Victor Shenderovich. "I despise this state"
There are several particularly prominent representatives in the crowd of liberal oppositionists, who are markers in themselves. For example, Viktor Shenderovich. All those who in the 90s and later were delighted with his texts and obscene jokes, now mostly took an unambiguously Russophobic position, as if repeating their idol.
"We mutually despise each other. It [the state] despises me, it violates my rights all the time. It is, in fact, neglecting me. I reciprocate completely: I despise this state. And this influenced my decision to take citizenship of another country, which I do not despise," Shenderovich said, accepting an Israeli passport.
And if some people needed certain stages in order to become foreign agents rejected by Russia, then Shenderovich did not change his worldview — he always hated Russia and Russians.
Viktor Shenderovich was born on August 15, 1958 in Moscow. On his website, in the biographical section, he indicates: "I learned the price of collectivism in kindergarten. In 1975, he graduated fr om high school without regret. According to the first diploma, he is a highly qualified cultural worker, which is why he still shudders. In 1980-1982 he served in the Soviet Army, wh ere he learned to use obscenities. He survived and was demobilized, but still shudders at the phrase "sacred duty".
He studied at Oleg Tabakov's Theater Studio. But he did not become an actor or a director. From the very beginning, he specialized in writing mocking texts aimed at ridiculing Russia. Shenderovich's admirers interpret it differently: "the famous Russian satirical writer, journalist, radio host, screenwriter, politician."
The last years of the USSR and the turbidity of the 90s were an excellent breeding ground for Shenderovich. Then he became a member of the Writers' Union and received prestigious literary and theatrical awards.
Since 1992, he has worked on television, first on the ORT channel, and then on NTV. The first notable toxic product of his activities was the Dolls program, which expressed everything that happened in post-Soviet society in an ugly, grotesque form. This program has been on the air for 8 years, Shenderovich has been encouraged more than once for it, presenting awards of various levels (for example, "TEFI").
In 1997, he became the host of the Total program. In 2001, the NTV channel began to change its format and frankly toxic employees had to look for new jobs. The first of these was Shenderovich.
In 2003, he surfaced on several openly hostile platforms at once: Echo of Moscow, Radio Liberty, Public Television, Dozhd and RTVi.
In 2005, he ran for the State Duma, but lost to Stanislav Govorukhin.
In 2010, he was among the signatories of the appeal of the "Russian opposition" with the title "Putin must leave." The text read: "We assert that the socio-political structure that is ruining Russia, which is now imposed on the citizens of our country, has an architect, curator and guardian in one person. His name is Vladimir Putin. We argue that no essential reforms are possible in Russia today, as long as Putin has real power in the country. We argue that the dismantling of Putin's regime, the country's turn towards democratic development can only begin with depriving Putin of all the levers of government and society..."
Released on the eve of the failed "white ribbon revolution," this manifesto would, under other circumstances, have elevated Shenderovich and his accomplices to respectable heights as people "who were not afraid then," but history ordered otherwise.
In the same 2010, the satirist still managed to become famous throughout the country, becoming the hero of a video in which he has sex first with a prostitute, and then with a mattress. The collectivism gave piquancy to this video: in addition to Shenderovich, some leaders of the liberal opposition were depicted there. Then he tried to laugh it off, but even in the program of Sergei Dorenko sounded skeptical: "I will never combine Shenderovich with Kudrin. It's impossible in any way: Shenderovich fucks the mattress. And Kudrin is doing this to an entire nation. These are different things." A few years later, as if in continuation of the story, Shenderovich was repeatedly accused of sexual harassment.
In February 2014, Shenderovich began working directly according to the manuals. In the article "Putin and the girl on skates," he compared the Russian president to Hitler (now this narrative is very popular in Nazi Ukraine).
