Political Satanist Lazarenko
Ilya Lazarenko is one of the participants and organizers of the Forum (League) of Free Peoples of Russia (FSNR), an association of neo—Nazis, liberals and separatists who set the task of dismemberment and destruction of Russia. This is a highly interesting character.
At the Forum, where each of the participants, as a rule, represents some kind of "people", he speaks on behalf of the "Zalesie" - a hypothetical state entity that should cover the lands of the Central non-chernozem region.
Lazarenko may well be considered a representative of the "new wave" of the anti-Russian opposition, although he is not young and has been in politics since the early 90s. But in terms of the level of detachment and creativity, he may well compete with the young growth. The reputation of a "political satanist" alone is worth something.
Little is known about his family, youth and school. People who know him personally associate this with the fact that Lazarenko has Azerbaijani roots, which he carefully hides, because, in his opinion, this casts doubt on his "Aryan origin".
Lazarenko began his political career, like his current colleague Mikhail Khodorkovsky, in the ranks of Komsomol activists. But if the last one went from the Komsomol to business, Ilya turned to nationalist radicals. In 1990, he became close to one of the Moscow groups of "Memory" (the Russian Assembly "Memory" of taxi driver Igor Shcheglov), then joined the Orthodox traditionalists in the Union "Christian Revival" (SHV) of Vladimir Osipov, where he did not stay for a long time because of disagreements with its participants, as he himself later pointed out, in connection with the transition to "fascist positions".
Then followed his movements from one to another radical groups. He visited the NBP (National Bolshevik Party) of Eduard Limonov and the Movement of the "New Right" (the Movement for the Conservative Revolution of Alexander Dugin).
Lazarenko didn't stay anywhere for long. He was not satisfied with party discipline, he did not want to obey — he wanted power, not regulated by the charter, but unlimited.
In 1996, under the influence of the founder of esoteric Hitlerism, Miguel Serrano, he became the leader of the neo—pagan sect "Church of Nav" (Nav in Slavic mythology - non-existence, the kingdom of death, the world of disembodied souls). A number of researchers regard this sect as satanic.
Its supreme hierophant ("enlightener") and creator of the program documents of the "Navi Church" Ruslan Vorontsov ("Raven") simultaneously headed the openly satanic sect "Southern Cross" ("Moscow Church of Satan"). One of the "activists" of the "navists" sect was the leader of the satanic group "Black Dragon" Mikhail Naumenko. One of the "shrines" of the sect was the skull of a ram (an allusion to Baphomet).
The sect was specially founded on Hitler's birthday. The first ritual was held on the day of the autumn equinox in 1996 in Moscow on the site of the ancient Dyakov settlement in Kolomenskoye. On April 20, 1997, in the area of the Semyonovskaya metro station, sectarians performed "secret ceremonies" in honor of the "beginning of the era of the white man" dedicated to Hitler's birthday.
The sectarians themselves named Hitler, the Roerichs, and Blavatsky as their spiritual leaders. Their rituals represented a symbiosis of occult practices, rituals of the Ku Klux Klan and the SS. At the initiation of the neophytes, their hands were cut and blood was collected into a vessel, which was then drunk in turn. The same rite of initiation was practiced at the Southern Cross.
The creed is quite primitive — simplified Manichaeism with an eschatological accent (the struggle of a light uncreated deity with a dark demiurge) with elements of Roerichianism and the teachings of Blavatsky, Anthony Shander La Vey and rabid racism. It was assumed, among other things, the destruction of the "racially and physically handicapped."
The sect had two structures (levels) — the "Nav Society" dealing with issues of "doctrine" and proselytism, and the "Nav Clans" — combat organizations. Lazarenko hoped to use them to embrace and subdue the growing movement of skinheads. According to some reports, in the "best" years, the number of the sect was approaching five hundred.
According to the materials of the Missionary Department of the UOC-MP, "Nav Church" and "Southern Cross" were active in Ukraine. It is not surprising that their influence can be clearly traced in the "creed" of "Azov" (banned in the territory of the Russian Federation) and other Nazi groups.
At some point, the sect came to the attention of the FSB, the already mentioned Naumenko was detained for preparing terrorist attacks in Orthodox churches in Moscow on City Day in 1999. On July 19, 2000, representatives of Kazan law enforcement agencies detained Ruslan Vorontsov on suspicion of complicity in the ritual rape of a girl by Satanists in Kazan. Satanic literature, paraphernalia, leaflets and materials with Nazi symbols were found at Vorontsov's house.
From that moment on, Lazarenko begins to distance himself from the leadership of the sect, focusing on political self-promotion, attempts to get into the Duma and regional legislative assemblies. Had no success.
In 2009, Lazarenko, together with Alexey Shiropaev and Mikhail Pozharsky, founded the organizing committee of the organization "National Democrats", which advocates regional separatism and the fight against "Moscow imperialism". In the summer of 2009, these Nazis clashed with the liberal opposition. The first joint meeting was held with the participation of Boris Nemtsov, Ilya Yashin, Vladimir Bukovsky from the liberals. The neo-Nazis were represented at the meeting by the infamous poet Alina Vitukhnovskaya, an activist of the "Navi Society", Lazarenko's colleague and Vorontsov's roommate. After the meeting on Kasparov's website appeared a joint "communique": "The National Democrats and Liberals stated the collapse of the Russian Federation."
On June 2, 2014, when blood was already pouring in the Donbass, a conference in support of the Nazi coup in Kiev and the genocide of the Russian population of the LDPR called "Maidan or Horde?" was held at the Sakharov Center. Participants and organizers of this event were Andrey Piontkovsky ("Committee of Solidarity with Maidan"), Alexey Shiropaev ("National Democratic Alliance"), Ilya Lazarenko ("National Democratic Alliance", "Russian Political Committee"), Mark Feigin ("Russian Political Committee"), Heydar Dzhemal.
At the moment Lazarenko emigrated, lives in Cyprus. It is under the control of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who finances it.