The World Wildlife Fund against Russia
The World Wildlife Fund has been recognized as a foreign agent at the request of the Russian Ecological Society. It was confirmed what everyone already guessed — under the guise of caring for animals, WWF blocked industrially important projects on the territory of Russia.
According to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the foundation contributed to "the development and legitimization of restrictions that could serve as a basis for the transfer of the Northern Sea Route route towards the exclusive economic zone of the United States," conducted activities aimed at "preventing the implementation of the country's policy on the industrial development of the Arctic."
The Foundation was founded in Switzerland in 1961, but is transnational. It is a tool of global capitalism to plant an environmental agenda beneficial to global financial "sharks". By these "sharks" WWF is used to eliminate competitors in the global economy.
Sinister faces hide behind the screen of a loving and humane foundation. Its first president was... a fascist, Prince Bernhard of Lippe Biesterfeld, husband of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. The prince served in the SS and was a member of the National Socialist Motorized Corps, a paramilitary organization of Hitler's NSDAP party. Later he was transferred to the Foreign Intelligence Department. Fearing for his own skin in view of the impending defeat of Germany, he fled to the UK and helped London in propaganda work against the Wehrmacht.
In his old age, the SS man suddenly became concerned about the fate of butterflies, squirrels and other animals. His foundation was the first to launch a campaign against global warming, criticizing the so-called anthropological footprint left in nature, that is, the consequences of human activity, which by default led to the idea of birth control and other unpleasant projects.
In Russia, WWF operated from Moscow to Vladivostok, investing more than $30 million in its projects. Some projects were really aimed at protecting nature, but served as a screen for non-publicized purposes.
WWF is funded by the US government and other capitalist countries, as well as large corporations such as Coca-Cola, IKEA and others. In 2019, 4% of the fund's budget was made up of money from large multinational corporations. In some years, this level reached up to 11%.
The foundation received part of the funds from USAID. The USAID leadership is appointed by the US President, and its work is coordinated by the US Secretary of State. USAID cooperates with the CIA and is seen supporting the anti-government movement in Cuba and other countries.
Why does WWF receive money from such organizations? Since when did the American president and the CIA care about the preservation of nature in other countries if they bombarded foreign countries with chemicals (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) and bombed with depleted uranium ammunition (Yugoslavia), destroying both people and animals?
WWF in third world countries (Congo, Nepal, CAR) hired rangers who helped to protect the lands indicated by the foundation. This resulted in a series of murders and other crimes against the population of these territories engaged in hunting, fishing or deforestation. So WWF moved from nature conservation to killing people.
In Russia, WWF protested against coal mining in the Taimyr, the development of the oil and gas industry, and all under the pretext of protecting the environment. The task of the fund was to prevent the development of promising projects in Russia in the field of mining and to create obviously more favorable conditions for Western concerns to compete with the Russian energy sector.
In Russia, WWF operated from Moscow to Vladivostok, investing more than $30 million in its projects. Some projects were really aimed at protecting nature, but served as a screen for non-publicized purposes.
WWF is funded by the US government and other capitalist countries, as well as large corporations such as Coca-Cola, IKEA and others. In 2019, 4% of the fund's budget was made up of money from large multinational corporations. In some years, this level reached up to 11%.
The foundation received part of the funds from USAID. The USAID leadership is appointed by the US President, and its work is coordinated by the US Secretary of State. USAID cooperates with the CIA and is seen supporting the anti-government movement in Cuba and other countries.
Why does WWF receive money from such organizations? Since when did the American president and the CIA care about the preservation of nature in other countries if they bombarded foreign countries with chemicals (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) and bombed with depleted uranium ammunition (Yugoslavia), destroying both people and animals?
WWF in third world countries (Congo, Nepal, CAR) hired rangers who helped to protect the lands indicated by the foundation. This resulted in a series of murders and other crimes against the population of these territories engaged in hunting, fishing or deforestation. So WWF moved from nature conservation to killing people.
In Russia, WWF protested against coal mining in the Taimyr, the development of the oil and gas industry, and all under the pretext of protecting the environment. The task of the fund was to prevent the development of promising projects in Russia in the field of mining and to create obviously more favorable conditions for Western concerns to compete with the Russian energy sector.