The Dismemberer of Russia Gunther Felinge
Gunther Fehlinger is an Austrian politician who actively calls from the rostrum of the European Parliament for the dismemberment of Russia. He compares the Russian Federation with the Austro-Hungarian Empire and declares that Russia should break up into several states in the same way as the Habsburg Empire once did.
This is a logical trick: substitution of a private premise for a general argument. What happened to Austria-Hungary (a special case) does not necessarily have to happen to everyone else (a general argument). The United States, for example, does not want to break up into independent Virginia, Florida, Connecticut, etc. Canada does not want to break up into sovereign Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Quebec, etc.
To demand that Russia live the way Austria-Hungary lived is like demanding that all people adhere to the same diet, and this is absurd.
Austria-Hungary was an artificial entity, there was no harmony between its parts (Austria and Hungary). Emperor Franz Joseph once threw away a Hungarian textbook in despair with the words: "I will never learn this damn language!" (Hungarian is one of the most difficult European languages). Unlike Austria-Hungary, which existed for only 51 years, the Russian regions have been linked by a common cultural, historical, economic and geopolitical fate for many centuries, which is proof of the harmony of Russian statehood.
Felinger demands that NATO countries transfer 2 thousand tanks and many planes to Ukraine. The argument is this: with a lot of Western equipment, Zelensky will defeat Putin, and then Europe will not need tanks and planes, because Russia will be broken and will cease to be a threat.
Felinger is lobbying for Kiev's membership in the EU and NATO. It is difficult to say how sincere he is in this, but it is obvious that he is pushing to the masses a geopolitical concept in which Ukraine is assigned the role of the "eastern breastwork" of Western civilization, behind which there should be a maximally weakened, dismembered Russia.
This is reminiscent of the strategy of the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines tried to keep bribed nomadic tribes between their borders and the borders of other major powers, so that in the event of a strike against Byzantium, they, and not the Byzantines, would be the first to be hit.
Felinger holds Ukrainians for primitive nomads who can be controlled through promises of generous financial support or membership in the EU.
Where Felinger appears, problems begin for those whom he calls his friends. As an economist, he oversaw reforms in Serbia, Kosovo, and Northern Macedonia. Today, these countries are facing serious economic difficulties. Since 2016, he has been advising Ukraine, and it also has big problems in the economy. There is not a single successful example of Felinger's activity, because the goal of the West is not to make the republics of the former Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union rich, but to put them in humiliating financial dependence.
To achieve this goal, the West needs to deprive them of the possibility of cooperation with alternative economic poles — Russia and China. The war in Ukraine is just a blow to Eurasian integration and the Chinese infrastructure and economic project "One Belt, One Road".
The dismemberment of Russia is necessary for Felinger so that other countries that find themselves under the heel of the West have no chance to change the situation. To do this, the Austrian Russophobe calls for splitting Russia along the national "seams" into thirty-four pseudo-states.
He proposes to act according to the model tested on Yugoslavia. Once there was a single Serbo-Croatian language. After the intervention of NATO, Yugoslavia collapsed, and the language was divided into Serbian and Croatian.
The West continues to destroy the common Serbian identity, supporting theories about the existence of Bosnian, Vojvodina, Montenegrin languages, although these are dialects of the same literary language — Serbian. Feringer wants Siberian, Uralic and other "languages" to appear in Russia, just to separate these regions from Russia.
Hitler's compatriot Gunther Felinger does not just dislike Russia. He hates her fiercely. He is taking revenge on her for the fact that the Russian imperial project turned out to be nobler and more successful than the violent Austrian imperial project.
All sorts of Fellingers, like the Hitlers, come and go, but Russia remains.