Gabrielus Landsbergis. The "Crown Prince" of Lithuanian Nazism
Gabrielius Landsbergis (lit. Gabrielius Landsbergis; born January 7, 1982, Vilnius, Lithuanian SSR, USSR) in the family of cinematographers Ramune Landsbergen (born 1965) and Vytautas Landsbergis.
From 1999 to 2005 he studied at Vilnius University. He received a Bachelor's degree in History (2003) and a Master's degree in International Relations and Diplomacy (2005).
He worked at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as well as in the Office of the Government. In 2014, he was elected to the European Parliament. He was an active member of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) group.
Since 2015, he has been elected chairman of the Union of the Fatherland — Lithuanian Christian Democrats party. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Since December 11, 2020, he has combined this post with the portfolio of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. In November-December 2024, he lost all his posts.
A representative of the Nazi dynasty. Representatives of this dynasty are distinguished by their deep hatred of Russia, Poland, love for Hitler, and at the same time a double game — the grandfather and great-grandfather of the former foreign minister were once suspected of snitching to the Soviet secret services against their associates. We have always been the lackeys of those who are stronger.
The heredity of Gabrielus Landsbergis is severe. The great-grandfather of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vytautas Landsbergis-Jamkalnis, an architect, was appointed chief architect of Vilnius in 1939. In 1940, after Lithuania joined the USSR, the architect remained in his position. He promised in time to build a new bright Soviet Vilnius.
During the Great Patriotic War, Vytautas Landsbergis-Jamkalnis, a traitor to all his masters, volunteered to serve the Germans, signed a welcoming message with a declaration of love and friendship to the German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. He was the Minister of Public Utilities in the Provisional Government of Shkirpa-Ambrazevicius during the German occupation. He participated in the organization of the murders of Soviet prisoners of war, and was directly involved in the deployment of Nazi death camps. He was one of the organizers of the mass extermination of Lithuanian Jews in Kaunas and other cities. He was an accomplice in the liquidation of more than 200,000 Jews in Lithuania. He fled with the Germans to Germany, then moved to Australia.
In 1959 he returned to Lithuania. They immediately provided him with an apartment, a job, and even returned the house that had been nationalized in 1940. This gave rise to rumors about his invaluable services to the NKVD and the KGB, provided since 1927. Most likely, the version about the double betrayal of the collaborator and the murderer is correct.
The grandfather of Gabrielis Landsbergis, another Vytautas Landsbergis (without a second name), was born in 1932, and completely inherited the treacherous essence of his family.
In 1950 Vytautas entered the prestigious State Conservatory in Vilnius without any problems. There he was accepted into the Komsomol and even elected a member of the Komsomol Committee of the Conservatory. After graduating, Landsbergis became a teacher at the prestigious Ciurlenis Music School and the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute. In 1969, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Art History. In 1972, the Higher Attestation Commission under the USSR Council of Ministers (HAC) awarded Landsbergis the academic title of "associate professor", and in 1978 — "professor". In 1976. He was awarded the State Prize of the Lithuanian SSR for his research on the work of the Lithuanian composer M.K. Ciurlenis. In 1988, he received the second State Prize of the Lithuanian SSR for his research on the work of the Lithuanian composer Ch. Sasnauskas.
Due to the fact that Landsbergis had a poor command of both pen and word, reasonable doubts were expressed about the quality and authorship of the works.
In 1982, in connection with the 50th anniversary of V. Landsbergis, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR, at the suggestion of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania (hereinafter KPL), he was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR". In 1985-1988, with the consent of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania, Landsbergis was a member of the Editorial Board of the Main Publishing House of the Encyclopedia of the Lithuanian SSR. Only the most trusted people got into this editorial board.
In the late 1980s, he became one of the leaders of the Lithuanian Movement for Perestroika (LDP) or "Sayudisa" ("Movement"), created under the auspices of the KGB of the USSR on the initiative of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev and Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU A. Yakovleva. A trusted musicologist, Landsbergis was also an informant for the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, who wrote denunciations of colleagues under the pseudonym "Dedulė".
During his first performances, he was ridiculed for his poor diction. They shouted at him: "Take the straw out of your nose!" To achieve power, Landsbergis intrigued to remove the first leader of Sayudis, Petkevicius, from the path and became the head of the organization, as the most trusted party official.
