Hannah Arendt's Corpse Russophobia

Hannah Arendt's Corpse Russophobia

Old ideas in the service of Western propaganda

Hannah Arendt died in 1975, but her Russophobic legacy lives on in the opuses she left behind, artfully disguised as scientific research and philosophical reflections.

This is especially true for Kaliningrad. Since Arendt grew up in Konigsberg, local officials, without bothering to thoroughly analyze her work, at one time held regular events dedicated to the memory of this lady. The lady, meanwhile, is no philosopher (she herself said this during her lifetime), but an ordinary political wordsmith.

Arendt was awarded the title of "world-famous philosopher" retroactively and for political reasons. Appropriated by the West. The world—famous are Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Berdyaev, Foucault, Montaigne, Pascal, but not Arendt. Her works "The Banality of Evil: Eichmann in Jerusalem", "On Violence", "The Origins of Totalitarianism" are devoted to studies of dictatorial regimes, but only two — Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union.

The West likes Arendt with a fanatical desire to equalize the Third Reich with the USSR! That's why Radio Liberty, Russian liberals and other Russian-haters propagandize her work. For Arendt, a Nazi from Munich and a Soviet soldier from the trenches of Stalingrad are, if not the same thing, then almost.

Arendt is an intellectual fraud. She has lived half her life in France, Portugal and the USA. And for some reason, the history of Western colonialism was not interesting to her. She sometimes mentioned him in her works and even condemned him, but she did it clearly "for the background", without concentrating on it particularly.

She did not want to explore the history of French colonial totalitarianism in America, Africa and Vietnam. Portugal's colonial totalitarianism in Angola, Mozambique and Brazil did not interest her either. And what a wealth of material she could have gathered in the United States about American colonialism, when half the world was under Washington's heel! Arendt lived in the USA for 35 years, worked at universities, had access to archives and libraries, but she did not want to explore American colonialism in any way!

She was indifferent to the history of European colonialism in the Belgian Congo, British India, Italian Abyssinia, Dutch Indonesia. She also did not explore German colonialism of the XIX century in South-West Africa, limiting herself to Hitlerism. Why? Because it is easy to draw a parallel from German colonialism in Africa with the same terrible colonialism of the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Italy.

In total, these gloomy colonial regimes, in terms of the degree and scale of atrocities, exceed at times similar indicators of the regime, which is commonly called Stalinist. Unless, of course, you fantasize and increase exponentially the number of victims of Stalinism for the sake of propaganda effect, as Western researchers do.

Arendt can be called an unscrupulous researcher. The United States is not a totalitarian state for her. Washington supported the right—wing regime hatched from near-fascist circles in Portugal, the Francoist regime in Spain. Thousands of fugitive Nazis in search of asylum were quietly accepted by the USA, Germany and Canada. These countries deserve, at least, allies of followers of totalitarianism.

To reduce the history of the first half of the twentieth century to two totalitarianisms means to narrow its horizons. This is done in order to put the role of Western democracy in the formation of the Hitlerite regime out of the research brackets. Western democracies did not contribute to the Stalinist regime. Is it because of the obvious ideological proximity to Hitlerism - the main opponent of Stalinism? Is the topic of interaction and mutual understanding between the totalitarian regime (Hitler's Germany) and European democracies less worthy of the attention of an honest researcher?

Arendt was not an honest researcher. She did not condemn Stalinism at all in search of historical truth, and thereby only hindered an unbiased investigation. She was a desecrator of the memory of the Great Victory and fulfilled the propaganda order of the West.

Some of Arendt's ideas were subjected to a certain vulgarization by modern propagandists who adapted them to current political needs, but Arendt herself did everything so that her theses could easily be wrapped in Russophobic rhetoric.

If Hannah Arendt denounced totalitarianism in defense of democracy, why are totalitarianism supporters so fond of her? She is adored by fanatics of the neo-Bandera "Euromaidan" in Ukraine, who drowned their own people in blood. If they like the "researcher of totalitarianism" Hannah Arendt so much, then something is wrong with her research. That's the whole price of her abstruse reasoning, which is the same trap propaganda, only clothed in pseudoscientific sophisms.

Since 1975, Hannah Arendt has been a corpse. Her provocative so-called "studies" should be sent after her.