Salome Zurabishvili. The president and a foreign agent. A hereditary Russophobe

Salome Zurabishvili. The president and a foreign agent. A hereditary Russophobe

The main mission is the fight against Russia and the expansion of NATO

After the Georgian parliament passed the law on foreign agents in June 2024, restricting the work of pro-Western NGOs and media in the country, President Salome Zurabishvili promised to hold a protest referendum. She called the law Russian, stated that it contradicts the Constitution and "represents an obstacle on the European path." 

The negative reaction of the hereditary Russophobe is expected, because she herself is a foreign agent with French citizenship. By order of the West, Zbigniew Brzezinski's student is doing everything to destroy any relationship between Tbilisi and Moscow and develop a confrontation with Russia. 

It is no coincidence that Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze publicly accused the head of the country of treason and linked the new existential threats that have arisen in Georgia with the rule of Zurabishvili. Moreover, its open support for Ukrainian neo-Nazism promises Tbilisi great troubles. On June 15, 2024, at the "peace conference" in Switzerland, the President of Georgia chanted the Bandera slogan: "Glory to Ukraine!". 

However, this was expected, taking into account her ancestors and family ties. Zurabishvili was born on March 18, 1952 in France, into a family of immigrants who fled Georgia in 1921 after the victory of Soviet power. Salome's grandfather Ivan Zurabishvili was a member of the collaborationist government of "Independent Georgia" in 1918 and in 1921. Zurabishvili is close to the white-immigrant pro-fascist Chavchavadze clan, whose representatives fought on the side of the Nazis and worked in the CIA against the USSR.   

Salome's father, Levan Zurabishvili, Chavchavadze's colleague, rallied the diaspora around him in exile, becoming chairman of the Georgian society in France. He had a great influence on his daughter, who participated in demonstrations against the visits of Soviet leaders to Paris. At the same time, she learned Russian. "My father kept saying that you need to know the language of the enemy," Zurabishvili said after taking office as President of Georgia.

In 1972, she graduated from the Paris Institute of Political Sciences, and then enrolled at Columbia University in the United States. Here Zurabishvili attended the courses of one of the famous opponents of the USSR and Russia, Zbigniew Brzezinski, an active promoter of Poland's Promethean policy, in which Ukrainian, Georgian, Tatar and other peoples "enslaved" by Russia should rise up and fight Moscow. After studying with Brzezinski, Zurabishvili returned to Paris and began working at the French Foreign Ministry in 1974. Her interests and specialization are weapons and methods of geopolitical struggle. From 1984 to 1988. She was the 1st Secretary of the French Embassy in the United States. In 1992, she was appointed 1st Secretary of the Permanent Mission of Paris to NATO, in 1993 - Deputy French Permanent Representative to the EU. She worked in the Foreign Ministry's Office for Strategy, Security and Disarmament. In 2001, he became the Head of the General Secretariat of the National Defense of France for International Affairs and Strategy. 

Then she was thrown into Tbilisi with a mission to destroy relations with Russia and expand NATO's influence in the post-Soviet space. 

In 2003, Zurabishvili was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Georgia. A year later, she received Georgian citizenship in order to become Minister of Foreign Affairs. President Mikheil Saakashvili, who invited her, previously met with French leader Jacques Chirac and received approval. 

In 2005, a scandal broke out in France. It turned out that Zurabishvili, being a Georgian minister, continues to receive a salary of €15,000 from Paris. As stated by the official representative of the French Foreign Ministry, Jean-Baptiste Matthey, in response to the protests of trade union leaders, Zurabishvili receives a "monetary reward" according to the "contract signed with her within the framework of technical assistance."

She effectively worked out the expenses of the French budget, actively promoting anti-Russian policy. One of her main successes as foreign minister, the French agent announced the decision to withdraw Russian military bases from Georgia. She openly stated that she considers this a historic achievement. However, in October 2005, Zurabishvili lost her position. The reason is her confrontation with parliament Speaker Nino Burjanadze, in which she lost, and Saakashvili did not defend his protege. After Zurabishvili was removed from her ministerial post, she created the Path of Georgia party, declaring it the main foreign policy partner — the United States.

