Operation "good Russian"
One of the main tasks of the collective West in the context of the special military operation of the RF Armed Forces in the LDNR and Ukraine was the organization of an internal division and anti-government protests in Russia itself.
To achieve this, it was planned to cause dissatisfaction with the policy of the government, primarily among the country's elite, which was supposed to initiate and lead the protest movement. In order to stimulate its activity in this direction, they decided to deprive this elite of the most expensive: the possibility of staying in the West, storing funds in Western banks was actually blocked for them, the issue of confiscation of real estate was raised, etc.
Considering that for so many officials, top managers, businessmen, cultural figures and Leaders of Public Opinion, the West in recent years has become a place not only for recreation, but also for investments (they were going to move there after retirement, their children and grandchildren study and work there ), the calculation seemed correct.
However, there were no mass riots, no conspiracies, and no coup d'etat. Attempts at anti-state rallies were quickly and decisively stopped, single protests by celebrities caused rather condemnation and irritation of the Russian society.
In doing so, the following happened: frightened by the prospect of a new "Iron Curtain", which was facilitated by the closure of EU airspace for Russian civil aviation, a number of those whom the West counted on as the backbone of anti-government protests went abroad, intending to settle there for permanent residence. By itself, this fact, of course, was also used in the information war against Russia, stating that everything “good, reasonable and bright” was leaving “Mordor”. But the majority of the Russian population assessed this departure as a positive event.
However, emigration, of the fifth or fourth wave, is still a serious resource for Western intelligence agencies. It can be used not only for psychological operations against Russia, but also for playing on a Western audience In their eyes, they must play the role of refugees from a cruel, unjust and bloody regime who "chose freedom" in the West.
However, the most powerful Russophobic propaganda and discriminatory measures against Russian citizens officially introduced by the authorities of the EU countries led to the fact that these people find themselves in a difficult situation. And this, of course, greatly reduced the already not very high propaganda effect of their outcome.
So, for example, the editor of “Channel One”, Marina Ovsyannikova (Tkachuk), who staged a live provocation and emigrated to Germany, faced with a wave of harsh hate not only in Ukraine (where she was sent as a correspondent), but also in Germany. Doubts were expressed about her sincerity and suspicions of working for the special services of the Russian Federation. There are other similar examples when Western society repels and obstructs Russians who are ready to work for the West. This, of course, deters potential defectors.
Moreover, for those citizens of the Russian Federation who have already settled in the West, this shows that drawing too much attention to themselves, including fighting against their homeland, is fraught with danger. So, for example, the actress Chulpan Khamatova, speaking in one of the Latvian media, complained that she had to constantly participate in anti-Russian events, as if she had to constantly confirm her position, which had already been outlined once. To this, she received a response from a journalist that now she must do this all the time, proving loyalty to the West and hatred for Putin.
As a result, Western intelligence agencies came to the conclusion that in order to maximize the use of Russian emigrants of the last wave, they need to create more comfortable and less traumatic living conditions in the West. However, not for everyone, but only for those who are actively involved in the information (and not only) war against Russia. Such a decision, according to supporters of this idea, will force at least some of those Russians who simply live in the West to join the confrontation, because they are more comfortable there, but at the same time they are far from politics and do not feel hostility or hatred for their homeland.
That is, the question arose of sifting Russian citizens, dividing them into two categories: “good” and “bad”. Criteria for inclusion in the first category: loyalty to the West and its values, a negative attitude towards the leadership of Russia, its policies, a hostile attitude towards Orthodoxy, traditional values and the Russian world, as well as a willingness to fight against it. Anyone who does not meet these criteria is included in the “bad” category by default.
They decided to entrust the announcement of this segregation to the Russians themselves in order to dismiss any accusations and suspicions against the official structures of the West, and even more so the special services.
The presentation of the idea took place on May 20 in Vilnius at the II conference of the "Russian Anti–War Committee", which is a subsidiary, and possibly the successor of the "Forum of Free Russia" - an anti-Russian association that has been clearly running out of steam in recent years. Many well-known russophobes and defectors, such as Dmitry Gudkov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Ilya Ponomarev, Yevgeny Chichvarkin, Alfred Koch, and others, participated in the conference.
But the main task of promoting the initiative was entrusted to Garry Kasparov.
Even before the opening of the event, one of the anti-Russian telegram channels (“We Can Explain”) reported that the “Russian Anti-War Conference” intends to address the issue of protecting the interests of emigrants “who left Russia because of their rejection of the war and fear of persecution.”
