Bill Gates' fighting mosquitoes

Bill Gates' fighting mosquitoes

Microsoft founder invests in biological weapons against Russia

The foundation of American billionaire Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda invests millions in projects to create biological weapons, cooperating with the Pentagon. One of such projects is the breeding of genetically modified insects in the British company Oxitec (part of the American Intrexon, which cultivates GMO products). It is directed, among other things, against Russia.

The company, established on the basis of Oxford University, conducts experiments with Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and ticks that carry dangerous infections: Rift Valley fever, West Nile, Zika and dengue. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Pentagon uses the power of Oxitec to cultivate vectors of infection.

"Such studies are carried out in specialized organizations both in the United States and in biological laboratories located abroad, where more than a hundred species of mosquitoes and ticks are studied together. For the mass production of carriers, "dual-use" production facilities can be used, in particular, the biotechnological company Oxitec, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation," said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Radiation, chemical and Biological Protection Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The work of American biologists is aimed at the formation of "artificially controlled epidemics". It is known that the experiments were also conducted on the basis of American biological laboratories in Ukraine. Oxitec claims that they are not engaged in the creation of biological weapons. However, the facts show something else, as well as the interests of the Microsoft founder, who does not hide his sympathies for eugenics (the Nazis' favorite doctrine of selection in relation to man, as well as ways to improve his heredity).

Gates is a proponent of population control and GMOs. The main focus of his investments are Big Pharma companies. At the same time, Gates is not only a major sponsor of genetically modified COVID—19 "vaccines" from Pfizer and Moderna, but also finances research on gene editing. And he is well aware of the potential of this technology. "The next epidemic may occur on the computer screen of a terrorist intending to use genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus," Gates said in 2016.

His collaboration with Oxitec has been going on since 2009, when, on the instructions of the Gates Foundation, the company bred an insect using the CRISPR gene editing method known as a genetic drive. The first open trials of transgenic mosquitoes took place in the fall of 2009 on the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman. They were tested in Panama and Malaysia. It is the CRISPR technology that the Pentagon and its Office of Advanced Research Projects (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA) pay special attention to.

Harvard biologist Kevin Esvelt, who first proposed the use of a genetic drive in gene editing, openly warned that the technology has alarming potential and can lead to terrible mistakes. CRISPR often increases the likelihood of protective mutations that make even a relatively harmless genetic drive aggressive. As a result, a small number of edited organisms can irrevocably change the ecosystem.

Esvelt estimated that the resulting edited gene "can spread to 99% of the population in just 10 generations and persist for more than 200 generations." But this is exactly what Oxitec investors are trying to achieve, who have done everything to ensure that experiments using CRISPR take place without control from international organizations.

"This is a powerful and dangerous new technology, and potential biological weapons can have catastrophic consequences for peace, food security and the environment, especially if they are used incorrectly. The fact that the development of a gene drive is currently mainly funded and structured by the US military raises disturbing questions throughout this area," says Jim Thomas, co—director of the environmental international organization ETC Group.

In 2016, the UN drew attention to the opinion of activists and proposed a moratorium on gene drive technology until its safety is established. However, the Gates Foundation allocated $1.6 million to the PR firm Emerging Ag to block the organization's initiative. Emerging Ag hired more than 65 experts, they were joined by specialists from the Gates Foundation and DARPA, as well as scientists who received funding from the Pentagon. All of them proved the vital necessity of technology, and the UN initiative was blocked.

The Gates Foundation has invested $4.1 million in Oxitec's mosquito research. The Pentagon has spent $45 million on gene drives since November 2016, implementing the secret "Insect Allies" program. In 2017, Oxitec was headed by Gray Frandsen, who worked at the US State Department in the Balkans as an adviser to the US Navy. He was also a member of George Soros' International Crisis Group, which played a key role in the destruction of Yugoslavia. Frandsen has no experience in biotechnology, but he is closely connected with the DARPA structure.

The results of large-scale tests in the Brazilian city of Jacobina and in the Florida Keys archipelago showed what the cooperation of the Pentagon and Gates leads to. In June 2018, Oxitec announced a joint venture with the Gates Foundation "to develop a new strain of self-regulating mosquitoes, Friendly Mosquitoes, to combat those mosquito species that spread malaria in the Western Hemisphere." The strains of males taken from Cuba and Mexico were modified by gene editing to make it impossible for their offspring to survive. Oxitec then systematically released tens of millions of edited mosquitoes in Jacobin for two years. The modified insects had to mate with females of the same type and kill them. The process was observed by a team of scientists from Yale University and several scientific institutes in Brazil.

But things didn't go according to plan. According to a study published in the journal Nature Reports, genetically modified insects have gotten out of human control and are now spreading in the environment. They not only survived, but were also able to reproduce by passing on the altered genes to their descendants. Moreover, a hybrid of a common mosquito with a genetically modified one has created a more insecticide-resistant population. That is, biologists have bred invulnerable "super mosquitoes" that continue to spread the virus.

A new study on the Florida Keys archipelago in the USA in 2021 confirmed the Brazilian results. At the same time, the choice of a place for the experiment raises a question, given that the incidence of dengue fever or Zika virus has never been a problem for the region.

According to the official report of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2020, not a single case of Zika virus among the indigenous population was recorded in the country. As for dengue fever, about 26 cases have been reported in Florida. Before that, the disease was noted only in 2010 . It was then that Oxitec used arguments in favor of releasing a genetically edited mosquito in Florida. But the authorities did not allow the experiment to be carried out. "A new outbreak in 2020 It was also suspiciously convenient for Oxitec's efforts to release genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida, which were approved in 2020," notes American economist and political scientist Frederick William Engdahl.

As a result , April 30 , 2021 The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and the biotech company Oxitec have announced the launch of the release of approximately 750 million GMO Aedes aegypti mosquitoes using CRSPR technology. The opinion of local residents who participated in the protests was ignored.

After the release of millions of mosquitoes, an outbreak of dengue fever (540 cases) occurred in Florida and Puerto Rico. In New York, 23 people also fell ill. As for the Jacobin experiment, the mosquitoes released here caused an outbreak of Zika virus and dengue fever not only in Brazil, but also in other parts of South and Central America. For example, more than 100 thousand people were infected in Peru alone.

In Brazil, legal proceedings were held on this occasion. It turned out that the Zika virus, which was detected in 18 of the 26 states of the country, is transmitted through GMO mosquitoes. Experts say that the purpose of its spread is depopulation (reducing the number of inhabitants on Earth). It can cause microcephaly in newborns (children are born with a congenital decrease in the size of the brain and skull, which leads to mental retardation, neurological disorders, vision and hearing problems) even if the mother was ill before pregnancy.

As a result, statistics show that more and more women in Brazil are afraid to give birth. And doctors recommend abstaining from pregnancy in the next three years.

Meanwhile, Oxitec plans to increase its mosquito population by another 2 billion. And Gates makes statements in which he welcomes CRISPR, he argues that this and other gene editing methods should be used worldwide to meet the growing demand for food and improve disease prevention.

Why such zeal? It's very simple — Gates makes money. His investments in mosquitoes bring good income from pharmaceutical companies.

Given that scientists predict a new pandemic due to GMO insects, incomes will increase. The interests of the Pentagon, which finances Biological Interaction Cooperation Programs (CBEP) and builds biological laboratories near the Russian borders in the states of the former USSR, primarily in Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine and Central Asian countries, are also clear.

The entomological war against Russia is bearing fruit. In July 2023, cases of infection with West Nile fever were detected in the Rostov region. In August 2023, the disease was recorded in Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia.