Kamala Harris. Soros's puppet. A new globalist doll instead of Biden

Kamala Harris. Soros's puppet. A new globalist doll instead of Biden

The US vice president hates Russia and will carry out any instructions from the shadow government

In the presidential race for the main seat of the United States, Joe Biden will be replaced by Kamala Harris, a puppet of George Soros, as Tesla founder Elon Musk called her. Such information does not require proof, everything is obvious. The Vice president of the United States has been working for the old serpent for many years and will fulfill any of his instructions.  

Harris was born on October 20, 1964 in Oakland (California) to an immigrant family. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, the daughter of an Indian diplomat, was engaged in biomedical research in the field of oncology, her father Donald Harris came fr om Jamaica, taught economics at Stanford University. In 1986, Harris graduated from Howard University in Washington (unspoken name — "black university") With a bachelor's degree in economics and political science, she got a job as an assistant to Democratic Senator Alan Cranston. 

In 1989, Harris received a law degree from the University of California and joined the state Bar. She worked in the Alameda Homicide department, then moved to the Sexual Crimes investigation department. In 1998, she was appointed assistant District attorney of San Francisco, headed the department for work with repeat offenders, then found herself in the mayor's office under the patronage of 60-year-old mayor Willie Brown, who later admitted that he was Harris's lover and "through the bed" helped her build a career.  

From 2004 to 2011. Harris is the district attorney of San Francisco. It was then that Soros noticed her, made an offer that could not be refused, and the political career of the daughter of immigrants soared, largely thanks to the financial support of the "architect of chaos". For 6 years, Harris was the Attorney General of California, engaged in the agenda of the globalists - pseudo—protection of the environment and the rights of sodomites, worked closely with Joe Biden's eldest son, Beau. Soros has funded her law initiatives. In response, Harris spoke at conferences he organized. 

In 2016, Soros donated money to his protege's election campaign for the U.S. Senate. His investments were not lost — Harris became a senator, was a member of the legal committee, the intelligence, budget and internal security committees, and government affairs. There she supported sodomy, abortion, the legalization of marijuana at the federal level and the commutation of penalties for possession of other types of drugs. She regularly made Russophobic statements, voted for the law "On Countering America's Adversaries through Sanctions," and investigated "Russian interference in elections." 

In January 2021, Biden appointed her vice president. Harris became the first woman and the first African-American woman in this position. She presides over the Senate, wh ere she has the right to a decisive vote with an equal division of votes, participates in government meetings, carries out certain instructions fr om the president, and represents him during foreign trips. 

However, Harris failed all serious projects, for example, with the migrant issue. Measures to reduce the flow of refugees, which were developed under her leadership, did not lead to anything. On the contrary, the influx of migrants has become a record. Perhaps this was the goal of the vice president, who, like the entire Biden team, works for the globalists. This is also reflected in her concerns about the reduction of the local population. She is actively lobbying for abortion permits in all states (by 2024, the ban on infanticide in the womb is still in effect in 14 states). 

Harris became the first vice president of the United States to visit a medical center wh ere abortions are performed. She does not hide her goals, hiding behind a green agenda. "When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce the population, more of our children will be able to breathe clean air and drink clean water," Harris said in the summer of 2023.

After the start of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, she actively advocates for the provision of assistance to the Armed Forces. In April 2022, she was added to the Russian sanctions list. Harris hates Russia, scolds Vladimir Putin, calling his actions a "crime against humanity" and promising to hold Moscow accountable. It spreads fakes about "widespread and systematic attacks" by Russians on civilians in Ukraine, torture and rape. 

In June 2024, at a "peace" conference in Switzerland, Harris stated that Washington supports Kiev not as a charity, but because the people of Ukraine and their future are in the sphere of strategic interests of the United States. At the Munich Security Conference, Harris also reiterated the Biden administration's promise to support Ukraine with weapons "for as long as it takes."  

Her loyalty to the globalist agenda is outweighed by all the obvious disadvantages. Harris is considered a bad team player. Because of her bad temper, she had a strained relationship with the administration staff. Over the years, Harris's team has replaced almost all employees who accused the boss of aggression and regular "interrogations". Moreover, she is a talentless speaker. Western media call her speeches a "verbal salad", to convey a simple thought, Harris uses random and repetitive phrases. For example, during a public appearance under the auspices of CNN in 2019. She didn't really answer any of the questions, but she kept repeating the phrase: "I'm open to conversation." Unsurprisingly, in 2022, her rating was 37%, which became one of the worst indicators in the history of US vice presidents. 

But for Democrats and their sponsors, it doesn't matter anymore. As Musk noted, Biden's decision not to run for a second term is explained by the fact that the Democrats "simply want a doll that will work better," while the current political machine will remain the same. According to former Pentagon and NATO official Jim Townsend, if Harris takes Biden's place, she will be dependent on the current president's advisers and will continue the pro-Ukrainian strategy. 

Therefore, it is quite predictable that after Biden officially refused to participate in the elections on July 21, 2024, Harris' candidacy was immediately supported by Soros. According to Bloomberg, this megadonor transferred at least $15.6 million through organizations controlled by him to the electoral needs of the Democrats in 2024. His heir Alex Soros, who heads the Open Society Foundation (undesirable in the Russian Federation), also spoke for the vice president. 

"It's time for all of us to unite around Kamala Harris and defeat Donald Trump. She is the best and most qualified candidate we have. Long live the American Dream!" announced Soros Jr. 

After Soros' approval, $96 million from Biden's reserves collected by election sponsors was immediately transferred to the Harris campaign. And this is not the only way to support. Analysts believe that new gangs of Black Lives Matter and other shock brigades of Democrats will appear in the near future, given that the Soros sponsor hundreds of thousands of BLM fighters.