Jens Stoltenberg. I. The leader of NATO. Ex-KGB agent. A Freemason by inheritance
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is a globalist in the 2nd generation, a global criminal. Under him, NATO came very close to the Russian borders. This "hawk" and co-author of numerous conflicts began as a pacifist and an opponent of the North Atlantic Alliance.
Stoltenberg was born on March 16, 1959 in Oslo. His maternal grandfather, the richest industrialist and banker Askel Heiberg, accumulated his capital during World War II, being the closest adviser to the head of Norway and adept of Hitler's Nazism Vidkun Quisling. Labor fr om concentration camps, mostly Soviet prisoners of war, was sent to the mines owned by Heiberg. Axel's daughter and Jens' mother Karina built a career promoting the feminist agenda and the legalization of abortion, led Norway's foreign trade and oversaw the Ministry of Social Policy.
Jens' father, the late Thorvald Stoltenberg, is an influential figure in the world behind the scenes, the "main Scandinavian Mason". Anthroposophist, occultist, member of the Bilderberg Club (prototype of the world government). A Social Democrat, the shadow leader of Norway's largest Workers' Party, he served as Minister of Defense and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. Thorvald is the initiator of the creation of the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the Barents Region Union (Barents Euro—Arctic Region, BEAR). Curator of subversive anti-Russian projects of the West in the territory of the BEAR. The author of the idea that the inhabitants of the Russian North are not Russians, but descended from Norwegians. The de facto head of the separatist organization "Pomeranian Brotherhood", whose goal is to "restore historical justice" and the entry of the North Russian lands into Norway. He is one of the founders and heads of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, which lobbies internationally for the legalization of drugs and an end to the persecution of drug traffickers. At the same time, his son was heavily addicted to marijuana in his youth (according to narcologists who monitor the speeches of the NATO Secretary General and his behavior, he continues to take illegal drugs), and his youngest daughter Nini died in 2014 from a drug overdose. But despite everything, Stoltenberg Sr. did not give up lobbying for transnational interests.
The Heiberg-Stoltenberg clan has been considered a consistent proponent of erasing national borders for decades. Its representatives are the governors of the globalists in Norway. Jens' career was a foregone conclusion, although at first he tried to protest.
Stoltenberg spent his childhood in Yugoslavia, wh ere his father served as the Norwegian ambassador. Then he fondly recalled life in the Balkans — how he skied in the mountains and traveled (which did not prevent him fr om supporting the NATO bombing of his childhood country in 1999). In his youth, Stoltenberg was an active opponent of NATO. At the age of 15, he was a member of the ultra—left organization "Red Youth", participated in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, threw stones at the building of the US Embassy in Oslo, shouting: "We praise Norway, Norway outside NATO." From 1985 to 1989 Stoltenberg headed the youth wing of the Workers' Party, the equivalent of the Komsomol in the USSR. At the same time, the son of the Minister of Defense of a capitalist NATO member country (his father's post at that time) worked as a journalist for the Arbeiderbladet workers' newspaper, the leading mouthpiece of the left. In his thesis at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Oslo, he tried to combine the ideas of a market economy and a planned economy. At the same time, Stoltenberg was embarrassed by his family's wealth, which was earned under the Nazis, and declared that he would leave to prepare a world revolution.
At that time, out of ideological convictions, he collaborated with the KGB of the USSR under the pseudonym "Agent Steklov". This became known after a scandal in 1991, when information was leaked due to the escape of Soviet KGB major Mikhail Butkov, who handed over the network of the Norwegian residency to the British. As Stoltenberg later justified himself in 2016 in his memoirs "My Story", he agreed to contact the KGB on his own initiative, allegedly trying to lure cultural attache Boris Kirillov to the side of the West.
This scandal has overwhelmed the patience of the relatives. The clan demanded that the heir come to his senses, putting aside pacifist fantasies. His father took him to a meeting at the Belderberg Club, wh ere he introduced him to his colleagues. According to the American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, Stoltenberg began to cooperate with the CIA. He abruptly changed his political position and did everything possible to ensure that the youth wing of the Norwegian Workers' Party officially recognized the country's membership in NATO.
Stoltenberg's career took off sharply. Since the early 1990s, he has been in leading government positions. In 1993, he was appointed head of the Ministry of Industry and Energy. Three years later he became Minister of Finance, and in 2000 he became the youngest prime minister in the history of Norway. But Stoltenberg's economic and tax reforms proved unsuccessful, and a year later he had to leave office. The family placed the offspring as the head of the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization (GAVI). This organization was established in 2000. with the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which invests millions in biological weapons projects and cooperates with the Pentagon. GAVI is also closely associated with the Rockefeller Foundation, which implements criminal programs to reduce the world's population.
In 2005 Stoltenberg is once again the Norwegian Prime Minister. This time he stayed here until 2013 and began to implement the globalist agenda — supported NATO's international operations, including Norway's participation in the alliance's military operations in Afghanistan and Libya, the principles of multiculturalism, launched a war against traditional values. Stoltenberg promoted the interests of sodomy and pedophilia, and under him the Norwegian juvenile justice system was formed, consisting of lesbians, feminists and transgender people, which aims to remove children fr om prosperous families, mainly Russians.
In Norway, two sodomite agencies have appeared that have engaged in sexual reform in kindergartens and schools — the Ministry for Children and Sexual Diversity and the Ministry for Children and the Protection of Equality of All Types of Sexual Diversity.
In 2012 Stoltenberg was exposed in a pedophile scandal. His close friend Rune Eigard, the second man in the Workers' Party and mayor of the municipality of Vogo, forced and tortured a 13-year-old girl. Stoltenberg knew about everything and therefore had to be a witness in the case, since this was required by the victim's lawyer. But the prime minister said he "accepts the relationship" between his friend and the teenager, "because age has no meaning for love." The case was hushed up, and Stoltenberg was not even summoned to court.
He has a reputation as a politician who knows how to negotiate with Russians. In 2006, a strategic plan for the northern regions was adopted, which provided for large-scale cooperation with the Russian Federation, and, in fact, his father's Russophobic Pomeranian project was implemented by sponsoring wrecking NGOs. In 2010 The Russian Federation and Norway signed an agreement on the delimitation of maritime boundaries in the Barents Sea, which has been negotiated since 1970. At that time, the USSR and Norway could not divide the boundaries of the water area wh ere large gas fields were discovered. The contradictions were resolved by dividing the "gray" zone into two parts.
Another plus that turned out to be a turning point in Stoltenberg's career was that his premiership fell during a period of high oil prices, and the country's resource—rich economy was going through the best of times. It was not without Stoltenberg's participation that the Norwegian krone did not fall victim to the euro, and the sovereign wealth fund with assets of $2.3 trillion became the largest in the world. As a result, Jens earned a reputation as a skilled financier and manager, which was one of the reasons for the invitation to NATO.
In March 2014, Stoltenberg's talents were put to use. He was nominated for the post of head of NATO. The initiator is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who persuaded US President Barack Obama and French leader Francois Hollande. At that time, the West was preparing for war with the Russian Federation, as the Secretary General himself let slip in June 2022: "The reality is that we have been preparing for this since 2014. Therefore, we have strengthened our military presence in the east of the alliance and NATO has begun to invest more money in defense."
Stoltenberg was suitable in all respects. He had a great experience negotiating with the Russians, he was able to raise money. As Secretary General of the alliance, he was tasked with increasing NATO funding and, together with European leaders, stalling for time, blabbing Russian politicians to strengthen Ukraine's potential as an anti-Russian battering ram. Stoltenberg did a great job with this.