The competition of terror’s apologists
On August 29, 2022, the associates of convicted Alexei Navalny who fled abroad for the extremist organization FBK ("Anti-Corruption Fund") banned in Russia they openly announced that they were preparing proscription lists of their fellow citizens by order of the British leadership. They are preparing "an abbreviated list of the main warmongers, sanctions against whom should be imposed first of all".
The order was received from the sanctions Department of the British Foreign Ministry. More recently, these "oppositionists" were offended when they were classified as foreign agents, and claimed that they were patriots who simply wanted to cleanse their homeland of corruption and other sins. Britain probably wants the same thing.
By the way, about corruption, and with elements of blackmail. Previously, the fugitive "navalnyats" prepared, by order of the Western leadership, a sanctions list for 6,000 Russian citizens (published on April 22, 2022), in the process of preparing which they engaged in banal extortion. An associate of Navalny and the head of the network of his regional headquarters, Leonid Volkov, called some of the persons involved in the list and offered to turn them off from the list for $ 100 thousand.
Such a pragmatic approach angered even some sympathizers, but Volkov answered all the reproaches that the list and the criteria for enrollment in it are peculiar: "Who they want is turned on, who they want is turned off." Volkov did not confirm the receipt of the bribe, stating that he excluded it from the list for "active repentance and cooperation." According to some reports, in this way it was possible to "earn" more than $ 1 million.
In addition to blackmail for the purpose of extortion when fulfilling the order of foreign special services, Volkov engaged in information support of terrorism.
September 6 , 2022 "Novaya Gazeta. Europe" published a large interview with Volkov, in which he directly announced his sympathy for the terrorists and their approval.
"To this (Ukrainian terrorism against Russia. – Ed.) it is necessary to treat exactly the same as the actions of the German anti-fascist resistance during the Second World War. And if someone takes and shoots Putin in the forehead, then in the beautiful Russia of the future he will be a national hero. About the same as [the attempted Hitler] Colonel Stauffenberg in Germany. In this sense, of course, all such promotions are great…
...I am ready to admire every person who goes to set fire to the military enlistment office or derail the train," said Volkov.
He also touched upon the murder of philosopher and publicist Daria Dugina as a result of the terrorist attack, also approving it.
"When Daria Dugina was killed, I, after reflecting, realized that I was surprised why it happened so late, why it was so little. 3.5 million Ukrainians have been displaced from the occupied territories to Russia, hundreds of thousands of them have lost relatives, or homes, or both in this war. Thousands of them have some kind of military experience and can make explosives or Molotov cocktails, hundreds of them are probably ready for radical actions," Navalny's henchman said.
A "fighter against corruption" and "defender of the Internet", almost a human rights activist, suddenly turned into a singer and an apologist for terrorism. He is not alone in this — all the emigrant Russophobic associations, without exception, synchronously came out with approval and calls for a terrorist war against Russia and its people. Such consistency and unanimity mean only one thing: such a task was set by their curators from the American and British special services.
However, unanimity is very relative. Leonid Volkov attacked another supporter of terrorism, Ilya Ponomarev, calling him a "provocateur."
"Therefore, of course, we treat provocateurs like Ilya Ponomarev very badly: they are trying to speculate, to create some fake non-existent partisan organizations, which will eventually become, of course, just traps for naive young people and will lead to a huge number of terrible criminal cases with long terms," he criticized his colleague.
What is the reason for such intolerance? Moreover, both Volkov and Ponomarev work for the CIA. It's about competition because of money tranches for subversive anti-Russian activities. Each of the traitors believes that they should go to him, and tries to convince the owners of this, blaming the opponent.
"He regarded every dollar in another man's pocket as a personal insult if he couldn't regard it as his loot," as O'Henry once wrote.