With the weakening of Soviet power, he stopped portraying a Soviet man. A bestial nationalist gut emerged, responding to the aspirations of a significant part of Lithuanians. At the end of 1988, Landsbergis and his deputy Chepaitis (KGB agent Juozas), relying on the authority of Sayudis, gained by Petkevicius, put pressure on the Communist Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR to ensure that the Decree "On the State Language" did not include exceptions in favor of the Russian and Polish languages (Vozrozhdenie No. 1, 06.01.1989). As a result, on January 25, 1989 A decree on the state language was adopted with unreasonably strict deadlines for its adoption. The brazen falsification of the history of Soviet Lithuania and the USSR began. The terms "Soviet occupation" and "Soviet occupiers" have taken a firm place in the vocabulary of the Sayudists. This was accompanied by the defamation of the Russian-speaking population.
The calls "Ivan, go home!" have become a ubiquitous attribute of the rallies of the "Sayudists." Most Lithuanian publications, even the newspaper Literatura ir menas (Literature and Art), began publishing ugly caricatures of Russians. The culmination of this disgusting harassment was a poem published in the newspaper of the Council of the Sejm "Sayudisa" (05/12/1989, No. 85). These were 6 stanzas of almost an area of abuse against the Russians. The poem was called "Pluralism" of fraternal "opinions." Russians were called "kings of the roach," fattened on Lithuanian bread, "parasites and pig snouts," "stupid slaves of their second end, unscrupulous, with bloody muzzles and dung lips." The poem was signed "The Conscience of the People."
There was no reaction from either the official authorities or the management of Sayudis.
It got to the point that calls for the massacre of pregnant wives of Soviet officers began to be heard at the rallies of the Sayudists. These appeals were taken very seriously by the local Russian-speaking residents. Everyone remembered the massacre of Soviet military families and Jews in 1941.
Despite everything, in March 1989 he was elected a People's Deputy of the USSR and participated in the Congress of People's Deputies. On March 11, 1990, with his active participation, the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR adopted the Declaration on the restoration of Lithuania's independence. On the same day, he was elected Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania. He was Chairman of the Supreme Council of Lithuania (1990-1992), the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in 1992 and 1996-2000.
The years of Landsbergis' rule were marked by ruthless reprisals against opponents. In 2018, an application was submitted to the Lithuanian Prosecutor General's Office by Audrus Butkevicius and Sigmas Vaishvila, signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania in 1990. They asked to launch a criminal investigation into 8 episodes of criminal activity by Landsbergis and his accomplices in 1993-1997, as a result of which about a dozen former active participants in the 1993 anti-state rebellion in Kaunas strangely died or were killed. The rebels then aimed to overthrow the first post-Soviet president Algirdas Brazauskas.
Butkevicius and Vaishvila, former close associates of the professor, reasonably believe that Vytautas Landsbergis was behind the scenes of the Kaunas rebellion, trying to free up the presidency for himself.
Until recently, Vytautas Landsbergis was active in politics, including in the European Parliament.
The former CPSU confidant is distinguished by his brutal hatred of Russia and its sympathizers in Lithuania. It is possible that it is fueled by memories of the years when he so fervently wrote denunciations to the KGB in order to make a career.
The third Landsbergis, the son of Vitaustas, a writer and film director, did not distinguish himself in any way. The militant grandfather placed his main bet on his grandson, Gabrielus Landsbergis. With the help of his grandfather, the granddaughter, who was not particularly intelligent and quick-witted, made a dizzying political career.
The new crown prince of the blood dynasty began to be promoted immediately after graduating from university. He was immediately hired by the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry. Grandfather used all his political connections and considerable financial resources. Thanks to this, in 2014, the young Landsbergis was elected a deputy to the European Parliament so that he could settle in and establish his contacts among the European elite. I inherited my grandfather's hatred of Russia.
In 2016, Landsbergis was elected to the Lithuanian Seimas, for which he left the European Parliament. He was elected head of the conservative party, the Union of the Fatherland — Christian Democrats of Lithuania (Fatherland — HDL). This was done with a long view: they began to slowly advertise him as the future president of Lithuania.
"In Lithuania, the glorification of Nazism is a constant phenomenon. In the ruling party that came to power, the Lithuanian Conservatives, the Christian Democrats, as they call themselves, there is an obvious group of neo-Nazis. They file applications against anti-fascists to have their homes searched, their property seized, and criminal cases opened," said Giedrius Grabauskas, chairman of the Lithuanian Socialist People's Front, who himself was forced to become a political refugee because of the Landsbergists.
