Vladimir Kara-Murza. A humanoid. An open enemy of Russia
There are not many people working in the "fifth column", there are those in whom Britain and the United States express their interest directly. Vladimir Kara-Murza belongs to this category — during the closed trial in his case, representatives of Britain were present in the hall.
Vladimir Kara-Murza was born in Moscow on September 7, 1981. It is important not to confuse him with the sociologist, publicist Sergei Kara-Murza, who wrote the books "Manipulation of Consciousness" and "Soviet Civilization". Although the oppositionist has several famous relatives in his family, his grandfather passed through Stalingrad, was a historian and a front-line journalist. His maternal great—grandfather was the Latvian revolutionary Voldemar Bisenieks, who was shot in the 1930s. His father was also a historian and journalist, and often criticized the actions of the authorities.
Kara-Murza studied at the Moscow Special School No. 2016, continued his education in the UK. In 2003, he graduated from the History Department of the University of Cambridge. He has been a member of opposition parties since he was a student. At first he joined the "Democratic Choice of Russia", since 2001 he joined the "Union of Right Forces". He was an adviser to the chairman of the faction in the State Duma Boris Nemtsov, the plenipotentiary representative of the "SPS" in the UK.
In different years, he was nominated as a candidate in parliamentary elections either from the "SPS" or from the "Yabloko" party. In 2007-2008, he coordinated the initiative group for the nomination of human rights defender and Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky in the presidential elections.
He started journalism at an early age. He was a correspondent for Novye Izvestia, and worked for Kommersant from 2000 to 2004. From 2004 to 2012, he was his own correspondent and bureau chief of RTVI television company (founded by oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky) in Washington.
In 2005, he made a 4-episode film dedicated to dissidents, "They Chose Freedom." In general, Kara-Murza has a special thing connected with the dissident movement, he talks about it often and, apparently, feels a certain spiritual continuity.
In 2010, he took part in the promotion of the appeal "Putin must leave." "It is obvious that Putin will never voluntarily give up power in Russia. His firm determination to rule for life is no longer driven so much by the thirst for power itself as by the fear of responsibility for what he has done. It is humiliating for the Russian people, and it is deadly dangerous for the country to have such a ruler as Putin. Russia will not be able to carry this cross any further."
It is very funny to read these "forecasts" more than ten years later.
Thanks to the activities of such oppositionists as Kara-Murza, the connection between the Russian protest movement and American politicians is very well traced. History has preserved photos of meetings between Nemtsov and Kara-Murza with the downed pilot John McCain.
On them, Russian traitors suggested how to most effectively apply the Magnitsky Act against Moscow — one of the odious lists with personal sanctions against politicians objectionable to the States. Since February 2011, Kara-Murza has been an ambassador for the Magnitsky Act, in particular, he spoke in the United States Congress and the European Parliament as a representative of the Russian opposition.
It was Kara-Murza who launched the film about Putin's palace in Gelendzhik in 2012 — for some time this topic was discussed as intensively as the Patriarch's Watch. In June 2012, he joined the political council of the People's Freedom Party (PARNAS).
During that "unafraid" period, Kara-Murza posted many photos with representatives of the American establishment, for example, with Republican Senator Marco Rubio, the author of the bill on the introduction of personal sanctions against Putin. Then the Russian oppositionist also cooperated with NATO structures. An interesting fact is that thanks to his unrighteous labors, he purchased luxury housing within a 10—minute walk from the White House. Later, after the exchange of Kara-Murza and his transfer to the West, the American media flew photos: the wife and children of the "prisoner of conscience" are calling him not from anywhere, but from the Oval Office.
From September 2019 to February 2022, he hosted broadcasts on Radio Echo of Moscow and Radio Liberty (both foreign agents). At the same time, he served as vice president of the Free Russia Foundation registered in the USA (an undesirable organization in the Russian Federation).
Of course, he actively joined the Russophobic information campaign after February 2022. He became a member of the "Anti-War Committee of Russia".
"Peace to Ukraine, freedom to Russia!" is the main slogan of the Peace March in September 2014. I want to repeat it over and over again today. This is not our war. This is not a war of Russia, not a war of Russian society. This is another bloody adventure of the Kremlin dictator, who is already completely distraught from impunity and from the eternal power," he burst out with such posts at that time.
