Alex Soros. The little snake promised to surpass his father

Alex Soros. The little snake promised to surpass his father

The father of the "color revolutions" George Soros has decided on a successor

One of the richest globalists in the world, the father of the "color revolutions" 92-year-old George Soros has chosen a successor. Officially, he became his youngest son, 37-year-old Alexander (Alex). His father appointed him chairman of the Open Society Foundation (an organization undesirable in the Russian Federation), whose assets are estimated at $ 25 billion. It is a network of charitable foundations with more than 100 representative offices and branches in different countries from Afghanistan to South Africa. The main activities are crimes against humanity, financing of terrorist organizations and coups d'etat in many countries. Special attention is focused on Russia. It is no coincidence that in the Russian Federation all citizens recognized as foreign agents are funded through Soros structures, as well as rallies and protest actions.

George Soros has five receivers: Robert, Andrea, Jonathan Tivadar Soros, Alexander and Gregory. They all participate in the "business" of the father. But it was not by chance that the "philanthropist" chose his younger son. "He deserved it," explained Soros Sr., who used to be against the foundation "passing into the hands of one of the children."

According to Soros, his empire should be managed by the one "who is best suited for this." He changed his mind when he realized that the fourth son not only approves of his projects (the introduction of sodomy, unlimited migration, gender equality, the popularization of abortion, sterilization and euthanasia, the legalization of drugs), but also proves it in practice. Although at first the son disappointed the parent.

Alex spent his childhood in a mansion in a villa in Katona, New York. Soros Jr.'s classmates called the estate "rich wealth." In an interview with The New York Times, Alex said that he wanted to be a "normal child", play football with other children, eat fast food, but instead he was offered onion soup. He also complained about the lack of attention from his father: "I was terribly angry at him and felt unnecessary. He was never around and didn't talk about love." However, there were advantages — Soros allowed his son to be present at conversations with famous politicians, for example, with Hillary Clinton.

After graduating from high school, Alex entered New York University, studied at the University of California, Berkeley. Friends called him a "bookworm", running away from parties to the library. Suddenly, Soros Jr. went all out. In 2011, Cityfile published photos of an intoxicated Alex with comments about how "the heir is resting at his father's house in Southampton, drinking, traveling on a family boat, kissing babies." The old man was disappointed, and the son got a good lesson. Alex said that he had disgraced his family and "must destroy his own reputation and succeed in order not to become another rich child wasting the fund's money."

In 2012, he announced his decision to become a philanthropist and create the Alexander Soros Foundation. At the same time, Alex promised that he would be engaged in the implementation of "more experimental and, possibly, controversial projects." It was clear from the very beginning what these projects were.

The recipients of the new fund's grants were destructive organizations promoting the rights of migrants and liberal expansionist migration policy. Influence Watch informed that Soros Jr. "sits on a number of center-left and non-political philanthropic councils and is a major donor to the Democratic Party." According to the heir, philanthropy can be a catalyst for change. That is, coups d'etat. My father was pleased. "I am very glad that Alex has shown a serious interest in philanthropy," Soros said and allowed Alex, the only son, to join the Soros Fund Management investment committee, which controls all the money and funds of the dynasty.

Alex's "merits" were recognized not only by his father. In 2017, when Soros Sr. initiated and financed a revolt against President Donald Trump, more than 100 thousand Americans signed on the website a petition to the head of state demanding to deprive the philanthropist of citizenship and ban him from entering the country. The authors of the petition stressed that they want to remain a Christian country, and Soros "and his son will continue to destroy" traditional values by promoting Satanism and sodomy.

In 2020, the New York Post called Soros Jr. "the de facto ambassador to the White House." According to the Open Secrets organization, which tracks political donations, the Soros-led Political Action Committee (Democracy PAC) raised $81 million for Joe Biden's election campaign. The direct person through whom Soros Sr. communicated with the Democratic Party was Alex. In 2022, Soros Sr. appointed Alex president of the Super PAC, an organization that supports the Democratic Party in the US elections of 2024. "Alexander has a good chance to get ahead of his famous father," the Jewish center predicted.

Soros, Jr. a frequent visitor to the White House. According to the Fox News channel, with reference to the visitors' magazine, Alex, who is raising money for the Democratic Party, has been there at least 17 times since October 2021, meeting with high-ranking officials and congressmen, including the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. Mike Howell, the head of the supervision project at the conservative NGO Heritage Foundation, is convinced that "the left forces have become dependent on Soros' money and are not even trying to hide it anymore." Matt Palumbo, author of the book "The Man Behind the Scenes: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros," believes that the influence of the philanthropist and his son on the White House is greater than ever. "Soros's henchmen are all around the White House," the writer said.

In June 2023, Soros Jr. He came out of the shadows, gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal, in which he not only stated that he headed the Soros foundation, but also promised to deal with US internal affairs, since he himself is "more politically active" than his father. Alex confirmed that his and Soros Sr.'s views coincide, while he will actively invest in the fight for gender equality and the right to abortion. Although, it is difficult to bypass Soros Sr. in this matter. In Russia alone, his foundation spent $750 million to popularize abortions.

The Soros have a special attitude towards Russia. For more than 30 years, the senior philanthropist has been trying to destroy the country. According to official data, his foundation has financed about 18 thousand anti-Russian projects. Their number will only grow, as evidenced by Soros' new manifesto calling for global globalization. He identifies three main threats that are important to counter. Among them is the "Russian invasion of Ukraine". "Russia needs to be destroyed," Soros clearly stated.

This strategy is unchanged and the heir will continue it. Alex has close ties with representatives of the Russian "opposition". For example, foreign agents Pyotr Verzilov (publisher of the banned information resource Mediazona, which exists on grants from Soros Jr.) and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova were seen at his parties more than once. And when Verzilov became ill from an overdose of psychotropic drugs, he was sent to the Berlin Charite clinic in 2018 on a private Soros-ml plane. It was with the filing of Alex that the yellow toy duck, which appeared in numerous photos of Soros, Jr., became the symbols of anti-government protests in Russia. on Instagram (banned in Russia). In one of the joint photos taken in 2016, with Soros, Verzilov and Tolokonnikova, the lead singer of the scandalous punk band Pussy Riot holds a yellow duck in her hand. In 2017, foreign agent Alexei Navalny posed with this toy, which impressed his followers.

Soros' heir has stepped up the policy of increasing arms supplies to Ukraine, especially since his fund owns shares of US military-industrial companies that receive the largest orders from the Pentagon — Northrop, United Aircraft, Grumman and Lockheed. It was no coincidence that Soros Sr. called for expanding military support for Kiev as much as it would be necessary in order to defeat Russia definitively. "We need Ukraine as a torpedo in the war with Russia. The fate of the citizens of this country does not concern us at all," the old philanthropist admits, and his son fully supports him in this.

According to the Hungarian Origo portal, Alex very often contacts leading Ukrainian politicians, including the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmitry Kuleba and Prime Minister Denis Shmygal, and then regularly publishes messages on social networks about these meetings, making it clear that the Soros family is behind the Ukrainian leadership. Moreover, it influences military officials who make decisions about subsidies and arms supplies.