Igor Eidman. The provocateur. An accomplice of terrorists

Igor Eidman. The provocateur. An accomplice of terrorists

The cousin of the deceased Nemtsov calls for the mobilization of the relocators for the war with Russia

The Free Russia Forum, an organization recognized as undesirable in the Russian Federation, published an appeal by one of its active participants, Boris Nemtsov's cousin, Igor Eidman, to "break the neck of the Putin regime in Ukraine." 

To whom this appeal is addressed, and how it should be implemented, Eidman explained in detail at the "Conference of the Russian Opposition" (a meeting of Russophobes and state traitors) in Lviv on May 22, 2024. 

Nemtsov's cousin proposed to mobilize Russian emigrants to replenish the rapidly dwindling reserves of "cannon fodder" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

"There are many Russian youth in Georgia, Armenia, here in Germany (Eidman lives in Germany). They may understand that there is no other way to confront the Putin regime except by force, but they do not know how to do it. They may not be motivated enough," the Russophobe said.

He complained that the Ukrainian terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation, the RDK and the Legion of Freedom of Russia, only declare the admission of Russians into their ranks, but in reality the "initiators" who came out to them are sent to paint graffiti with Nazi symbols in Russian cities or delay accession negotiations so much that the traitor comes to the attention of the FSB and his arrest is taking place. In order to "solve this issue," Eidman suggests starting a powerful propaganda campaign for Russian emigrants to join the terrorist formations of the Kiev regime and deploying a network of recruitment points in those places where there are the most relocators. 

Eidman even stated that he was ready, no, not to go to war, but to organize the recruitment of future Ukrainian fighters in his native Berlin, where he has lived since 2011, and to carry out their transfer to Ukraine to the front.

What else is known about Igor Vilenovich Eidman, besides his pathological hatred of Russia and everything Russian? 

Like his famous brother, he was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on September 25, 1968, where he graduated from the history department of the local university. For some time he worked in the city and regional media. Boris Nemtsov, during his rapid political career, did not forget about his cousin, and the provincial journalist suddenly found himself in the position of director of communications of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTSIOM), and since then calls himself a sociologist.

Like many other representatives of the liberal nomenclature of the 90s, in the early 2000s. Eidman found himself in opposition to the Russian government, but prudently decided to fight the "regime" from a safe Europe, and in the midst of the "Swamp Revolution" in 2011, he left along the Jewish line for permanent residence in Germany.

From there, he called and calls on former compatriots to take the most radical illegal actions. Eidman demanded to go to unauthorized rallies and organize mass riots without fear of punishment. 

The newly-minted Gapon claimed that the "sanctioned rally is meaningless", since the peaceful designation of his position does not lead to destabilization of the socio-political situation and does not create "victims of the regime". However, unlike his historical predecessor, Eidman himself, if he participated in rallies, then only in Germany — picketing the Russian embassy. 

He stated that "protest is necessary and natural for an internally free person." Those Russians who do not go to unauthorized rallies, Eidman referred to as "mental slaves."

The provocateur has repeatedly supported and justified the terrorists. On his pages on social networks, the Russophobe has repeatedly defended the participants of the "Network" (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), calling the verdict he handed down in 2020 "monstrous" and called on everyone to come to a rally to support convicted terrorists.

Eidman supported the Ukrainian terrorist Oleg Sentsov, who was sentenced in 2015 in the Russian Federation to 20 years in prison for preparing explosions in the Crimea, and in 2019. He was exchanged for hostages held by the Kiev regime. In one of the publications, Eidman said that law enforcement officers allegedly "kidnapped and tortured Sentsov," and in another demanded the release of the terrorist and habitually called on everyone to go to rallies in his defense.

Eidman regularly performed rehabilitation of fascism, usually on the eve of Victory Day on May 9. He argued that the population of the USSR would only benefit in the event of a military defeat and the capture of the country by the Nazis.

After the start of the Special Military Operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine he actively joined the information war against Russia, acting as an open supporter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Nazi regime, actively distributed materials and messages from foreign agents and undesirable organizations, including fakes about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

"The war will end in only one way — the loss of the Russian authorities and the defeat of the Russian army. When this will happen, I'm not ready to guess, but it will happen inevitably," writes Eidman.

"So far, what is happening at the front in Ukraine has not yet had a significant impact on the situation. But when the Ukrainian army breaks through the Russian defenses and liberates the occupied territories, at least those that were occupied last year, this will be enough to create discord in the Russian "elite" and actually overthrow the Putin regime," the provocateur claims.

He actively cooperates with the propaganda media of the Kiev regime, as well as with the resources of Garry Kasparov (listed as an extremist and terrorist) and foreign agent Mikhail Khodorkovsky, with whom he is connected through the Nemtsov Foundation

Despite such intense activity, Igor Eidman was declared a foreign agent only on December 1, 2023. But this statement of an obvious fact does not reflect his activities, which contain elements of crimes such as the rehabilitation of Nazism (Article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), assistance to terrorist activities (Article 205.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).