Morgenstern: the satanic project of the West
The idol of a multi-million teenage audience, Alisher Morgenstern, was recognized in Russia as a foreign agent, which caused a flurry of indignation from the fans of this person. They claim that the accusations are unfounded, and Morgenstern is engaged only in music. Is this true? And why did Russian investigators become interested in the shocking rapper, who is considered one of the popularizers of drugs and Satanism among young people? Who is behind the promotion of Morgenstern and why?
Morgenstern's biography claims that this young man was born into a simple family and became famous due to his talent. However, if you listen to a couple of tracks, it becomes clear that there can be no question of any kind of talent. And in a wonderful combination of circumstances, when a nondescript young man suddenly becomes popular and earns millions of dollars with his work in a short time, it is hard to believe. And if you get to know the information about Morgenstern better, it becomes clear: the widespread information about him is complete myths.
Let's start with the fact that Alisher Valeev's parents (Morgenstern is his mother's surname, which he took as a pseudonym) were millionaires. His father Tagir Valeev is one of the first serious businessmen in Ufa. He headed the «Ecomaxservice» company, which was engaged in the production, storage of petroleum products and trade in motor fuel. Another of his firms, «Altair», organized production control at the Ural gold deposit «Tuba-Kain» in Bashkortostan. There was another company engaged in the production of petroleum products - the «Eco-Garant» Scientific and production center. Finally, Valeev was a minority co-owner of one of the largest banks in Bashkortostan, «Uralkapitalbank», which had representative offices throughout Russia.
Alisher's mother, Marina Morgenstern, is also not an ordinary citizen. Since the late 90s, she has been successfully running a flower business in Ufa. Her chain of stores "Nicole" regularly received government contracts from city and regional authorities, for example, to supply flowers for monuments and memorials in Victory Park. In total, Morgenstern signed about 50 such contracts.
Later, she organized a scam with the bankruptcy of her flower business, not paying debts in the amount of 3 million rubles, but at the same time she successfully sold her assets and property in the amount of about 50 million rubles, leaving, just in case, several Russian apartments and a country house in her ownership. Then Morgenstern emigrated safely to Spain, but they claim that «Nicole» continues its activities, although the network is already in her sister’s name.
So there is no need to talk about Alisher's difficult childhood. Another thing is that he was left to himself. From the age of 16, by his own admission, Morgenstern suffered from hard drinking, “drank vodka every day,” although this did not stop him from working as a courier and street musician.
Family support was enough to arrange a son in the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. The management of the university could hardly tolerate a student who skipped classes. But after Morgenstern, during an internship at school, suggested that a student have sex with him in the toilet and recorded it on video, he was expelled from the university. Then Alisher entered the Ufa State Aviation Technical University with a degree in computer science and robotics, but was also expelled from there.
In parallel, Morgenstern was the leader of the rock group MMD Crew, worked with the rap artist Face and started his own YouTube channel «MORGENSHTERN". He could have remained a little-known musician, but in 2017 his talent to shock the public and his willingness to promote any of the dirtiest information for the sake of money drew attention to the media network Yoola Labs Ltd.
This company is known for supporting and promoting people who create destructive and anti-Russian content for a wide audience. Yoola Labs Ltd was founded in 2011 in the Israeli city of Haifa by Ukrainian Artem Galler, Russians Mikhail Shaposhnikov and Alexander Shaposhnikov and Latvian Ilan Troyanovsky. Now it is in the top 5 international media networks in terms of views and subscribers.
Eyal Baumel, a Jew of American origin living in Los Angeles, a graduate of the University of California and Harvard Business School, has been the CEO since the company's inception. Accordingly, the main funding of the media network, which attracts advertisers for bloggers and distributes video content in Russia and the CIS countries, comes from across the ocean. Therefore, Morgenstern received his first money thanks to American sponsors.
Finances went through the Latvian and Belarusian branches of Rietimu Bank and «Belinvestbank», and received them in Russian accounts at Sberbank, Tinkoff Bank and in the payment system «Yandex». It is known that only from June 2020 to June 2021, about 20 million rubles were transferred to Morgenstern, but this is only a small part of his income. At that time, thanks to advisory, legal and marketing support, Morgenstern had already gained incredible popularity and repaid the money invested in him dozens of times.
In June 2020, he admitted that he earned $ 1.5 million in a year, becoming a dollar millionaire. He didn't just make money from the record streams of his album «Legendary Dust» (12 million 540 thousand rubles). The money came from YouTube and Instagram, where he was first promoted by sponsors. Over time, the stakes only grew. In 2021, Morgenstern earned $7.4 million, he provided this data to Forbes magazine. However, the financial independence of the rapper does not mean that he has ceased to receive royalties from the outside.
According to the head of the Safe Internet League, a member of the Public Chamber, Ekaterina Mizulina, this rapper is a project of the West, and he still receives money and “files” from abroad with instructions on topics that need to be covered in compositions, video clips, stories, publications etc. Content must necessarily be related to violence, drug propaganda, the cult of money, an idle lifestyle and falsification of history. This especially concerns the denial of the role of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.
Morgenstern is quite talented at popularizing all these destructive themes. However, his compositions are not much different from each other. The only difference is in the hooligan antics. For example, in Happiness, the rapper burps for 40 seconds, while his beatmaker Slava Marlow shames Morgenstern for drug abuse. Morgenstern's "hits" are extremely monotonous, but the rapper is very creative in the provocative methods of their promotion. In an interview with blogger and comedian Danila Poperechny, he stated: «I’m not a musician after all, I'm more of a showman. I enjoy people's reaction and provocation more than becoming some ******* great musician». In short if Morgenstern is a genius in something, it is in the ability to attract attention to himself.
