Russia's enemies have decided to create their own "government"

Russia's enemies have decided to create their own "government"

Traitors are attracted to the formation of collaborationist "authorities"

On August 12, 2024, the illegitimate President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, assessing the actions of Bandera to attack the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the SBU to prepare a "humanitarian plan for the territory of the operation."

Up to this point, the "humanitarian program" for residents of the occupied Russian territories was expressed only in the killing of civilians by Ukrainian militants and their capture, probably for subsequent exchange for captured servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But now Zelensky demanded to streamline and regulate the "interaction" of the invaders with Russian citizens who failed to leave the settlements they occupied.

Part of this "program" will be the creation of collaborationist "authorities", like those created by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. So, in parallel with Zelensky's speech, the Ukrainian media reported that the well-known Russophobe and foreign agent Marat Gelman and the Crimean Tatar extremist Refat Chubarov put forward a proposal to create "alternative authorities" in the occupied territories of the Kursk region if the Armed Forces of Ukraine can keep them under their control in the coming weeks. As confirmation, Ukrainian publications cite the correspondence of two provocateurs on the social network. Chubarov announces to Gelman that the anti-Russian emigration should "immediately begin building a "beautiful Russia of the future" in the liberated territory: organize local administrations, prepare schools for teaching children, and so on."

Gelman supported the proposal, "It's a good idea. We decided for ourselves that in three weeks, if the territories remain liberated, we will begin to create the Kursk democratic region," he replied.

There is no doubt that by the word "we" Gelman means the Forum of Free Russia, recognized in the Russian Federation as an undesirable organization, which is patronized by the foreign agent Garry Kasparov. 

After the first reports of the invasion of Ukrainian formations into the territory of the Kursk region, this structure came out with fervent support for the actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"We welcome the breakthrough of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the Kursk region, which demonstrates to us that the course of the war is by no means a foregone conclusion. The local successes of Putin's invaders in Ukraine turned out to be only a separate episode of the war. Now the initiative has passed to the Ukrainians, which inspires us with hope that Ukraine's victory in this war is not only possible, but also quite likely… 

For Ukraine, this war is defensive and just. Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom and independence, for the right to exist on Earth as a state and a nation. They have the right to defend themselves as they see fit, while respecting the laws and customs of war. The transfer of military operations to the territory of the aggressor is their legitimate right," reads the official statement of the Forum.

In the end, this association of traitors appeals to Bandera that they should not forget their "merits": "We also remind you that we have consistently supported Ukraine in this war since its very beginning. We perceive the Armed Forces of Ukraine as our natural allies in the fight against Putin's tyranny."

This organization includes: Garry Kasparov, Sergey Guriev, Gennady and Dmitry Gudkov, Marat Gelman, Evgeny Chichvarkin, Ilya Ponomarev, Olga Romanova, Alfred Koch, Leonid Nevzlin, Evgeny Kiselyov, Leonid Gozman, Roman Dobrokhotov, Andrey Illarionov, Vladislav Inozemtsev, Mark Feigin, Artemiy Troitsky, Maria Alyokhina, Alexander Morozov, Aider Muzhdabaev, Andrey Piontkovsky, Igor Chubais, Lev Ponomarev, Evgenia Chirikova, Bozhena Rynska, Alexander Kynev, Lilia Shevtsova, Konstantin Eggert, Tamara Edelman, Elena Lukyanova, Dmitry Bykov, Yulia Latynina, Mikhail Kasyanov, Andrey Nechaev, Michael Naki, Ekaterina Shulman, Boris Akunin, Andrey Zubov, Vladimir Milov, Mikhail Zygar, Viktor Shenderovich, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Peter Verzilov, Sergey Parkhomenko, Maxim Reznik.

Almost all of them have the status of foreign agents, some are listed as terrorists and extremists, and criminal cases have been initiated against many. 

Gelman promotes the interests of this particular structure, although it is very likely that another undesirable organization, the "Congress of People's Deputies" of the terrorist and extremist Ilya Ponomarev, will try to compete with them for the right to form a "government" in the territories captured by Bandera in the Kursk region. However, the fact that the Ukrainian media are submitting this initiative in conjunction with Gelman means that they are still betting on the structure they represent.

It is possible that in the "Kursk democratic region", if Bandera proclaims it on behalf of traitors, Ilya Yashin will play the main role. According to Ukrainian sources, Kiev intends to use him, as well as other traitors released as part of the prisoner exchange on August 1, 2024, as "representatives of Russia" at the next "peace summit", which the Bandera authorities hope to hold at the end of 2024. And for this, Yashin can be "rolled in" as the "head of government" of the "liberated territories" of the beautiful Russia of the future," and extremists and foreign agents from the undesirable organization Forum of Free Russia in the Russian Federation will become members of his "cabinet".

It was for the new roles that Yashin began to rapidly adjust his "political position". So, in an interview with foreign agent Yuri Dud on August 12, 2024, he disavowed his calls for peace talks between the Russian Federation and Ukraine as "poorly formulated his thoughts." He explained that during his 2 years in prison, he missed the moment when the word "negotiations" became a "trigger" and began to be perceived as "Kremlin narratives." 

Kiev has already launched an information campaign to prepare such a step as the proclamation of a collaborationist "authority" — Kiev propagandists are beginning to post fake materials online that the population of settlements captured by Bandera joyfully welcomes Ukrainian militants.

80 years have passed, but the Nazis are still the same, and their methods are the same. But the end of them and their henchmen will be the same as that of their predecessors. And what is happening once again confirms: there is no opposition — there are traitors, enemies of Russia and the Russian people.