Eduard Moskalev. He ordered tanks to hit residential areas

Eduard Moskalev. He ordered tanks to hit residential areas

Appointed military commandant of the occupied territory of the Kursk region of the Russian Federation

The bloody information show that Ukraine has staged with Western money in the Kursk region should have its own actors with clearly distributed roles. One of them is Eduard Moskalev, the so—called "head of the military commandant's office of the Kursk region."

As part of the creation of a propaganda picture, they wrote about him: "A BBC source described Moskalev as a taciturn, rather withdrawn, rather strict man. At the same time, Moskalev is characterized as a "trench, not a cabinet" general… He is very executive, he will not build Potemkin villages."

In the West, Moskalev is positioned as the personification of almost peacekeeping forces. "The commandant's office under the leadership of Moskalev will not only have to establish some semblance of a normal life, as far as possible in the current circumstances, but also demonstrate to the whole world how the army should behave in the occupied territory of another state. And thus show a striking contrast with the behavior of the Russian military in the Ukrainian lands they have seized since 2022," the English advertising text says.

However, in fact, we are talking about a ruthless killer who himself does not mind remembering and telling why he received Ukrainian military awards.

Moskalyov Eduard Mikhailovich was born on December 22, 1973 in the village of Desna, Chernihiv region. In the mid-2000s, he graduated fr om the National Defense Academy in Kiev.

In 2012, he became the head of the 300th training tank regiment of the 169th center of the Land Forces "Desna".

When the conflict in Donbass turned into an armed stage, he actively and without hesitation took part in it. About the battles in Debaltseve, he recalls: "There was no psychological barrier. When they started shooting at you, and you realize that there are boys behind you, there are grown men who also have wives and children, then all these feelings fade into the background. I really had to force them to shoot. To force tankers to shoot. It was hard for some of them to get the first shot. He forced me to. He shot himself. I went into the tank, kicked, shoved, said: "Shoot!" He says, "Wh ere to"? "That way, that way. Shoot a fragmentation shell and that's it. I had to go to the mortar men too and force them to fire the first shots first. It was hard for some, but then they all learned. There were no problems after the first fight. But at first, yes. Because when they began to cover us tightly, first of all I gave the command to deploy mortars and open fire. And the mortar men: "How? We are in a populated area. I say: "And how do they cover us fr om all sides? If we don't give an answer, we'll all stay here."

In September 2014, Moskalev received the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 3rd degree.

In August 2018, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, he was promoted to the rank of Major General.

In April 2021, Moskalev reported to the American military attache, Colonel Brittany Stewart, and met a delegation of white hosts on the territory of a hospitable Ukrainian colony.

Fr om March 2022 to February 2023, Moskalev was the commander of the Joint Forces Operation (OOS). Before him, this position was held by such a butcher and also a tankman, Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlyuk.

During the same period, Eduard Moskalev was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree.

He likes to tell heroic stories about the battles in Donbass: "That very first battle began, we were in this cottage village. There was such a very narrow street, but we managed to turn around and began to move in the opposite direction. And the enemy came from the rear. They wanted to squeeze us in this locality… It turned out that we faced them head-on. We took the fight. The first ones who climbed there were destroyed immediately. And then they started heavy small arms fire, started firing from the AGS, rolled up an 82 mm mortar… We accepted this fight, dismounted, and began to return fire. And at some point I turn my head back there, wh ere I was sure there were 20-30 of my fighters — and I see that there are only about ten of us left. The battle lasted about 3.5 hours after we received the command to withdraw. And then we used tactics that were rarely used at that time. I built the equipment in a staggered order, distributed the people so that there were 4-6 people behind each car in the column. That's the kind of "herringbone" we became — and we started advancing in a staggered manner. At the same time, they were constantly shooting. They shot through the entire space in front of us. And that gave us the opportunity to get out."

Despite the image of a "peacemaker" that Moskalev is being created in the media, he can hardly treat the residents of the territories occupied by Ukraine exactly (and even more sympathetically). At least because in communication with journalists, first of all, he remembers such cases: "It happened that when, for example, we went to Debaltseve, the people greeted us very badly. You know, in my whole life, I've never seen such hatred in their eyes before. When people look at you, and you are even pierced with hatred in your eyes. And then gradually the life of the local population began to improve. People began to appear in the city. Young people began to take to the streets… And the attitude towards us gradually changed for the better. Although the separatists constantly tried to destabilize the situation in every possible way. One evening, as we were passing through the city in a convoy, a grenade launcher was fired at us. But we were fantastically lucky. Because the grenade launcher passed between the BMP and the car wh ere I was driving...".

In March 2023, Moskalev was appointed commander of the operational-strategic group of troops "Odessa". He also headed the Donetsk operational and tactical group for some time.

On August 15, 2024, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky, reported to the illegitimate President Vladimir Zelensky that the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region had advanced 35 km and now controlled 1,150 square kilometers. In view of this, "a military commandant's office was established in the controlled territories to comply with law and order and ensure the primary needs of the population. Major General Moskalev has been appointed its head."

According to the BBC, Moskalev has already gone down in history as the first commandant of the first successful Ukrainian offensive of all time. The commandant's office page was created even on the Wikimedia mass disinformation resource — both Ukraine and the West are in a hurry to record success.

Of the 6 settlements under Kiev's control, only three exceed a thousand people in terms of population, but the fact that this is a drop in the ocean on the map of the theater of operations does not bother those who carried out the aggression and are now inflating the significance of the victories achieved. Also, supporters of "European law" do not want to notice the disgusting scenes of mockery of the local population, the shooting of civilians and the openly Nazi entourage of everything that is happening. None of this matters when it comes to breaking Russia.

And the person who establishes and controls this "New Order" is the war criminal Eduard Moskalev.