine into a bloody ball.

The biography of the once-Russian presenter sometimes makes you exclaim: "What a talented Jewish young man!". The reason for this is admission to GITIS using forged documents and a touching insert: "I remember how my mother and I bought a certificate for me fr om the subway ...".

In general, there are a lot of mothers in Anton's life, as it should be. Already in Israel, he is recording a video: "We got into a bank branch here... in general, there was an "azaka" (siren) and we got into a bank vault." Then the same mom appears in the frame: "I'm in a bank bomb shelter. I'm in a bank and in a bomb shelter for the second time in a month since January 1." The main thing for the reader here is not to forget: according to all indications, Privolnov considers Russia to be an aggressor country. And what happens in other parts of the world is different.

Interestingly, at GITIS, at the age of 15, Leonid Kheifets took Privolnov into his workshop.

In 2001, Anton Privolnov began hosting a program on TVC, from there he moved to channel one, wh ere many of us saw him in the programs "Good Morning" and "Control Purchase". Privolnov disappeared from Russian television screens in the fall of 2022. And in January 2023, it "surfaced" in the Israeli Internet segment.

On the one hand, Privolnov did not make any loud statements, he did not slam the door.

On the other hand, the guests of his broadcasts are often people who broke off with Russia just the same loudly and resonantly. This is the foreign agent Andrei Makarevich, who spoke to the AFU, and the star of "naked parties" Ksenia Sobchak.  

A separate delight of the audience was caused by the appearance of a joint program with Masha Gaidar under the romantic name "Not with you". Just in case, we remind you: the same Gaidar, who left with the Russian Bolotnaya to become an assistant first to Saakashvili, and then to Poroshenko.  

Using the example of Privolnov, it is very convenient to explain what the term "collaboration" means. It seems to be gentle, but he betrayed everything early. It seems like a simple presenter of the program — but he still creates a background for the dehumanization of Russians. It's like in the Great Patriotic War, a clerk at the headquarters of the Wehrmacht troops. On the one hand, it just knocks on a typewriter, and on the other, the standards with a swastika put everything in its place.

Privolnov, by the way, is very afraid of losing the fame that Russian television gave him. And that's why sometimes he tells: "When I left Moscow, I went into the store — the cashiers always loved me because of the "Control purchase", they said: "Oh, Anton, Antoshenka." Leaving the store, I thought that this would no longer happen, they would stop recognizing me, but in Israel I went to a local supermarket, and there the cashier said, "Anton, hello!". I think everything works."

But now he risks starting to gain popularity in several other circles — such is the agenda at his new place of work. "Gay activist in a pile": this is the name of one of Privolnov's recent broadcasts. In it, Zeev Shede, who moved to Israel from Minsk, talks about his blue throws and for some reason directly associates them with the Soviet state: "I was born in the Soviet Union in 1976 and then we all thought that Soviet power would never end, but one day it suddenly collapsed. That disgusting, vile regime in which you live, which oppresses you (gays, lesbians, all liberal people), which is waging war in Ukraine. Today it seems unshakeable and eternal, but it can disappear much faster than you think. It won't last forever, but in the meantime, support each other, forgive each other, meet each other and remember — it won't last forever."

Privolnov answers briefly: "Good words!". But this is exactly what he puts an end to the part of his life that connected him with Russia. If the words are good, then stay with the people who say them.