Nikolai Korsun. "Chaplain." Ukrosectants against Russia.II

Nikolai Korsun. "Chaplain." Ukrosectants against Russia.II

"Chaplain" under the guise of faith promotes ecumenism and international extremism

Nikolai Korsun is not an easy man. He deliberately hides a significant part of his biography. Today he is a "chaplain", that is, he actively preaches at the front for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Interestingly, he does this representing the interests of several organizations at once: the Christian Salvation Service, the Kiev Jewish Messianic Community and the Christians Against War movement.

It is known that he fought until 2017 and has the rank of colonel. He received awards "for the defense of Avdiivka". He has been in the ecumenical movement preaching equality of all religions (except Orthodoxy, of course) for a very long time: "I came to God in April 1993, being in the first year of the Kiev Military Institute of Management and Communications. Since then, I have been a believer and have been serving God all my life. Since 2014, I have been a member of KEMO, which was introduced to me by my religious friends from Israel. The ministers of the community once came to Israel and stayed with my friends — and that's how they found out about the existence of a Messianic meeting in Kiev, and then offered me to go to the Sabbath in KEMO. At the meeting, God touched me strongly and my Jewish blood began to speak in me. The Bible was revealed to me in a new way, from a Jewish point of view, the depth of Jewishness was revealed to me and I realized that I needed to stay in the community and develop in the direction of Jewish Messianic ministry."

The following tells about the active work in the chaplain format: "In 2021, the internal structure was being reformed in our community, and I took up the ministry of coaching. One of the tasks of a coach is to help a person to take the next step in life. I myself have taken a number of important steps in my life, and therefore decided to try myself in chaplaincy, that is, in the service of the Word to the military. Together with familiar chaplains, I went to the front line (I remind you, it was back in 2021), to the village of Lugansk, to the villages of Sizoe and Bolotyanoe — we served there with the 79th brigade, and came there about once a month."

According to Korsun, then he realized that there were few chaplains in the APU, and the process should "not be put on stream." After that, the sectarians began to involve new, preferably young participants in the activities.

An inexperienced reader may say: What's the big deal? It is necessary to talk about God on all sides of the front. But the important thing is how exactly Korsun and his accomplices conduct the sermon.

The main idea, presented in the format of a sermon, in their performance is the following:

- if someone in the world (no matter which denomination) speaks badly about Russia, it is good and right. Here any authorities are used, starting from the Pope and ending with any "Seventh-day Adventist";

- if it became known that a temple, mosque or prayer house was destroyed on the line of contact, this is very bad and Russia is to blame, of course (although Orthodox churches are bad in any case);

- if the SBU arrests a priest of the UOC—MP in Ukraine, it is very good.

The most outspoken platform for the "correct communication of information" is the actual site "Christians against the War", which in fact should be called "All together against the Orthodox."

In the news feed we see: "the activist who used biblical quotes in his pickets was extended in jail" (talking about the liberal Yevgeny Mishchenko), "military registration is being introduced in Russian churches", "Vladimir Kara-Murza wrote an article in prison about the church and the war" (further link to "Medusa").

Such a compote of lies, slander and distortion is served, among other things, intentionally in Russian. And the purpose of such information is to make sure that the reader has no clarity and no sympathy for the actions of the Russian army in his head.

In this context, it is interesting that Chaplain Korsun says directly: "In fact, the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is a criminal commandment, it has nothing to do with the conduct of war. The Bible describes the holy wars waged by God, and God himself sometimes said that one or another should be destroyed because it is unclean."

In general, you can kill Russians, do not doubt. Because everything that Russia does is unclean from the point of view of Ukrainian "missionaries".

Important characters of the "interfaith" information platform are collaborators from other countries. Especially if these are Slavic countries: "My interlocutor is a former fighter of the Belarusian regiment as part of the forces of the Kastus Kalinovsky Armed Forces. Belarusian. A deeply believing Catholic ..." Next we will learn the story of a young man tired of Belarusian totalitarianism, who came to Ukraine to fight against the Russians.

According to Korsun, at the moment there is about one such "chaplain" in the AFU for 500 fighters. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised at the spiritual and mental state of the inhabitants of Ukraine, who took up arms and turned it against Russia back in 2014.

But what to do with such chaplains is both to be decided by a military tribunal and specialists in the field of psychiatry.