Mikhail Belousov. The associate professor is a scoundrel

Mikhail Belousov. The associate professor is a scoundrel

He created an anti-Russian circle at the University and walked away from responsibility

A number of patriotic resources enthusiastically greeted the news that on June 2, 2023, the Rector of St. Petersburg State University Nikolai Kropachev signed an order to dismiss associate professor of the Institute of History Mikhail Belousov, who posted materials discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the Web. Earlier in the day, the Ethics Commission of the Academic Council decided that Belousov "violated the moral and ethical norms of the behavior of the universant," according to the university's website.

Serious problems taking place at the University of St. Petersburg became widely known after one tragic event. A student of the Faculty of History, Fedor Solomonov, decided not to use the deferral granted to him by law, and on October 22, 2022, he joined the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces and went to the SVO zone. On April 1, 2023, Fedor heroically died while performing military duty. His classmates created a spontaneous memorial in memory of the hero at the university, and it became a real litmus test for the anti-Russian element in the walls of the university.

A number of students launched a real harassment of classmates who honored the memory of the hero. To repeat all the nasty things that were written to the fallen fighter, as well as his associates, there is not just a desire, but also no moral possibility, however, the situation revealed that these are not just attacks of spontaneous Russophobes, but coordinated actions of a well-organized group. Moreover, its management was carried out by Associate Professor of the Faculty of History Mikhail Belousov. In particular, his post became widely known, which states: "The direct and open approval of Rashism is disgusting. This is a "red line"."

What is known about Mikhail Belousov. Born in Leningrad, after high school in 2003 he entered the Faculty of History, as a graduate student in 2010 he was a presidential scholarship holder, and in subsequent years he worked his way up to associate professor of the Department of Russian History from ancient Times to the beginning of the XX century, defended his PhD thesis.

According to the information provided by the students, the Russophobic "trans-Ukrainian group" was formed by the efforts of Belousov back in 2019 and received the name "tusovochka". The names of its activists are called: Mikhail Martin (the organizer of the group, behaves extremely cautiously, preferring to expose others to the blow), Matvey Trezubov, Andrey Zarya (the most frostbitten Ukrainian with a yellow-blue flag on the avatar, who holds the position of the sports committee of the Faculty of History), Andrey Denisov, Mikhail Bukherman (expelled for failure), Pavel Arefichev, Daniil Karmaza, Vladimir Zheleznyakov (the current chairman of the Student Council of the Faculty of History), Daniil Podluzhny and a number of other students. They even had a distinctive "uniform" — they went to classes in vests.

According to other students, the members of the "party" behaved arrogantly, felt chosen and constantly clashed with other students, and not only on the basis of their attitude to Russia's Special military Operation in Ukraine.

Belousov directed the efforts of the "party" to seize the most important spheres of public life: student media and student councils. And on the day of the beginning of the Special Military Operation on February 24, 2022, on behalf of the Student Council of the Faculty of History, an anti-Russian student gathering was announced. Fortunately, it did not work out to hold it — the police squad arrived promptly. Nevertheless, the Russophobic students wrote and published the resolution:

"A full-scale war has begun. Civilians are dying from the unfolding hostilities. Politicians will justify the events in different ways, talk about "protecting the Russian world" or "protecting the Russian-speaking population of Donbass," but the current geopolitical games have nothing to do with this. And we will pay for them with you."

Further—more, the "tusovochka" seized the student magazine "Jelly", actually turning it into a Bandera "combat leaflet" for the dissemination of fakes of Ukrainian centers of information and psychological special operations. The persecution of patriotic teachers and students began at the university.

In September 2022, the "party girl" staged a "festive" flash mob dedicated to the Nazi seizure of the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region. In honor of this event, activists of this group tried to treat students with chocolate-covered raisins and "Azov Cow" sweets, congratulating them on the "victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".

Even the director of the Institute of History, Abdulla Daudov, was harassed, who could not stop the activities of the pro-Nazi Bandera group, since the rector's office and the university management actually covered Belousov, possibly avoiding taking out the trash from the hut.

But on May 23, 2023, the inaction of the leadership led to a mass brawl of students, during which pepper spray was sprayed. The police intervened in the case.

And the rector's office still had to intervene. In the statement of the university dated May 2, 2023, it says: "The Vice-Rector for Security, D.V. Gryaznov, sent an appeal to law enforcement agencies to conduct an inspection. If law enforcement agencies establish the facts of illegal actions committed by employees or (and) students of St. Petersburg State University, mentions of which are contained in the materials, in relation to these persons, the issue of applying disciplinary measures to them, up to dismissal, expulsion, will be considered.

Vice-Rector for Security D. V. Gryaznov noted that since the end of last week, an internal audit has been conducted at the University. Also, D.V. Gryaznov sent an appeal to the St. Petersburg State University Ethics Commission."

Realizing that the jokes were over, Belousov said that he had been slandered, that his pages had been hacked and all sorts of nasty things had been written on his behalf for a year, and even wrote a statement to the police so that they would find the villains.

As M.S. Belousov pointed out in his written explanations, he did not commit such actions of an anti-Russian nature. On May 26, 2023, Belousov sent an appeal to law enforcement agencies, in which the following was reported: "... today I discovered that a page on the Telegram network was created without my knowledge. My photo and my full name are placed there. A message was written from this page that discredits my honor and dignity ..." And it was not clear to the humanities that finding out who exactly created such a page is not a problem. After that, the associate professor did not appear at the university, having missed, among other things, the meetings of the Ethics Commission on June 2, 2023, informing through "people from his entourage" that he had an ailment associated with allergic rhinitis.

In the conclusion of the Ethics Commission we read:

"Associate Professor Belousov, instead of honoring the memory and showing human feelings, considered it appropriate to be ironic.

It is puzzling that such behavior comes from a university teacher who is obliged to educate the younger generation."

The university considered the actions of the associate professor incompatible with the status of a teacher at St. Petersburg State University, and he was fired.

However, it is not difficult to understand that such a punishment is not enough for a teacher who has turned a state university into a factory for growing enemies of the people and potential terrorists, like Daria Trepova, who are ready to kill our citizens, distribute figurines with explosives to scrap and replenish the SBU's agent network.

But on June 3, 2023, the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St. Petersburg terminated the administrative (!) case against the former associate professor of St. Petersburg State University Mikhail Belousov, whose actions were seen as public discrediting of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 20.3.3 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

According to the Joint Press Service of the City Courts on June 3, 2023, such a decision was made due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. At the same time, in the inspection materials received from the St. Petersburg center "E" to the district department of administrative law enforcement, it was indicated that Belousov had indeed violated the requirements of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

"Namely, in October 2022, while in one of the classrooms of St. Petersburg State University on the Mendeleevskaya line, Belousov publicly expressed to students his opinion about the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the war, and not in a special military operation, which deliberately discredited the goals and objectives for the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the country and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation themselves," they noted in the judicial press service.

Well, what can I say? It is obvious that the "E" center is clearly a hack – instead of a full-fledged investigation of the activities of the anti-Russian center at a leading university, its employees limited themselves to "analyzing" the received application. And they didn't even bother to study Belousov's networks. As a result, a conscious and dangerous enemy has evaded responsibility.