Sodomite Daria Serenko

Sodomite Daria Serenko

Protector of terrorists and rapists-migrant workers

January 27, 2023, an aggressive feminist, Russophobe and LGBT activist Daria Serenko was included in the list of foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice in the defense of terrorists and migrant rapists.

Serenko herself claims that the day after the start of Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, she created the "Feminist Anti—War Resistance (FAR), a semi-partisan activist movement that launches anti-war actions and tries to break the information blockade in Russia."

However, there is no need to talk about any anti-war, pacifist activity of this structure.

"In the first days of the war, I dreamed that I came to enroll in the Ukrainian army as a volunteer. I woke up — and there was a thought, and for this you can already get a twenty years of prison? For treason to the Motherland in a dream," Serenko wrote back in March 2022, making it clear that she had not only clearly decided on whose side she was on, but also fully realized the moral and legal meaning of this choice.

Serenko also does not hide the rationale for his choice: "Feminism as a political force ... cannot be on the side of the empire, because the imperial view of people, territories and history is an appropriating, raping, crushing view. The Empire desubjectifies those it looks at because it looks at everyone as prey." She positions Russia as an empire and therefore declares that she will always be on the hostile side. Moreover, Russia (oh, horror!), defends traditional values, which, according to Serenko, is in itself a crime.

However, there are exceptions here. So, Serenko was engaged in supporting the terrorists of the "Islamic State" (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), who organized an explosion in the St. Petersburg metro on April 3, 2017. She collected broadcasts for them. That is, the formal adherence of terrorists to "traditional values", from the point of view of a feminist, is excusable, since they oppose the empire.

Serenko's hatred of Russia is not only ideological, but also distinctly ethnic in nature. In 2021, a migrant worker Sharofiddin Amirov slaughtered an entire Malakhov family in the Nizhny Novgorod region: elderly spouses, their daughter (he had previously raped her) and a five-year-old grandson. This case blew up society and caused a heated discussion about Russia's migration policy. Serenko also announced the collection of money in favor of the "victim" ... Amirov. Of course, all this can be attributed to Daria's mental inadequacy (perhaps it also takes place), but the fact is that in such ways Serenko conscientiously and accurately fulfills Western manuals. Remember, at least BLM is a radical racist movement that declared all Caucasians guilty a priori, and blacks and colored people are always innocent victims, even if they sell drugs, rob, rape and kill. This movement was organized and supported by George Soros, as well as the leftist structure of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, whose creation is Serenko.

In the "anti-war", or rather, anti—Russian activities of the FAR, there are quite amazing, from the point of view of normal Russians, actions, for example, in defense of abortions, which are allegedly threatened by something in Russia, under the slogan "You fight yourself - give birth yourself!". The point boils down to the fact that Russian women should abandon the role of "incubators of militarists" and perform abortions in protest. But such crazy actions in the West, which makes up manuals and programs for Serenko and her kind, are quite familiar. They find them justified there.

Another FAR program is the desecration of monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, which is called "Tanks in blood", and is interpreted as "a protest to militaristic propaganda that uses Soviet military equipment to justify new wars."

In general, this organization, rather virtual, is used not only as a tool of psychological warfare against Russia, but also as a recruitment structure aimed at drawing Russian youth into anti-Russian activities, including terrorist ones.

Daria Serenko herself is already carrying out subversive work while abroad. In the context of this, the decision to declare her a foreign agent, although justified, is somewhat overdue. It would be more timely to sentence her in absentia for the crimes committed.