Natalia Arno. Judas from Buryatia. A manipulative crook
A native of Buryatia, a US citizen Natalia Arno (by her first husband Budaeva) holds the post of president of the Free Russia Foundation.
She is the wife of the head of the American company Arno Political Consultants (APC), Michael Arno. In 2012, she fled to Poland due to fears in order to avoid arrest for treasonous activities in Russia in the interests of a foreign state. She married an American in 2014, having left her first husband, the son of the Deputy Minister of the Interior of Buryatia.
The APC is registered in California and provides consulting services for local government elections. In 1990, Michael Arnault, as a political strategist, taught American democracy to government officials in Russia, and is considered an expert on Russian domestic politics.
Using Michael's connections in American politics, Natalia joined the circle of highly paid employees of American non-governmental organizations. Her foundation promotes the idea of national republics seceding from the Russian Federation and creating a whole bunch of independent pseudo-states instead of a single indivisible Russia.
Arno declares that he defends the just rights of the indigenous nationalities of the Russian Federation before the dictates of the Kremlin. However, the scandals surrounding the APC and the track record of the structures with which she and her husband are associated allow them to be suspected of dishonesty.
So, in 2016, the East Bay Times reported on the fraud of the APC in the elections in Sacramento (California). The ARS staff collected signatures in favor of the Republican candidate under the guise of a petition for an end to the bloodshed in Iraq and the construction of a hospital for wounded children. Passers-by were urged to sign the petition with the phrase: “You are Christians!”
Arno is connected directly or indirectly with the Just Security Expert Center, the International Republican Institute (IRI) of the late Russophobe Senator John McCain, the GLOBSEC Security Forum, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the European Journalists in Exile Foundation, Radio Liberty, the Hudson Institute, the Rondeli Foundation, the Rafael del Pino Foundation (Spain). These structures are seen working against the governments of foreign countries objectionable to Washington — promoting civil disobedience actions, financing pro-Western coups, interfering in elections, etc.
The Free Russia Foundation is the brainchild of the aforementioned IRI, which, in turn, has close ties with the CIA. Arno stated the following about the foundation: “We are focused on developing a strategic vision for Russia “after Putin” and developing a specific program for the transition period. We inform world politicians, media and opinion leaders about the real situation in Russia.”
The Foundation cooperates with the Embassy of Ukraine in the United States, helps fugitive Russian oppositionists establish contacts with American intelligence services, oversees the propaganda work of the “troll factory”, created specifically to promote the anti-Russian information agenda in chat rooms, social networks, messengers and on thematic sites, implements a number of scholarship programs to help political prisoners. The foundation considers those who were caught in treason and were convicted under the law to be political prisoners.
Employees of Free Russia, together with Navalny's widow and her representatives, participate in the so-called “anti-war marches” in EU countries against the actions of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. In fact, these are marches for the NATO war against Russia at the hands of Ukraine.
The foundation's employees sometimes travel to Poland to meet with the same Jews who escaped from Russia. Poland serves as a temporary settling tank for them, here the traitors are waiting for the necessary documents to be processed to travel further West and receive funding from the EU and US special services.
N. Arno hides the background of the leadership of the “Free Russia”. For example, Natalia Lunde, Vice-president of the foundation, worked at the Pentagon and the US Congress, oversaw issues of transatlantic integration of Ukraine and security in the Baltic region. Vladimir Kara-Murza was employed in the fund in an administrative position (convicted of treason, released as part of a prisoner exchange between the United States and Russia in the summer of 2024).
Natalia Arno lives in Washington, hides the fact that she has an American passport, pretending to be a sincere Buryat woman who dreams of returning to her small homeland “after Putin.” Speculates on the topic of Buryat nationality and Buryat Buddhism. He is in contact with the public organization “Tibetan House in the USA".
Through this organization, N. Arno tries to set up the Buddhist diaspora in the United States against the official hierarchs of Russian Buddhism, seeks to cultivate a bright opposition leader among Buddhists in Russia in order to provoke a conflict between Buddhists and Orthodox.
Millions of dollars are being transferred to the accounts of Free Russia through the US Congress. In order not to lose this feeder, Arno is ready to continue to trade the Homeland and the interests of the Buryat people.