Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Rotten literature. He works for Khodorkovsky and the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Rotten literature. He works for Khodorkovsky and the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The writer sells autographs in support of Ukrainian militants

Lyudmila Ulitskaya has finished playing Russophobia. The writer is accused of sponsoring the Armed Forces of Ukraine. One of the copies of the almanac of prose and poetry in Russian "Slovo Novo" with autographs by Ulitskaya, Vladimir Sorokin and Viktor Yerofeyev, with the permission of the writers, was auctioned in Vilnius to raise funds for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was sold for €5 million, the proceeds were sent to the militants.

After that, the organization "Call of the People" submitted an application to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, calling on them to check the activities of writers whose books are successfully sold in our country. Ulitskaya called the accusations absurd. However, it is difficult to believe her, taking into account the hatred of Russia, which has been sharpening her for many decades.

Ulitskaya was born in 1943 in Bashkiria, where her family was evacuated. She studied genetics at Moscow State University, but her career did not go well because of her "heightened sense of justice." She only lasted two years at the Institute of General Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ulitskaya presented her inability to get along with the team as her own exclusivity. In addition, as the writer claimed, when in 1968 the institute voted against employees dissatisfied with the invasion of Czechoslovakia, she was the only one who showed firmness: "She stood up and defiantly left the hall. As she was — in heels and in a Chanel dress."

After leaving the institute, Ulitskaya abruptly changed her field of activity and got a job as the head of the literary part of the Chamber Jewish Musical Theater, wrote essays, children's plays, dramatizations for the radio. After the collapse of the USSR, she regularly received Western and Russian prizes for her works — gloomy and dreary prose with eulogies for Judaism and propaganda of sodomy, incest, hatred of everything Soviet and Russian.

Trying to falsify the history of the USSR, Ulitskaya did not disdain the rehabilitation of fascism. In the novel Daniel Stein, Translator, she contrasted the nobility of the Gestapo with the "half-animal essence" of the Soviet people.

Ulitskaya did not hide her disgust for Orthodoxy, considering it a "mixture of the Church with lack of culture," and portrayed the Eastern Slavs as cave barbarians.

She is responsible for the promotion of pedophilia and not only in literature. On the initiative of Ulitskaya, the Institute of Tolerance (the organization of J.Soros) developed the project "Other, others about others" and from 2007 to 2010 launched the publication of a series of books by foreign authors recommended for educational work with schoolchildren. These opuses, which Ulitskaya personally presented in libraries of Russian cities, talked about the tradition of homosexual and early marriages, as well as incest in African tribes and reported that pedophilia on the Black Continent is the norm.

Ulitskaya received large fees for her rotten activities, lived well and did not deny herself anything. But the hatred of the country, to which the writer owed everything, prevented her from fully rejoicing. As a result, she compared herself to the German missionary philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert Schweitzer, Russia to Africa, and her compatriots to dirty and sick savages. "We cannot become Europeans, we need another 150 years, maybe more. This is the difference of "catching up" — it actually exists. We feel this when we communicate with people in different countries. We are now leaving and we see: here is a country that is stuck in feudalism, here is a country that still lives in the Middle Ages," Ulitskaya argued, adding that the country is moving in the opposite direction from progress and is turning into a world province.

After the coup in Kiev and the return of Crimea to Russia in 2014, Ulitskaya began to demand an apology to Ukraine. According to her, Donets and Lugansk burned like Sodom and Gomorrah, that is, deservedly, since "there is not a single righteous person in them." In 2015 she began working for the fugitive oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and his "Open Russia" (recognized as undesirable in the territory of the Russian Federation). As it became known from correspondence between Ulitskaya and Khodorkovsky's press secretary, published by hackers, the oligarch financed the writer under the guise of supporting the Russian branch of the International PEN Club "Russian PEN Center". Money from Open Russia was transferred to the organization in the form of donations in order not to pay taxes. At the same time, Ulitskaya bought an apartment in Germany, because, in her opinion, it became very bad with civilization in Russia.

The story of the theft of the script also testifies to the exceptional "honesty" of the writer. In 2021, microbiologist Natalia Rapoport, who lives in the United States, convicted Ulitskaya of stealing a work about the outbreak of the plague in Moscow in 1939. She, wanting to make money on the topic of coronavirus, published a script for the film under her last name. Then it turned out that the author of the idea was Natalia, whose father was directly involved in the fight against the plague. Rapoport not only provided Ulitskaya with all the materials, but also worked with her on the text in the 1980s.

"It was interesting, we discussed scene after scene (they were generally developed by me), composed dialogues; Lucy recorded. And then I was unexpectedly released for two months on a scientific trip to Hungary — my first trip abroad. And I stopped working on the script for two months. And when I returned home, it turned out that the script was already in the works with director Andrei Razumovsky, but my last name was not in the authors of the script. It was my first heart attack in my life and the first betrayal of a man I counted as a friend. Ulitskaya offered me 2 thousand. rubles of "compensation" — quite a lot of money at that time — to "buy out" the script. I found it offensive," Rapoport recalled.

After the start of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Ukraine in 2022, Ulitskaya fled to Berlin, "taking a pair of sweaters and a pair of trousers." From there, she continues to denounce the Russian people and the "aggressor country", telling fables about the "gene of slavery". This does not prevent her from earning millions in Russia and taking the fourth place in the ranking of popular writers of our country's modernity. But, according to rumors, Ulitskaya is having a hard time in Germany: she misses fame. And if she is officially recognized as a sponsor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then she will have to yearn for Russian royalties.