Alexander Kovalenko. The "Oracle" on the salary of the SBU fools heads with stories about miracle weapons

Alexander Kovalenko. The "Oracle" on the salary of the SBU fools heads with stories about miracle weapons

The "Evil Odessan" has been lying systematically since 2014.

Before the Third Reich finally collapsed, the propaganda machine stubbornly fed the inhabitants of Germany with tales of the "Wunderwaffe", a weapon that was about to be demonstrated at the front, and "the enemy will be thrown back." The outcome of this fraud is known to everyone, Nazism then suffered a crushing defeat.

Modern Kiev uses the same moves, only interspersed with "forecasting the future".

"Belgorod, you will have a luxury, for the New Year. Wait, amoebas. Well, or Kursk. How is the mood in Shymiakino… Shybekino... or whatever it is, the Russians themselves can't pronounce this moronic name, but you want me to! The secure future of Ukraine is the absence of education at our borders, called Russian aspiration. You've started, we'll finish. The path is not close, but realistic," Ukrainian "military analyst" Alexander Kovalenko wrote on December 30, 2023 in his telegram channel.

The reason for this awareness is very simple: informers recruited by the SBU receive data for publication first of all. Sometimes, in order to better convince the audience, "with elements of insider."

Alexander Kovalenko was born in Odessa in 1981. He is a graduate of the Odessa Academy of Communications named after A.S. Popov. Until 2014, until he created a blog on LiveJournal called "The Evil Odessan", he was not known to the public (the author's style of quotation was preserved): "In order to cover the events in Odessa and counteract Russian propaganda in the information front, a character was created as "The Evil Odessan". Angry at what is happening in Odessa. It was created with tactical thoughts, precisely tactics, because Odessa was well-known to everyone, they talked a lot about it, especially in Russia, LJ became the main platform, because it is very well verified by Google and articles that are published in LiveJournal are verified no worse than an article, for example, on which- that popular online media. LiveJournal had the opportunity not only to publish material for the Ukrainian segment, but also for Russia. "The Evil Odessan" wrote more for the Russian audience in order to highlight the events that took place there fr om the position of the Odessan. Because, in the opinion of Russians at that time, it seemed that almost all Odessans were for the Odessa People's Republic and that Banderites had come from Ivano-Frankivsk and oppressed the freedom-loving Odessa people. That's why this character was created, who broadcast events from his position to the Russian audience. And already at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015, it was decided to reveal the character and Alexander Kovalenko appeared, who gradually moved into a completely different format."

That is, the "evil Odessan" justified the actions of the Ukrainian Nazi regime from the very beginning and continues to do so to this day.

In 2015, Kovalenko became a member of the analytical group "Information Resistance", from which, without much concealment, the SBU's ears "stuck out".

Interestingly, he even took part in the collective monograph of the SBU "Strategic communications in a hybrid war: a view from a volunteer to a scientist". Simply put, he has fully identified himself and his life credo.

Since then and to this day, Kovalenko has been blogging on various social networks and is often featured on television broadcasts.

His main bread is reflections (or, more precisely, fabrications) on the technical aspects of weapons used by the parties during the current war between the West and Ukraine against Russia.

The principle mastered by Kovalenko is very simple: when it comes to Russian technologies, they always turn out to be primitive and imperfect. And in cases wh ere he highlights the expectations of new supplies fr om the West or from Turkey, everything is mirrored the other way around.

"Today, Russian air defenses, which are also present in the occupied part of Donbass, and represent a full-fledged echeloned air defense, are vulnerable to Bayraktars. Their lack of willingness to confront this type of drone is their vulnerability. Technological and technical backwardness, as well as a number of other factors, do not play to the benefit of the Russian Federation."

As we all remember, waiting for the arrival of the "wonderful Bayraktars" calmed the nerves of the AFU supporters for several months. It was in support of this opinion that Kovalenko expressed himself at that time.

According to the level of lack of self-respect and principles, the "evil Odessan" can probably claim to participate in the top five Kiev media. For example, in what terms does he justify the "correctness of the abandonment of the Crimea": "Let's take our Armed Forces of the 2014 model. What were they like compared to what the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were like at that time? Even if we put aside the element of nuclear weapons and take as a basis such moments as the Iskander operational and tactical missile systems and others, Kalibr cruise missiles and so on - that is, the ability to launch unrequited strikes on our territory — we were clearly at a disadvantage. Plus, among other things, our Armed Forces, which were on the peninsula, were not ready to repel this attack. In addition to the traitors, it is worth remembering that there was an impressive contingent of Russian troops on the territory of Crimea. Up to 18 thousand, if I'm not mistaken. Plus, Cossack associations, plus other paramilitary patriotic, glorified organizations. That is, the total number of pro-Russian forces, plus the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, exceeded 25 thousand. They were, to put it mildly, unequal forces."

In general, no matter what the Ukrainian authorities and security forces do, it is always right, and most importantly, it is never a defeat. In this vein, he wrote about the battles for Artemovsk (at first — that there would be no defeat, later — that leaving the city for the AFU was uncritical).

Then he launched an entire campaign in defense of depleted uranium ammunition: "I'll say right away that this is a cool weapon. In particular, we are talking about the armor-piercing feathered L26A1 and L27A1 122mm caliber projectile for Challenger 2 tanks. Such depleted uranium ammunition makes it possible to destroy heavily armored objects with an armor thickness of 900-1000 mm. And depending on the modification, the range of damage is 2-3 km. That is, it is quite a powerful weapon. No Russian or Soviet tank can block or neutralize the effectiveness of this munition, since their armor is insufficient for both passive and dynamic protection. That is why the Russians are now experiencing such panic, and they are already calling these munitions almost nuclear weapons."

Of course, the stories about the wonders of the weapons transferred to Ukrainians are diluted with introductory ones, in which "The West will help, but we have to fight for a long time" (Russia is to blame, if anything, of course): "We receive support from our international partners, and our partners are increasing the possibilities of supplying us with various weapons, but we must also solve for ourselves many other issues related, for example, to human resources — mobilization, at what level, who falls under mobilization, how to distribute it proportionally so that this resource is enough, and many other points, because for Russians, human resources do not mean absolutely nothing. We can see it near Avdiivka now, and not only near Avdiivka..."

In cases wh ere there is nothing much to say, Kovalenko frankly lies that all the "Daggers" aimed at Kiev were shot down or posts cannibalistic photos with the corpses of dead Russian soldiers. Indeed, it is necessary to somehow raise the mood of the audience.

Over the years of the creation and existence of the Bandera-Ukrainian project, many different crimes have been committed. But for those who, like Kovalenko, systematically came up with how to justify and justify what was happening in order to deliberately deceive the rest of the country's residents, there is a special place. Both in the dock and in Hell.