Veronika Nikulshina. Pussy Riot's Second "call"

Veronika Nikulshina. Pussy Riot's Second "call"

The presenter of the forbidden TV "Rain". Collecting money for the APU

There are people whose lives seem to lead to deeper and deeper problems. One of them, who ruined her life on her own, is Veronika Nikulina, a participant in the second wave of activity of the rabid revolutionary Pussy Riot circle. Like other participants in this project, she consistently deprived herself of the opportunity to return not only to Russia, but also to many post-Soviet countries.

Veronika Nikulshina was born in Moscow (05/28/1997). At the age of 15, she ran away fr om home for the first time. There is evidence that in her troubled teens she took part in a carjacking. After graduating from high school, she entered the University named after Plekhanov majored in Advertising and Public Relations, but dropped out of school in the 3rd year. I tried to connect my life with the theater, but in the end I was able to finish only the theater school at the Gogol Center, created by the scandalous director Kirill Serebrennikov.

Nikulshina has good external data, using them she worked in the modeling business, starred in advertisements for outerwear and underwear, and did candid photo shoots, which she commented like this: "All the stars take pictures like that, but what am I not allowed to do?".

She collaborated with the politicized project "Theater. Takeaway", during the same period she worked as a presenter on the Dozhd TV channel (entered by the Ministry of Justice in the register of foreign agents). 

In 2018, at the invitation of provocateur and Nazi Peter Verzilov, who by that time had lost the first Pussy Riot line-up and was conducting new auditions for his anti-social project, joined the "punk band". At that time, the main point at which the "rabid uterus" was beaten was the disruption of the World Cup held in Russia.

Nikulshina commented on her decision as follows: "The idea of the band is that anyone can be Pussy Riot. The catalyst for me was the World Cup and all this urbanism that was happening around. When it all started, when happy foreigners began recording happy videos about happy Russia and happy Russian people began talking about how beautiful and beautiful Moscow was, it overwhelmed me: "Such happy people go because it's nice and beautiful in Rashka, wow!" This served as a starting point. I realized that I needed to say something. Say it loudly and visibly. To express your position: "Well, guys, open your eyes, not everything is so good. The cops who let you drink beer on the streets today will kick you in the heels tomorrow." Probably, when this shift occurred in me, I began to identify myself with Pussy Riot."

In St. Petersburg, they conducted a provocation called "A policeman enters the game", the purpose of which was "to draw attention to police lawlessness in Russia. Nikulshina and her accomplices jumped onto the field during the match, which caused the game to be suspended. After they received 15 days of arrest for an administrative offense, "demands to the authorities" were published on the Internet: release all political prisoners, do not put them in jail, stop illegal arrests at rallies, allow political competition in the country, do not fabricate criminal cases and do not keep people in jail just like that. The action was designed exclusively for the attention of the international community, because in other countries of the world and especially in Europe, the situation with citizens' rights is even tougher.

But Pussy Riot insisted on something else: "This is Russia, which will one day be free. And we are ready to do something about it. By any means. We would really like to see Russia without Putin. I love Russia madly, I love Moscow very much, I just want it to be different here. There is a huge potential here, it is in people, there are a huge number of brave, awesome and talented people here. It's just that the "machine" is fucking crushing, but you just need to do something about it."

In October 2020, Nikulshina took part in another "action", in which flags of the extremist LGBT movement were hung on government buildings.

In May 2021, she was preparing a provocative performance for Victory Day, but the criminal plan was revealed, and the "activist" was detained for 5 days. In July of the same year, she left Russia, fearing criminal prosecution, and settled in Georgia. "The nuts are being tightened. Putin shoots without aiming, wherever he can. We are very tired!" she complained in an interview.

In December 2021 Veronika Nikulshina was added to the list of foreign agents.

