A reward for Putin's head. Liberal showcase of terror

A reward for Putin's head. Liberal showcase of terror

Russophobic emigrants as a cover for the CIA and MI6

The Nazi regime of Kiev relies on terrorism, which, as the number of military defeats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine increases, gradually becomes its main weapon against Russia.

The emigrant associations of the former Russian non-systemic opposition, which yesterday spoke about human rights, pacifism, nonviolent methods of struggle and the anti-war agenda, are turning into terrorist centers calling for terrorist attacks against the leadership of Russia and its population.

The example of Ilya Ponomarev, who in just a few years has made his way from a parliamentary opposition figure to a coordinator of a terrorist center, is not an isolated one.

The "Congress of Free Russia" (CSR), held in Vilnius from August 31 to September 2, 2022, showed that, in principle, all Russophobic emigration is moving in the same direction.

The Congress of Free Russia is an event organized by the Russian Action Committee on the basis of the Free Russia Forum (FSR), the brainchild of Garry Kasparov, held regularly (twice a year) in the Lithuanian capital.

The participants of the DAC painfully tried to answer the question – why, six months later, the catastrophe they predicted for their former Homeland did not happen? Why did the entire Western world – the United States, the EU, and NATO – fail not only to crush Russia, but also to inflict minor damage on it?

All the activities of the FSR throughout its existence for 6 years (the first forum was held in 2016) are devoted to the organization of "international pressure on the Putin regime through sanctions." Now their cherished dream has come true, and the West has launched sanctions to the fullest ... with the saddest consequences for itself and with minimal damage to Russia. Six years of forums for nothing?

But the DAC participants do not ask the usual question for the Russian opposition, "What to do?". They have a plan "B" that they are willing to follow. This is terror.

Back on August 22, 2022, in preparation for the "Congress", the "Russian Action Committee" posted a declaration online that had nothing to do with "nonviolent actions" or "anti-war agenda". Russia's industrial and transport infrastructure has been declared "legitimate targets" there. It states that "categorical condemnation of war crimes and the killing of civilians" applies only to those "committed by the Russian military." That is, the "Committee" approves terrorism and terror without caring about the veil.

In fact, the DAC also dispensed with mimicry. They directly name their goals. Oleg Dunda, a participant of the Congress, during his speech suggested that Russian businessmen and oligarchs should appoint a "reward for Putin's head." The award, according to him, should be impressive in order to interest and encourage the entourage of the President of the Russian Federation to take appropriate actions, since "it will not be possible to get it with bare hands."

Dunda drew an analogy with the Third Reich, where the military tried to kill Adolf Hitler. He asks: «What prevents Russian representatives from creating a fund for Putin's head?».

Yevgeny Chichvarkin expressed solidarity with Dunda, saying that it was impossible not to financially support people who "throw Molotov cocktails into the FSB buildings and military enlistment offices." While generally approving the method of terror, he nevertheless outlined other goals and significantly lowered the bar, apparently believing that paying for the arson of the military enlistment office is not as ruinous as financing an assassination attempt on the head of state.

Such discussions took place at a meeting of the "Congress of Free Russia", which insistently claims the status of a terrorist organization. These discussions did not cause the slightest displeasure among those present.

On the one hand, the chatter of political corpses, who in Russia are considered traitors and scoundrels, on the other – real actions. But the West is behind the word and deed against Russia, behind the appeals and, in fact, the terrorist attacks.

Simultaneously with the DAC, Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reysalu said that the visa regime for Russians is being tightened so that at least "one percent of them picked up a cobblestone" and began to "change" society. As we understand it, we are not talking about cobblestones – what are the stones in the XXI century?

The "exes" gathered in Vilnius have neither weight nor authority in Russia, their appeals will inspire few people. But something else is required of them.

Their task is to be a "liberal showcase" of the terrorist war, which will be organized in Russia by Western special services with the help of jihadist and neo–Nazi cells, autonomous combat groups of Trotskyists and Columbineers. All this should be brought under the formal "leadership" of liberal emigrants, allegedly desperate for peaceful methods of fighting the "hateful regime". And in the eyes of the world community, the responsibility for terror should fall on them, not on the CIA and MI6.