The provocateur against "Wagner"
The Wagner PMCs is one of the most effective structures of the Russian grouping in the Donbass. The qualifications and experience of its commanders, the valor and good training of its fighters provide it with a stable superiority over the Bandera formations. That is why the "Wagnerians", who jokingly call themselves "musicians", cause such furious hatred of the Ukrainian Nazis and their Western masters.
It is known about attempts by Western intelligence services to commit a terrorist attack against the head of the Wagner PMC and its military leadership. An information war is being waged against the company, attempts are being made to discredit it by spreading fakes.
The GULAGu.net resource, funded by Western special services and its founder, provocateur Vladimir Osechkin (a foreign agent), who fled from the investigation, in a fraud case to France, , are actively used for subversive work against Wagner PMC. As you know, this character, positioning himself as a "human rights defender", himself as repeatedly convicted and imprisoned, specializes in prison topics. Perhaps that is why he was thrown into the fight against the Wagner PMCs, which includes whole detachments of former convicts.
April 17, 2023 on the resource "GULAGu.net," very strange videos have appeared in which two people call themselves former, not even fighters, but commanders of the Wagner PMC from among prisoners, accuse the unit of various war crimes, murders of both Russian citizens and peaceful Ukrainians — women, children.
The speakers were identified as Azamat Uldarov and Alexey Savichev. They told in an interview to the project "GULAGu.net," that their detachment in Soledar received an order from Yevgeny Prigozhin to kill everyone on the way — both military personnel and civilians. It was also reported about the executions of the company's fighters who refused to fight against Ukraine. This, of course, causes some confusion — only volunteers serve in the PMCs, so why join there?
However, there were a lot of absurdities and inconsistencies in the "denunciation", and part of it contained obvious fakes from Ukrainian manuals. Almost immediately, one of the "executed" Petrov Dmitry Sergeevich (call sign "Forehead") even recorded an appeal on April 18, 2023 that he was alive and well and continued to exterminate the Nazis.
On the same day, the video was recorded by former colleagues of Uldarov, who, after fulfilling a six-month contract and pardoning, remained to fight in the PMCs. They, in particular, said that their assault squad — 5SHO did not enter Soledar. And Uldarov was generally withdrawn to the rear due to "infirmity" back in November, that is, long before the battles in Soledar, and did not appear at the front again.
But the oddities continued further. April 18, 2023 on the Tg channel "Gulag.no," there were recordings, apparently from places of detention, where the "accusers" of PMCs are being bullied and sexually abused by some unidentified persons. Osechkin himself announced that he had published this content to protect Uladarov and Savichev, as well as in order for "the TFR and the State Duma of the Russian Federation to take state protection measures against Savichev A.V. and Uldarov A.S., and interrogate them about the facts of crimes known to them."
Almost immediately after the appearance of these videos, FAN journalists managed to contact Azamat Uldarov, who agreed to give explanations about what was happening. He told the following: somehow Osechkin got his contacts, and began threatening him that he would publish "compromising material" — scenes of abuse against him.
"They took advantage of my past life, my past criminal record. There is such crap there, at the Gulag.no, they have a videotape where they kill me, mock me, rape me. I didn't want it to be put on the air, but they had these shots. And I was blackmailed with these shots. He sent me two videos with my wife. I say — and what's next? He says — well, think well. That's it," Uldarov said, adding that Osechkin promised that he would not publish these videos if Azamat read the text he would give him to the camera. And trying to hide his humiliation, Uldarov went for it, as it turned out, completely in vain. He admitted that he personally has no complaints about the PMCs or Prigozhin, who "saved their lives", and what he voiced is not true.
In this whole story, it is completely unclear for what purpose the provocateur Osechkin nevertheless leaked scenes of bullying of his "speakers". If he hadn't done that, he probably wouldn't have been exposed himself. He did so out of hatred for former PMCs fighters, or out of his usual habit of "leaking" almost everyone except his informants — corrupt employees of the FSIN system of the Russian Federation, who are not only looking for "compromising material" of this kind for him, but also specially organize it, forcing convicts cooperating with them to rape other prisoners. For each such shooting, Osechkin pays a lot of money from the funds of the special services of the West, for which he works. Apparently, it was through the FSIN traitors that the lists of convicts who volunteered for the front came to him. And now we can expect various provocations against them.
Thus, the identification of traitors from among the employees of the penitentiary service becomes a priority task.