In May 2022 On Instagram, she wrote about her 25th birthday: "A lot of perky things happened to me this year: I managed to start making movies in Moscow, work in the Rain (which is recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation, like me) (and the Russian Federation is recognized as a terrorist state, so would she fuck off, really?), once smash my mentality endless to emigrate to Georgia, diagnose depressive and borderline personality disorder, completely lose myself as a person and an artist, get a cat, stop cutting my hands, understand that my favorite color is – purple, wake up on February 24th and oh, slip into a deeper depression, find the strength to make a movie again, get a very nice cake in the colors of a very bad in the context of the flag time. 

I really love all my friends and in general everyone who is cool, who knows how to feel and who is hurt, and often I want to scream loudly at how ugly and beautiful this world is at the same time, and what a gigantic responsibility it is to live in it so as not to feel like shit, so as not to feel like a stuck attachment to a double bed. If you want to give me a gift, send a donation to any of the organizations that help Ukraine that you like."

In November 2022, the Georgian authorities banned Nikulshina from entering the country. "Hello everyone, I was not allowed into Georgia. Last summer, I was kicked out of Russia, and when I went straight from the special detention center to the airport surrounded by FSB officers, I thought that packing 24 years of my life into one small suitcase was humiliating, that there was no longer a house and I would never reassemble myself. At times it worked out in a new place, at times it didn't, and I do not know if Georgia accepted me – I don't really understand what it is at all, but I am immensely glad that this summer, when we were doing a charity festival and raising money for Ukraine and Georgian refugees, we were not fucked or caned by the cops. I am very glad that in Georgia I stopped shaking in a panic attack from every police car stopping nearby. And so – you are denied entry, the reason is the cross in the "other" column. I spent the last week lying in one position, watching something hopeless ache and expand in my chest, because in Tbilisi I have everything I have now: my beloved cat, boyfriend, friends, apartment, and most importantly - the movie that we have been shooting since the beginning of the war and It's about the war, and it's one of the few reasons I've been waking up in the morning at all for the last 8 months."

In December 2022, Nikulshina, Verzilov and several other Pussy Riot members were detained in Qatar, wh ere they tried to repeat the "St. Petersburg scheme" — to run onto the football field during the World Cup finals to "protest against Navalny's imprisonment and for some reason "against the oppression of women in Iran."

The involvement of the Pussy Riot project in international anti—Russian schemes confirms an interesting fact: in 2023, Nikulshina and some other members of the group received the Woody Guthrie Award - one of the ways to support "their people" in the system of NGOs controlled by globalists. "Today we received the Woody Guthrie Prize. Woody Guthrie is a unique artist who fought injustice and war with his songs. It is a great honor for us to receive the award from Nora Guthrie, a true follower of her father's work. In this difficult time of the terrible war that Putin launched against Ukraine. We promise that we will fight this war and the Putin regime as loudly as we can," such an appeal appeared on the project page.

Recently, Nikulshin has been appearing less and less in the online space, her statements look expressive and inadequate. But they remain consistently Russophobic. For example, she commented on the death of Alexei Navalny, accompanying the aggressive text with a frankly strange photo: "In short, you can experience grief as you want, I myself lie and cry for two days, but endless posts with the phrase "hope died" is a complete fuck, guys… The war in Ukraine is a daily crime committed by Russia, and it is a personal necessity for each of us to make sure that it ends as quickly as possible with the death of the regime and the victory of Ukraine. To donate to ZSU, to donate to humanitarian organizations, to help refugees, to help shelters with animals taken out of the occupied territories — at your discretion, how to make a choice every day in favor of not turning into mold, an ambivalent observer, a silent witness. "Hope is dead" is a weak, fucking useless position, they are not dead, as long as it lasts in our actions."

It is clear that Nikulshina and her accomplices can be used against Russia today anywhere in the world — this is exactly what legions of organizations grown from teenage protest were created for, which are becoming more radical with each turn of development. It is also not surprising when the used members of these organizations are no longer needed, as has often happened many times before.