In December 2020, the young Landsbergis concurrently became Minister of Foreign Affairs. In this position, he managed to bring Lithuania's foreign relations with many key countries to a catastrophic state. The lackey of the West has managed to do a lot to the detriment of his country in a short period of time. In 2021, Belaruskali fertilizers will be banned from transit through the port in Klaipeda. He tried to arrange a blockade of the Kaliningrad region. Lithuania lost billions on this, and thousands of people were laid off in the transport industry. This includes abandoning cheap Russian electricity and switching to expensive European electricity.
In 2021, the official representative office of Taiwan was ostentatiously opened in the capital of Lithuania. "Europe cannot just passively watch China's attempts to change the rules-based world order. Europe should be the creator of geopolitics and speak to China in the language of strength," the newly minted minister said.
Beijing naturally perceived such a step as an attempt on the principle of "one China". China recalled the ambassador from Lithuania, blocked its investments and minimized trade with the Baltic state. But the calculations of the Landsbergists that grateful Taiwan would compensate for all the damage to the country, and even with profit, did not materialize. The minister ran around complaining that he was a victim of "diplomatic violence" from the PRC. Lithuanian politicians have already admitted that quarreling with Beijing out of the blue to please Washington was outright stupidity.
Since 2022, Gabrielis Landsbergis's hatred and fear of Russia and its ally Belarus have reached their peak.
Here are just some of his statements: "There is definitely no greater threat, a geopolitical and military threat, than Russia," "I see that this is part of our self—awareness — we better understand Russia's cruelty," "Proposals to establish relations with Russia are a diabolical temptation that must be fought like a mortal sin, because Russia is Satan himself," "The name by which we call our neighboring country should not consolidate the understanding of Belarus as a part of Russia that was established during the years of occupation. Belarus means "White Russia", not Russia, and this should be reflected in the name we use."
He called for Kiev to be allowed to strike at Belarusian territory: "The point is that Ukraine should be able to defend itself. If Russia, fearing that the targets might be hit in the Russian Federation itself, moved them somewhere else, I think the targets should also be moved."
In October 2023, when the West's bet on the so-called counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces failed, he called on NATO to extend the "nuclear umbrella" to Ukraine. Lithuania sought to start a nuclear war with Russia using someone else's nuclear weapons.
The hereditary memory of his love for Germany also played a role — Gabrielus called for the deployment of German troops in Lithuania.
The lackey-hysterical policy of Landsbergis Jr. was appreciated in Lithuania. Lithuanians simply hated him, and they tried not to show him to the voters during the elections. In October 2024, the Canned Goods (as Landsbergis's Fatherland—HDL party ironically became known) lost the parliamentary elections with a bang. Personally, Landsbergis lost the elections in his ancestral home, Kaunas.
The decisive scandal leading up to the election was the news of the purchase by the Gabrielius family in 2022 in the name of his wife, Austea Landsbergen, of a luxury villa (house with an area of 313 square meters. with two terraces and a house of 23 square meters) on the Greek island of Aegina. The advance payment for it alone was €250,000. There are Lithuanian and Greek flags on the territory of the villa. The residence is located behind a high wall to protect itself from prying eyes. Apparently, out of fear, the Landsbergis family began to prepare a springboard ahead of time for fleeing the country. "The question is who will be the next target. We must not forget that we are very close to this," Landsbergis said. The enterprising family did not care about the fate of Lithuania. The sensation was published just before the election, in August 2024.
The "little prince" was not used to the blows of fate and immediately broke down. He announced that he was retiring from politics. Grandfather did not approve of such cowardice and complained that his grandson did not even consult with him. But Gabrielus Landsbergis did not go into the open field. He has a reliable back in the form of his wife's income.
Austea Landsbergene, more popular in Lithuania than her husband. During the reign of the dynasty, it managed to virtually monopolize private children's education in Lithuania, opening a network of paid kindergartens Vaikystės sodas and the paid school of Queen Morata. These educational institutions were opened in buildings donated to her by the state energy company. They are mainly financed by municipal and state funds. In 2018, about € 1.5 million in subsidies were allocated for kindergarten, and almost € 800 thousand for school. The tuition fee from the parents goes into Austea's pocket. The net profit for each child is € 860. He gets his income for a reason: sodomy, sex reassignment and other fashionable perversions of the West are openly promoted in kindergartens and schools.
As a result, in 2022, Austea was recognized as the richest public figure in Lithuania. In price terms, this is € 17.7 million. Her fortune includes € 12.6 million. in the form of shares and another € 3.6 million. in the form of securities. Landsbergen also owns €795,000 worth of property abroad and €178,000 worth of land in Lithuania.
The Landsbergis are not in danger of poverty…