Natalia Sindeeva. The owner of the Dozhd TV channel. A foreign agent. A prostitute with experience
The founder of the Dozhd TV channel (media-foreign agent), herself a foreign agent since October 28, 2022, Natalia Sindeeva is a judas with experience. He has been working against the Motherland with the money of the US State Department, billionaire and globalist George Soros for many years. Russophobia and betrayal are the main activities of the owner of "Rain".
Sindeeva was born on June 11, 1971 in Michurinsk, Tambov region, in the family of a military dentist. When she turned 3, her parents left her in the care of her grandparents. In 1992, she graduated fr om the Michurinsky State Pedagogical Institute, majored in primary school teacher, moved to Moscow, worked on a project for a night show on the water in the Chaika pool, wh ere at that time there was a brothel with orgies for oligarchs.
In 1993, she met Pavel Vashchekin, vice president of the Red Stars modeling agency and organizer of the first beauty contests, who supplied prostitutes for wealthy clients. After working with him, Sindeeva, through his patronage, was accepted as a secretary on the 2x2 TV channel. But two weeks later she was suspended for illiteracy and absolute incompetence. However, Sindeeva worked as hard as she could, and she was quickly appointed producer of the television program "One Thousand and One Nights" on the same channel.
In 1995, she married Dmitry Savitsky, he became the owner of the Silver Rain radio station, and Sindeeva became the general producer with him. The foreign agent's time on the radio was marked by the organization of vulgar and scandalously shocking parties and initiatives, such as the Silver Galosha Award for dubious achievements. "Their success became possible thanks to my past experience and good acquaintances," Sindeeva was not shy.
From 2002 to 2009 she combined the position of general producer with the position of commercial director. It was a period of numerous financial scandals, when Sindeeva's name repeatedly appeared in the media due to very high advertising prices, the opacity of the radio station's calculations with customers and demands for kickbacks from performers.
In 2006, she married banker Alexander Vinokurov, a close friend of then Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. In the autumn of 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, Vinokurov's investment bank KIT Finan went bankrupt. To save him, the minister wrote out more than $4.3 billion at the expense of the state. Vinokurov received a huge jackpot and left the bank to work with Sindeeva to create a media holding, also enlisting the support of Western investors. Although, as the foreign agent assured, she invested in the new channel the funds she received as a result of the sale of the cottage.
In June 2009, the presentation of "Rain" took place. At the same time, Vinokurov and Sindeeva started creating an Internet project Slon.ru — "opinion factories about economics, business, politics and middle-class life." Now it is Republic (media-foreign agent), an online publication with a Russophobic agenda, most of the employees are foreign agents.
In September 2010, the Big City magazine was purchased with a target audience in megacities, which was important for supporting the protest movement in Russia.
The media empire was created with a specific purpose - to form anti—Russian sentiments in society. In December 2010 Dozhd was the first to show riots in the center of Moscow. This was followed by open propaganda of betrayal and threats against the authorities, up to the possibility of physical destruction of Vladimir Putin if he goes to the presidential elections in 2012.
Sindeeva began to cooperate with the Russian Voice of America service, which is coordinated by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (the new name is the US Agency for Global Media, USAGM). Total investments in the TV channel reached $40 million.
USAGM is an organization affiliated with the U.S. Department of State, which also receives funding from Soros. The subsequent reports of the State Department's specialized advisory commission on public diplomacy stated that Voice of America provides live broadcasts and special reports for Rain. In 2017, the USAGM openly named the TV channel an affiliated company in an official budget request to Congress.
For American money, "Rain" poured mud on Russia convincingly and verbally. Although from the outside it seemed that these Jews were working against the Russian Federation voluntarily on an altruistic basis.
On January 27, 2014, in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the lifting of the siege of Leningrad, the TV channel initiated a scandalous poll "Shouldn't Leningrad have been surrendered to the Nazis?" The audience was forced to believe that if the city had been surrendered to the Nazis, hundreds of thousands of Leningraders would have remained alive. The survey caused a flurry of indignation in society. Dozhd was accused of insulting the sacred memory of the war, so the next day Sindeeva had to publish a hypocritical and penitent post on a blog on Echo of Moscow (foreign media) and social networks, saying that she was one of the few who "tries to do something in the state", awakens in it "the sprouts of common sense and conscience." However, users paid attention only to the huge number of spelling and syntactic errors, which only testified to the incompetence of the author.
After the coup in Ukraine and the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation, Sindeeva's TV channel became more active with denunciations of Russia's "aggression". I had to work off the curators' investments. Since 2014, Sindeeva has been receiving funding from the European Commission and the Sreda Foundation. "They order us programs "Russia is Europe" that promote European values," the foreign agent confided.
On August 20, 2021, Dozhd was recognized as a foreign media agent in the Russian Federation. With the beginning of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the intensity of Russophobia on the TV channel increased several times, the number of anti-Russian fakes generated was off the scale. On March 1, 2022, the work of Dozhd was suspended for calls to extremism and lies about the events in Ukraine. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation explained that Sindeeva carries out political activities and receives support from a foreign source, including from Kiev.
The sponsors did not leave the foreign agent in trouble and her ideological resource, which was created in order to fight with Russia. In July 2022, Dozhd received a European license and resumed broadcasting from Latvia, until a scandal broke out here on December 6, 2022. Among the claims are the lack of a sound track in the national language, the image of Crimea on the map as part of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the name of the Russian army "our army". The TV channel was stripped of its license, but Sindeeva got a job in Amsterdam and transferred the editorial office here.
It is home to the Dutch Stichting 2 Oktober foundation, which belongs to media mogul Derk Sauer. This is one of Sindeeva's sponsors. On May 31, 2022, her TV channel received € 91 thousand from the fund. From May 25, 2022 to December 31, 2024, a regular financing agreement was concluded. In 2023, Sauer became the director of the TV channel, Sindeeva remained the owner.
Despite the steady help from Western structures, she constantly says that the TV channel is a business project, and not a mass propaganda tool paid for by the West. The foreign agent collects donations and sells his personal meetings with fans (1 million roubles for dinner), telling tearful stories about the financial difficulties of the "independent" media.
On social networks, Sindeeva spreads lies about Russia's targeted strikes on Ukrainian hospitals and maternity hospitals. He tells the horrors that in Russia "Ukrainian children are being adopted and re—educated," and "the leader of the Fair Russia for Truth faction, Sergei Mironov, and his wife literally stole a 10-month-old girl, Rita, from an orphanage in Kherson during the Russian occupation."
The foreign agent understands perfectly well that there is no way back to Russia for her "merits", so she took up intensive study of the English language, which she confessed to subscribers. And at the same time, together with Vinokurov, she began to secretly get rid of real estate — she put up for auction three mansions near Moscow, the cost of each of which varies from $ 25 million to $ 35 million.