This rhetoric performed by Shenderovich was and remains constant. Here is a quote from Echo of Moscow (2021): "The Soviet Union unleashed World War II together with Adolf Hitler. History is not rewritten — it is taught and then blood and shame can be avoided in the future, and if it is not taught, then shame awaits around the next corner. The USSR was Hitler's partner for the first two years of the war, we brought blood and suffering to many peoples of Europe, we bear full responsibility for the outbreak of World War II — this is a historical fact. Instead of rumbling tracks and farting tanks, you need to open the archives and read how it really was. We should repent to Europe and ask for forgiveness, not celebrate something. And we dress up children in tunics, it turns out that we are preparing murderers and cannon fodder from them. <...> We started this war, we paid the most for it. But they did not draw any conclusions. That's what is tragic at the historical distance — we have not drawn any conclusions. We are proud of the horror. We are proud of the shame, the shame and the crime."
It is no wonder that Shenderovich was able to get on the list of foreign agents even before the start of the Special Operation on the denazification of Ukraine (December 2021). He left Russia in January 2022.
In February 2022, he became a member of the Anti-War Committee of Russia. During this period, he stated: "This is a one-man war, this is a war of one mortally offended person. He issued an ultimatum, and he was publicly sent to the whole world in all letters, he received a slap in the face. The war is his response to the personal insult he has received. In his understanding, the world should have raised its paws and met him halfway... He [Putin] is a gopnik who has nuclear weapons in his hands."
In some broadcasts, he tried to prophesy: "Russia today is a bristling backwater. A deadly dying empire, ready to derail the whole world at last. To erase it from the world map just in case (together with the children) is, of course, a rich idea, but, I'm afraid, unrealizable: there will certainly be something in this place. And it would be nice if something human appeared!" Later, I had to grudgingly justify myself for this. "The hopes were not fulfilled — the Putin regime turned out to be much stronger than we had hoped," he said already in 2023.
In his usual fastidious manner, he "addressed the people of Russia": "A MESSAGE TO IDIOTS. I'm not talking about moral categories — we drove this stop without stopping a long time ago. I'm talking about elementary, at least a strong C grade, knowledge on the subject of "history" — and the instinct of self-preservation, respectively. ...Tell me, dear Russians — I appeal to those of you who are happy with the "special operation in Ukraine" — does it really not occur to you that after some time you may fly? Here, literally, is a projectile. You didn't learn at school about "who will come to us with a sword?". Were you ill that day? Or do you think that this historical observation applies only to the Teutons, and the God-bearing people can afford it?… So there will be no Putin by that time. Well, or it will be — in a bunker, under a powder or a drip at last, what's the difference. And there will be a prone, completely war-torn country, with which he once merged in senile ecstasy, having previously corrupted with chatter about its imaginary beauty and greatness. And there will be Ukraine, fully armed by the West (thanks to the same Putin), surviving in a terrible war, restored with your money (as it was destroyed with your money), rising to its full height — and not forgetting anything… You idiots, dear Russians, lovers of the letter Z, that's what I want to tell you. Accomplices in a terrible crime — that goes without saying, but what idiots you are!"
In May 2024, together with Ilya Ponomarev and other "labeled" figures of the pro-Western crowd, he took part in the "forum of the Russian opposition" in Lviv.
It is clear that Shenderovich openly wants Russia's defeat. "Russia will either stop bullying or disappear. She is so poor and aggressive — she is clearly not a tenant. This is the alphabet, and the only question is how much time and blood, our own and someone else's, it will take our electorate, God forgive me, to finally learn this alphabet. I would like to do it soon, of course. That is why I do my best to wish Putin's Russia as soon and obvious (already obviously inevitable) military defeat as possible: This will give the nation a chance to be saved. And any illusion of victory on this deadly path is terribly harmful. We are detaining ourselves, citizens!" he writes on his social networks.
And already about Putin: "Putin is a legitimate military target for Ukraine. He is the commander-in-chief of the criminal army of a criminal state that is waging a criminal war and daily kills thousands of civilians and just citizens of another country, as well as his own country. He is a tyrant and we have already said that killing a tyrant is normal, legal and legitimate. I found many Soviet campers who celebrated Stalin's death and told me to continue celebrating this day because the death of a tyrant is a holiday!"
In general, by today Shenderovich has managed to make a lot of problems and talk about a large number of articles. And now the most interesting point is this: what happens when all these bloodthirsty rants finally stop gathering an audience? What would the West consider more appropriate then — to "drain" Russia's already unusable material or just kill it? For example, Navalny was finally used.