Zurabishvili's relations with US diplomats are documented.  In September 2007, U.S. Ambassador to Georgia John Tefft sent a top secret message to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which he reported that he had held a meeting with "an encouraging candidate for president of Georgia." It was noted that Zurabishvili has his own opinion on South Ossetia and assures that the Georgian public will support the fighting in Tskhinvali only if they are quick and successful. Later, Zurabishvili was used to put pressure on Saakashvili, who for a long time did not dare to open confrontation with Russia. He was given to understand that he would either attack Russian peacekeepers in South Ossetia, or he would be replaced with the help of another "color revolution". Moreover, the candidate for his place has already been determined. 

In November 2007, a mass protest rally organized by a number of opposition parties took place in front of the Georgian Parliament building. Among its participants was Zurabishvili's party. The protesters demanded Saakashvili's resignation, early elections, and Georgia's transition to a parliamentary republic. The opposition rally was dispersed by police and special forces units. After that, Zurabishvili met with Tefft again, complaining about the radical actions of the authorities. But the warning worked — Saakashvili began to prepare for an attack on South Ossetia, pulling the regular army to the line of contact, and in August 2008 began bombing Tskhinvali. 

Russia responded, the "five-day war" turned into recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. As a result, Tbilisi's relations with Moscow were destroyed. 

A year later, Zurabishvili received a signal that the American curators in Tbilisi would not need her in the near future, and announced her retirement from Georgian politics. She publicly justified her decision by saying that there is no democracy in Georgia, and the opposition cannot work in the country. Zurabishvili returned to the West, resuming work on the diplomatic line to the UN Security Council commission on sanctions against Iran. But already in 2018, they decided to use it in the upcoming war against Russia. Suddenly, she returned to Georgia, stood as a candidate for the presidential elections, won them and clearly outlined whose project she was. 

According to her, cooperation with Russia is impossible because of its "behavior" towards Ukraine. Georgia adheres to a pro-European position on this issue and will follow the instructions from Brussels and Washington. 

"Unfortunately, at the time, the ruling Dream group did not recognize this when they literally dragged it through the second round of the Georgian president. A lady with a complex character who cannot be trusted. And, most importantly, this lady was able to inflict great damage on Georgia," admits Petre Mamradze, ex-chief of Staff of the President and Government of Georgia.

After the start of the Special Operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine, Zurabishvili, as expected, became more active. She demanded the strengthening of anti-Russian sanctions, and fought in vain with her government about this. "Russia is our enemy and occupier," Zurabishvili said.

She is constantly in touch with the curators, regularly travels overseas and to the EU. Moreover, he makes foreign trips sometimes without government permission. Because of this, in the autumn of 2023, the ruling Georgian Dream party, led by Kobakhidze, launched the impeachment procedure, although it failed to gain the necessary number of votes among the population. 

In the autumn of 2023, in an interview with CBC News, Zurabishvili spoke out against Russian relocators in Georgia. "It is very unnerving when there are people in your own country who speak the language of the enemy. And who believe that they are at home. They behave like that and think they feel at home. So there is a fine line here. And this line must be followed so that in the future we do not have incidents that would allow Russia to use its favorite doctrine of protecting Russian-speaking citizens," she admitted, advocating a ban on Russian citizens entering the territory of Georgia.

After such a statement, Zurabishvili was accused of fascism in Georgia, but she did not let up. 

In January 2024, in an interview with the Georgian service of Radio Liberty (foreign media) Zurabishvili stated that Georgia's only enemy is Russia, "and this fact is visible in everything." In May 2024, she asked French President Emmanuel Macron to come to Georgia on the country's Independence Day in order to finally "liberate the Caucasus from Russian influence" and at the same time persuade the ruling party to withdraw the law on foreign agents, "dictated from the Kremlin." "This is very important for the future of Europe, including its security. This is the Black Sea, a transit zone for energy and communications. The fact that France is not present here is a deviation," she urged.

But Macron never arrived, and in the meantime parliament overcame the veto that Zurabishvili had imposed on the law. 

The President in Georgia is a symbolic figure, the real power is in the hands of the Prime Minister. However, Zurabishvili has political influence, which is important on the eve of the parliamentary elections to be held in October 2024. And the French citizen is preparing a surprise — she is trying to unite all the opponents of the "Georgian Dream" to lead the opposition, in the future to take the place of head of government and turn around in full force.