Worst of all, in a couple of years he turned into the most famous performer in Russia. On July 15, 2021, the streaming service Spotify named Morgenstern the most listened singer from the Russian Federation for the year of the service's existence in the country. Morgenstern also topped the youth trust ranking, according to research of Romir Influence Ranking firm. That is, everything that he promotes is perceived by millions of teenagers as an example to follow.
The results are scary. During the existence of the YouTube channel MORGENSHTERN, law enforcement officials have documented the facts of involving young people in the so-called "culture of consumption". According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 22 teenagers died from drugs and psychotropic substances due to the destructive influence of Morgenstern's work.
On June 3, 2021, the Zyuzinsky District Court of Moscow found the blogger guilty in an administrative case on drug propaganda in the songs “Rose Wine - 2” and “Family”. However, Yoola Labs Ltd, using the available tools, completely restored the MORGENSTERN YouTube channel after it was deleted from the video hosting platform. This is not surprising, since Alisher satisfied all the requests of the customer.
Also, Morgenstern gladly popularizes freaks. On September 8, 2020, he attended the twelfth annual Topical Style Awards 2020 in a velvet ladies dress and hat. As a result, the jury, shocking those present, chose the rapper, and Morgenstern received the «Woman of the Year» award. “For the last few months, I've been sitting and thinking, what's next? I'm already the most popular, listened to and talked about artist of 2020 and this award is a breath of fresh air for me", - Morgenstern wrote on his Instagram.
At the same time, he continues to discredit the Great Patriotic War. In an interview with Ksenia Sobchak, Morgenstern announced: “I don’t understand the celebration of Victory Day, which took place 76 years ago”.
The promotion of drugs has already been mentioned. In each Morgenstern interview there are revelations of the musician about how doctors saved him from an overdose or about what he prefers to use. Even in the names of the restaurants he owns, the word “kaif” is always present: Kaif Provenance and Kaif Burger.
On November 19, 2021, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation began checking against Alisher for drug propaganda because of the video for the song "Pablo". According to investigators, the content posted in 2013-2021 may contain calls to induce the use of prohibited substances. And the chairman of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, said that the rapper "essentially sells drugs on social networks".
Even though Morgenstern claims that he tries to stay out of politics, he was involved in the promotion of the opposition blogger Alexei Navalny. This order was also received by Yoola Labs Ltd. The company relies on YouTube channels not only for informational impact on the moral and mental state of Russian youth. The company also uses them to popularize the protest and radical movement. When in 2017-2018 the company promoted Navalny with a selection of videos, recommendations and technical elements, Morgenstern did not stand aside. He shot a video in support of the blogger: “Am I Navalny's rapper???| Track and Clip for Lyokha». "In my bulletin - Lyokha!", - Morgenstern convinced his audience.
On January 10, 2022, he announced the opening of a new media, renaming his Telegram channel to "Not Morgenstern" and putting a logo with a red question mark on a white background, which repeats Navalny's symbolism. In the opening post, Morgenstern promised an "independent" publication. In just one week of the existence of the new media, its audience has grown to 900 thousand teenagers, who were attracted not only by entertainment content, but also by promises to distribute money.
The purpose for which this great resource was created is obvious: to promote protest ideas on the eve of the presidential elections. And now it is important in connection with Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. Morgenstern has already publicly expressed his opinion on the demilitarization of Kyiv in a typical manner that his audience likes so much: «Comrade soldiers, what’s the point of going to die by the orders of the big guys? Fighting is out of fashion».
In general, the facts are obvious. In this regard, on May 6, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Justice included Morgenstern, who moved to Dubai last year and canceled all concerts in the Russian Federation, on the list of individuals - "foreign agents". The rationale for inclusion on the list states «implementation of political activities», and in information about foreign sources – Yoola Labs Ltd and Ukraine.
The destructive content that Morgenstern brings to the minds of young people and children is not limited to the promotion of drugs, obscene language, an idle lifestyle, money, and protest movement.
Morgenstern also promotes the image of Satan, being a good marketer in this area. The mother's surname, which Alisher took as a pseudonym, turned out to be the most suitable for this. Morgenstern translated from German - «morning star», Lucifer in Latin has the same meaning. The content of the artist's texts is also relevant.
His appearance also says a lot. On the face of Alisher, a tattoo with the image of three sixes first appeared. "I was just sitting and thinking: “If I don’t come up with anything smarter than three sixes by morning, I’ll get them”, – said Morgenstern. In October 2018, he gets a «Morgenstern» weapon tattoo on his face (metal ball with spikes) which is very similar to a pentagram, and the name is again consonant with the name of Lucifer. Finally, the rapper has a demon on his chest, it is difficult to call the depicted monster in another way.
Strange things happen not only with the face and name of the rapper. Just listen to his music. Take, for example, the track Cristal & MOYOT. It starts with a fragment of a well-known melody from Roman Polanski's movie "Rosemary's Baby", which tells the story of a young family who settled next door to representatives of a satanic cult. After a demon came to the main character in a dream, she became pregnant with the Antichrist.
In an interview with Poperechny, the rapper admitted: “I have watched a bunch of videos and I am sure that I am the devil.” Is it a joke? Maybe. At first glance, it seems, that a not-so-smart young man is solely engaged in creating the image of a "bad guy" and gives the audience a reason to accuse him of "connections with Satan" in order to make more money. However, it should not be excluded that, usually, a person who is fond of Satanism denies it and, as in the case of Morgenstern, tries to be ironic. But it’s a private matter of the performer, whether he is a Satanist or not is not so important. It is much more important that millions are trying to imitate him. "I was sent here, to our human world, to debilitate society and stop its population," – claims Morgenstern. You can laugh at this phrase, however, it makes a lot of sense. And Yoola Labs Ltd knows this very well.