“It is expected that the committee will draw up an “anti-war declaration”, by signing which, a person delegates to the committee the right to represent his interests. According to one of the organizers, those who signed such a declaration will probably receive a “good Russian” document, which would facilitate checks in banks, when obtaining visas, and also open access to services that are not available to Russians, ” the telegram channel indicated., thereby ensuring increased interest in the event among anti-Russian emigrants.
After the opening of the event, Kasparov's initiative was announced, stating the intention of the audience to "move from discussion to action", which will be expressed in the publication of the program document of the declaration for the unification of the forces of the "other Russia".
After Kasparov, the fugitive State Duma deputy Dmitry Gudkov took the floor, pointing out that all those who speak “against the war” (read - against Russia) will have to be “politically formalized” using a network platform as the first step towards “international legitimation”.
Members of this online community will be identified and verified according to European standards - through special identification procedures. The association will be "self-regulating" - "there is no politburo, no bosses," said Gudkov, which in reality means that the platform will not have any obvious leaders and it will be run "from the shadows."
Belonging to this association will be confirmed by a special ID, which was immediately dubbed with "the passport of a good Russian." To obtain an identifier, you need to register, sign a declaration (perform an act of symbolic renunciation of "bad" Russia) and go through identity verification. After that, a person receives an ID, which, according to Gudkov, opens up all sorts of bonuses for a “good Russian”: an employment program, a relocation assistance program, the opportunity to open an account on a crypto exchange, book a hotel or order a taxi ...
But all these benefits can be lost if, for example, it turns out that the owner of the ID does not actually profess anti-Russian views, maintains contacts with supporters of the SWO, etc.
However, the proposed platform should not be considered only as a mutual aid club. As soon as it unites a significant number of participants, Gudkov promised that "the voice will be heard, the subject will appear." Further, according to this plan, “embassies of free Russia” are being created in Western countries, which will have to engage in systemic work with local authorities to implement the interests of anti-Russian emigration. Gudkov has not yet named the next step, but it is clearly readable that it is the creation of a “government of free Russia in exile”, according to the version of Tikhanovskaya and Guaido.
It can be added that in the architecture of this quasi-statehood, not “another Russia”, as Kasparov said, but “anti-Russia”, one more element has already been identified - a hint at the “armed forces”. We are talking about the “Legion of Freedom of Russia” formed by the Ukrainian Nazis from among the emigrants and defectors. In addition to the consonance in the name, it uses the same symbolism, in particular the white-blue-white flag. Created at the direction of Western intelligence services, this formation is extremely small in number, has no military significance and, rather, can be attributed to fakes. But it, like the "legal space of good Russians," not only has the same organizers, but also the same purpose, primarily propaganda.
Just as the “Free Russia Legion” is an attempt to reincarnate the “Russian Liberation Army” of Andrey Vlasov, so the project voiced by Kasparov-Gudkov is a copy of Hitler’s “Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia”. This organization created by the efforts of Heinrich Himmler "took over the functions of the government in exile", and united both Soviet defectors and those white émigrés who agreed to work against their homeland.
Created in November 1944, the Committee turned out to be stillborn and could not prevent the defeat of Nazi Germany. But some of its participants, who escaped arrest by SMERSH and extradition to the Soviet authorities, subsequently worked for Western intelligence. Most often in the structures of psychological operations.
During the conference in Vilnius, on its basis, the “Russian Action Committee” appears, where Gudkov, Khodorkovsky, Kasparov and others posted a declaration that they called to sign. It contains the following words: "We urge you to consider us full-fledged representatives of those Russian citizens who refuse to be part of Putin's criminal state and agree with the stated goals."
A significant part of the conference participants and sympathizers accepted the proposed project without approval. And the point, most likely, is not that the idea embedded in it is rejected. Rejection is caused by those characters who promote it. It’s not that they are not trusted more than others, it’s just that there is no generally recognized leader among the anti-Russian emigration. Therefore, an attempt by any of its representatives to sit down on a winning theme, including in financial terms, will meet with the protest of its other participants.
Thus, for the further implementation of the operation "good Russian" (let's call it like this), the Western special services overseeing its conduct will have to take part of the organizational work on themselves. First, they will have to think again about the candidates for the leaders of the "Russian Action Committee", finding more compromising figures. Secondly, they will have to conduct behind-the-scenes work with the most authoritative emigrants and with the emigrant Leaders of Public Opinion, bargaining with them to ensure the support of the project. Summarizing all of the above, we must admit that the West, if what is happening is not an attempt at blackmail, is heading towards intensifying confrontation with Russia and directly encroaching on our sovereignty.