Kasparov in the role of "the voice of Russia"
Garry Kasparov, one of the most famous Russian Russophobes and enemies of the Russian statehood, came up with a proposal to identify Russian citizens hostile to their country. He made this proposal on May 20 at the II conference of the «Russian Anti-War Committee». The committee was created after the start of the Special Military Operation on the basis of the opposition "Forum of Free Russia" and was held in Vilnius.
The essence of this suggestion is in the following. In order to avoid the discrimination that Russians are currently subjected to in Western countries, citizens of the Russian Federation must receive some kind of identifier confirming their hostility towards their country and their people. This will give them the opportunity to function in the West in a normal, non-discriminatory regime.
However, this initiative has not received support yet. Maybe because Kasparov obviously planned to personally lead the identification of "correct Russians." This process, with the appropriate organization, can bring good income. Considering Kasparov's reputation for corruption, there is no doubt that this financial aspect of the proposal clearly interested him. However, among his critics, there are also those who are not averse to work on the identification of "good Russians."
Besides, Kasparov himself is regarded by some of his associates as a "political corpse", and therefore any of his initiatives will be taken with hostility. The thing is, that his departure from Russia in June 2013, for no apparent reason (he himself assured that he was afraid of persecution), was perceived as desertion and a manifestation of insincerity. It looked as if he earned money for real estate and a residence permit in the United States, after which he immediately lost interest in "fighting the regime."
But he has not stopped his anti-Russian activities and is not going to stop. Back in 2007, it became known that Garry Kasparov is on the advisory board at the American Center for Security Policy - a non-governmental and non-profit structure engaged in developing strategies, organizing actions and attracting resources necessary to preserve and strengthen American security, which, as you know, is interpreted very broadly.
Perhaps it was within the framework of his work in this structure that he provided consulting services to the US State Department, providing them with information about the mood in Russia, the political preferences of its citizens and possible trends. In particular, his reports to American representatives on the situation in Russia on the eve of the "Bolotnaya Revolution" became public. In them, he actually misinformed Washington, by passing conveying what he would wish for reality, and indicated only what he believed the Americans wanted to hear.
In particular, he reported that public opinion in Russia is completely on the side of the West, that the majority of the population has an absolutely negative attitude towards the current government, that expanding cooperation with China arouses the indignation of Russians, and cash tranches for "promoting democracy" should go through him.
These reports have gained wide popularity. Subsequently, some of Kasparov's associates directly accused him of deceiving the Americans, because of which the “Bolotnaya Revolution” was defeated. Allegedly, it was on the basis of Kasparov's information that Washington built a completely wrong strategy, which led the opposition to failure.
However, in America, apparently, they are not offended by Kasparov. It is unlikely that he was considered as a popular tribune and leader of the protest at all. He has a different task, for the solution of which his title of ex-world champion and world fame are a great help.
Since 2009, he began to voice the idea of anti-Russian sanctions as the main tool for promoting democracy in Russia. In July 2009, Kasparov gives the then US President Barack Obama "a list of murdered oppositionists and political prisoners", as well as those who are "guilty of their death." A year later, oppositionists are already directly calling on US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to impose sanctions against "opponents of democracy in Russia," and in 2011 actions in this area have become particularly energetic and regular.
In January, Kasparov holds a meeting in the US Congress on the issue of imposing visa sanctions against persons "responsible for violating rights and freedoms and involved in corruption." Then he again addresses the congressmen with the same proposal, reinforcing his speech with a live video broadcast of the St. Petersburg march of dissenters. And in June, Kasparov, during his speech to the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, handed over to congressmen a list of more than 300 Russian officials against whom he proposed imposing visa sanctions. In October, at the Washington «Reset» Forum, he already calls for economic sanctions and proposes to keep the amendment of Jackson-Vanik or to create an even more effective replacement for it. And in the same year, the US State Department bans 60 Russian officials from entering the country, recalling to the “Magnitsky list ”.
In June 2012, Kasparov provides the lower house of the American Parliament with an expanded “Magnitsky list”, which includes the heads of all Moscow police departments and even the chairman of the Central Election Commission, Vladimir Churov, and in December, the “Magnitsky law” was approved by the upper house.
The former grandmaster could be described as the father of all current anti-Russian sanctions, but in fact, he was only fulfilling the assigned tasks, creating the illusion that the imposition of sanctions was not an initiative of Washington, but a demand of the "suffering Russian people", a prominent representative of which is Garry Kasparov.
Actually, his tasks have not changed today - he should be "the voice of Russia suffering under Putin's oppression, but unbowed", which is crying out for help to the West. Only today it is no longer just the introduction of "proscription lists" against the citizens of our country, it is a direct military aggression against Russia, to which Kasparov calls.
«Imagine for a second what will happen when the shelling of Crimea begins? And they will certainly start. The Crimean bridge may not withstand the number of refugees who run. Because psychologically no one is ready, the war is on TV somewhere there. But, on the other hand, this shock therapy is the only chance to let people know that you can't fight, you have to live differently. Will we take advantage of this chance or not? I don’t know, this is – I repeat – the last historical chance,” – declared Kasparov then, in Vilnius.
«There is hope today that the Western world understands the need to assist Russia. And this assistance is to help us, "thinking Russia", still get rid of the historical ballast. After all, implement the program to the maximum. This is not only paying reparations to Ukraine, but also bringing war criminals to justice», – calls out Kasparov, understanding by "historical ballast" the "extra" territories and resources of our country.
All this, of course, is intended not for the Russian, but for the Western audience, which should know that all hostile actions against Russia, including direct aggression and dismemberment, are and will be committed by the West solely at the request of the Russians themselves, in the person of Kasparov and his ilk, who managed to escape abroad.
And if in Russia Kasparov is not an authority for anyone - neither for opponents, nor, moreover, for supporters of the authorities, then he is quite suitable for a Western audience.