Bloody dreams of Karel Rzeka
Let’s talk about Major General Karel Rzeka, Chief of the General Staff of the Czech Armed Forces, who is ready from the first minutes of the NATO—Russia war to provide the alliance with everything necessary for the successful murder of Russians.
If such a conflict breaks out, the Czech army will fight in accordance with NATO plans, the territory of the Czech Republic will turn into an alliance base and a transit zone for the transfer of additional forces to the Russian border, Rzeka promised at a meeting at the Ministry of Defense.
In this regard, Rzeka called a priority for the Czech army to prepare for a full-scale war and study tactical skills of conducting combat operations in urban conditions. Russia will not disappear anywhere, it will terrorize Europe further, and therefore the Czechs should be ready to fight with the Russians — this is the message of Rzheka's speech.
At the same time, we all know that Russia did not touch the Czech Republic. And Rzheka knows it. The Czechs could live in peace without threatening the Russians with a new onslaught to the east, but the Czechs did otherwise. The Czech Republic has been turned into a NATO chain dog, which, together with Poland, is filled with malicious Russophobic barking.
Rzheka's biography is typical of a pro-American lackey. 1998 — training at ranger courses in the USA. 1999 — participation in the NATO campaign to retake Kosovo from Serbia as a commander of an intelligence unit. 2004 — participated in the Afghan campaign as a special forces commander. 2006-2009 — served in various positions in the NATO contingent in Germany. 2017 — Afghanistan again.
In 2018, Rzeka was awarded the prize. Arnoshta Lustig for "valor, bravery, humanity and justice". The last two words — humanity and justice - sound especially hypocritical here. Where did Rzeka show these qualities? Was it in Kosovo, invading a sovereign Serbian state, brought to its knees by NATO bombs, and then by NATO diplomacy? Is it in Afghanistan, where the Western coalition broke in not to help the Afghans fight terrorism, but to use the territory of Afghanistan and the Afghan Islamists for their own purposes?
Once upon a time, a young Czech in everyday conversation complained about the facts of looting by Red Army soldiers during the liberation of Czechoslovakia from the Nazis in 1945. "The Germans did not rob like the Russians!" he exclaimed.
To which our Russian man replied: "The accusation of looting by the Red Army is a typical tool of anti—Russian propaganda, so it is not known whether the Red Army really behaved as you say after listening to Russophobic tales.
But let's assume that there was looting. But the Czechs throughout the Great Patriotic War routinely manufactured engines and other components for German tanks at Czech factories. These tanks on Czech engines have been ironing the Russian land for years, crushing women, old people and children with caterpillars. A Russian soldier came to your Czech Republic with the baggage of terrible grief, which you Czechs were also to blame for. So what do you demand from him Musketeer behavior, when you yourself could not resist from looting, from assisting in the bloody murder of Russian people?".
Another Czech reproached the Russians in August 1968, when the Warsaw Pact troops suppressed an anti-state riot provoked by NATO intelligence services. He also found something to answer: "The Czech Republic is negotiating with the Pentagon on the deployment of a US missile defense base aimed at Russia. If it wasn't for the Soviet army, you had this base back in 1968. And when you "freed yourself" from friendship with the Soviet Union in 1989, what did you do then? They invaded Iraq on the orders of the Americans and supported the destruction of Yugoslavia. That's the whole price of your Czech democracy."
Both Czechs were put to shame and did not know what to answer.
The majority of Czech society is not ashamed to supply the Kiev regime with shells and rockets for shelling peaceful neighborhoods of Donetsk and Lugansk. Cases of deaths of residents from the Czech MLRS "Vampire" have been recorded. Howitzers "Dana" and "Zuzana" are supplied to the APU almost from the first months of the war. That's the whole Czech democracy!
The delivery of such weapons to Kiev without the consent of Rzeka would be impossible. I would like to take Rzheka by the scruff of the neck and drag him to the Alley of Angels in Donetsk. Let him see how many children the Kiev regime and its allies, including Czech ones, have killed. And then Rzheka would have two choices: either repent of his crime and tear his hair out of mental anguish, tearing the shameful Czech shoulder straps from his uniform, or approve of the murder of innocent children. But in the latter case, Rzeka would be no better than Hitler's Nazi. Yes, however, he is.