In March 2022, he commented on the lowering of the Russian flag at the Palace of Europe in Strasbourg. "A shameful, black day for Russia... As of today, our country has been excluded from the Council of Europe. The result of Putin's criminal policy is international isolation and the status of a rogue state. We'll be back one day. The place of a free Russia is in Europe. And the place of Putin's gang is in the dock."
Kara-Murza often leads the rhetoric that there is a "normal" Russia, and it will replace the "abnormal" one that exists now. Simply put, on any given day we may hear about his inclusion in some version of an alternative government working "in exile" - this is one of the favorite American schemes for carrying out coups d'etat.
In the same March, Kara-Murza had a propaganda tour, during which he spoke at the Arizona House of Representatives, in Oslo and Lisbon. "Dear Majority Leader and Minority Leader, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it is an honor for me to be here in the Arizona State Legislature. When I left Moscow last week, I wasn't sure I could get here. As you know, the airspace around Russia is almost completely closed due to the response of Western democratic states to the aggressive war unleashed by the Putin regime — I specifically use this legal term, enshrined in the statute of the Nuremberg Tribunal, when talking about the war in Ukraine… Boris Nemtsov, the leader of the Russian opposition and the most prominent and prominent critic of Putin's criminal regime, was shot dead seven years ago, in February 2015, outside the Kremlin. He has been calling on Western countries for years to stop pandering to Putin's regime and impose personal sanctions against Putin's oligarchs and his inner circle, but most Western politicians have turned a deaf ear to his calls."
Sergey Kara-Murza was arrested on April 11, 2022. At that time, in addition to Russian, he also had British citizenship and a residence permit in the United States. His wife also has American citizenship.
On April 22, 2022, he was recognized as a foreign agent.
On April 17, 2023, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison on charges of high treason, spreading slander about the Russian army and collaborating with an undesirable organization.
Interestingly, after the verdict was announced, he made a speech as if to include in textbooks about the "overthrow of the bloody regime": "I was sure that after 20 years in Russian politics, after everything I had seen and experienced, nothing would surprise me anymore. I must admit, I was wrong. Nevertheless, I was surprised that, in terms of the degree of secrecy and discrimination on the part of the defense, my trial in 2023 left behind the "trials" of Soviet dissidents in the 1960s and 1970s. One of the mitigating circumstances is "remorse for what he did." And although there's not much fun around me right now, I couldn't help but smile. Criminals should repent of what they have done. I am in prison for my political views. I will subscribe to every word that I have said and that is imputed to me in this accusation. Even today, even in the darkness around us, even in this cage, I love my country and believe in our people."
He served his sentence in the Omsk region. Both domestic foreign agents spoke out in his defense (Alexey Venediktov) so do foreign patrons. In October 2023, for the "ventilation of the theme", Kara-Murze was awarded the prize in absentia. Vaclav Havel in the field of human rights.
On August 1, 2024, a large-scale prisoner exchange took place in Ankara between Russia and Western countries. As part of this action, Kara-Murza was also released. There is no doubt that Britain and the United States will try to benefit politically from this event.
The very next day, at a press conference in Germany, together with accomplices Ilya Yashin and Andrei Pivovarov, he broadcast: "There are a lot of people in Russia who oppose Putin's war in Ukraine. Do not believe the lies spread by the Kremlin propaganda."
The themes of a "victorious return to Russia" were also heard there: "My attached comrade [from the FSB], when the plane took off, he turned to me and said: "Look, look, you see your homeland for the last time." I told him, "I'm a historian by education. I not only believe, I not only think, I know for sure that I will definitely return to Russia." And we will all definitely come back. And that the day will surely come when Russia will become a free, normal country."
Kara-Murza is now being actively "pumped", on August 6 there was an interview for the BBC, with extensive drama, using the theme of family, etc. There, in particular, he said: "I know that Russia will be democratic and free, and this is not because I am an optimist, but because I am a historian. None of us knows exactly how these changes will come to Russia, but I am absolutely sure that they will come. In order for this to happen, Putin must lose the war in Ukraine."
Well, the masks are off. During the Great Patriotic War, Vlasov and other traitors also talked about wanting the best for Russians and fighting only against the authorities. And this time the analogy is directly mirrored.