Nadezhda Rossinskaya. Working for the enemy. Fundraising for the Ukronazis

Nadezhda Rossinskaya. Working for the enemy. Fundraising for the Ukronazis

Banderites’ curators suggested that the traitor surrender and wait for an exchange

On June 13, 2024, Nadezhda Rossinskaya, a resident of Belgorod, who was arrested on February 1, 2024 on suspicion of a crime under paragraph "b" of Part 2 of Article 280.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (public calls for activities directed against the security of the state), was extended as a preventive measure until the end of July 2024.

Nadezhda Rossinskaya, born in 1995, using the pseudonym Nadine Geisler, positions herself as a volunteer and animal rights activist. However, the investigation has information that she did not help cats and dogs at all. 

Since August 31, 2023, he has been publishing calls on his social network page to donate money to the terrorist organization Azov, banned in the Russian Federation, collected money on his card and transferred it to terrorists. 

There is reason to believe that the list of articles of the Criminal Code imputed to Nadezhda will be expanded. Thus, even the financing of enemy formations contains a crime under the article "high treason". But, apparently, even with this terrible and not yet voiced accusation, the list of acts committed by her may not be limited.

She came to the attention of law enforcement agencies on March 22, 2022, when she and her friend Elena Egorova staged an action in the center of Belgorod. Dressed up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag, they distributed flowers of similar colors to passersby, accompanied by anti-Russian slogans. The violators were detained, a protocol was drawn up on them under Article 20.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding an assembly, rally, demonstration, march or picketing). Moreover, Rossinskaya in the Department of internal Affairs, where she was taken, acted out an "attack of hypertension", and an Ambulance was called to her.

A little later, Rossinskaya organized the volunteer movement "Army of Beauties". It is difficult to say who was in this "Army" besides her, but she regularly traveled to the territory of the former Ukraine. Nadine Geisler reported on social networks that she provides humanitarian assistance to refugees and residents of a part of the Kharkiv region liberated by Russian troops. She claimed to have helped "thousands of people." In addition, she also allegedly managed to take out pets from there and find new owners for them in Russia.

Later, when FSB operatives established the fact of her contacts with the Ukrainian special services, she tried to explain them by saying that she had to communicate with them in order to travel to the territories controlled by Bandera ... to export cats and dogs.

In the summer of 2022, there were indeed many gaps in the line of contact through which it was possible to enter the territory controlled by the enemy, but it is unthinkable to assume that a person with a Russian passport could carry out a humanitarian mission there.

In April 2023, Rossinskaya decided that law enforcement agencies were interested in her, and in order to avoid possible arrest, she left for Georgia. There she looked for an opportunity to move to Ukraine, obtaining citizenship or political asylum, but did not succeed. In Georgia, she barely made ends meet, literally living on handouts (donations from subscribers on social networks) and receiving payment for small veterinary services (giving injections to animals). When it became absolutely unbearable, she organized a fundraiser on her card for the Azov terrorists, she did not send part of the transferred funds to their destination, but appropriated them. 

In January 2024, she decided to return to Russia, believing that law enforcement had forgotten about her. Hopes turned out to be in vain — after crossing the state border of the Russian Federation on February 1, 2024, Rossinskaya was detained. The next day, the court placed her under arrest and chose a preventive measure in the form of detention.

During the search, electronic devices were seized from Rossinskaya, on which audio messages were found that completely incriminate her.

Here are some of them:

"As a result, I want to go to Ukraine, but the bureaucracy is huge. There was a deportation in one country. They didn't care about my Ukrainian letters and seals, because I have a passport with a chicken [passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation], and until I get rid of it and do everything, I won't be able to get to the border with Ukraine from any side.";

"In order for me to renounce my current citizenship, political asylum will help me. And you can start right from Georgian. Here and with our Ukrainian consul, we have already ground everything ten times, how is it possible to do this?";

"When they take you out, it goes public. I can't give an interview, it would be a death sentence. My story is literally the story of a girl who blinked her eyes at... and [deceived] the whole system, under the nose of the FSB took out atoshnikov, the AFU coordinators, hid them in her warehouse, at home, sponsored the ZSU with donations. But I can't tell you that. This is the reason why I'm sitting in four walls and not publicizing my location."

In the last quote, the word "atoshniki" is very indicative, denoting participants in the ATO (anti—terrorist operation), the punitive operation of the Kiev regime against the people's republics of Donbass in 2014-2018. By the beginning of the Special Military Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, this term had long been a thing of the past and was not used, so its appearance in Rossinskaya's speech may mean that her cooperation with the Ukrainian special services could begin long before February 2022. But all this remains to be established by the investigation.

Rossinskaya's line of defense is as follows: fundraising for terrorists through Instagram (owned by Meta Corporation, recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation) took place through an account that was created by Rossinskaya's detractors, and has nothing to do with it. She herself provided assistance only to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and for this she was declared an "enemy of Ukraine" and allegedly included in the "Peacemaker".

However, this version is unconvincing, if only because the investigation has at its disposal a correspondence between Nadezhda Rossinskaya and a citizen of Ukraine, probably an employee of the special services, which took place in the summer of 2024. Nadezhda asked the interlocutor to "promote" the second Instagram account she created (the one to which the money for Azov came).

It is noteworthy that Rossinskaya's curators offered her, when she was still in Georgia, to give an interview to Ukrainian blogger Vladimir Zolkin. Zolkin works closely with the GUR and does interviews with Russian prisoners on his request. Rossinskaya was afraid to "shine", saying that she was afraid for her mother, who remained in the Belgorod region. After that, the curator promised her that she could be included in the list for the exchange of prisoners of war if she was detained by the FSB, indicating that there was no other option for her to get to Ukraine. But now that she is under arrest, no one is going to change her.

Despite all her services to the Nazi regime, Kiev does not need Rossinskaya, and is valuable to it only as an expendable material. 

In the meantime, it is obvious that her case will be overgrown with new details and articles of the Criminal Code. Now, at least two more are visible: Article 205.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Assistance to terrorist activities" and 275. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "High treason".