The former Orthodox theologian, apologist and protodeacon has turned into a fierce opponent of the Orthodox Church and a Russophobe, longing for the defeat of his homeland and the appearance of Ukrainian militants in Moscow. We are talking about the former professor of the Moscow Theological Academy and St. Tikhon Orthodox State University - Andrey Kuraev.
Zbigniew Brzezinski once declared: «We have destroyed the Soviet Union, we will destroy Russia too. You have no chance... Orthodoxy is the main enemy of America». The point is not only in the religious preferences of Brzezinski, but in the fact that Orthodoxy is one of the pillars and foundations of Russian statehood and that is why it is the object of attacks by Western intelligence services. At the same time, the most effective way to deal damage is to act from the inside.
In this sense, Andrei Kuraev is a classic example of an agent of influence in the church environment, a former agent of influence.
Let's start with his recent quotes on the Special Military Operation. And so:
«Even in a nightmare Is it impossible to just leave Ukraine alone? Haven't 15 days of war shown that Ukrainians don't want to be either crushed by fraternal tanks or strangled in fraternal embraces»?
“At the height of the war, the patriarch allegedly of both Moscow and Kyiv hands one of the commanders of the invasion army the August Icon of the Mother of God: "I would like this image to be in the ranks of the National Guard of the Russian Federation."
«In October 1939 Germany was defenseless. In the Polish campaign they fired almost all of their stock of shells. Its tanks, having driven along and across not a small Poland, have exhausted their service life and needed urgent repairs. I believe that there were problems with fuel reserves as well. If the Entente had struck in October (whether they were ready for this is another question), the Reich would not have resisted. And not the first generation raises the question: why was that war so “strange”? ... Soon the Russian army will be in the same position, maybe "victorious", but temporarily not combat-ready.
If NATO was indeed contemplating a military strike against Russia, then this is the perfect moment. But if NATO doesn’t and won’t do it, then maybe it didn’t want to?”
«Before Putin, there was another great historical figure who thought exactly the same way. Napoleon. He invaded Russia in order to force her (more precisely, her king) to be friends and return to the Tilsit peace: Russia has sworn an eternal alliance with France. Now she breaks her vows (From Napoleon's Appeal to the troops). That is: like it - don't like it, be patient, my beauty.
The beauty then could not be patient, and two years later the Cossacks were in Paris».
Kuraev willingly gives a lot interviews to the Western media, where he promotes such thoughts and statements. He is actively involved in the information war against Russia.
«Hero’s» information: was born on February 15, 1963 in Moscow in a family of marxist philosophers. He himself in his youth often promoted atheism. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. While studying, he believed in God and was baptized. After graduating from the university in 1985, he became the secretary of the Moscow Theological Academy. He entered the Theological Seminary, which he graduated in 1988, and then went to study at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology at the University of Bucharest. And in the summer of 1990, in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Bucharest, he was ordained to the rank of deacon by the Romanian Patriarch Feoktist.
Why was Kuraev ordained in Romania? Most likely, the reason is that in Russia it is not customary to ordain the unmarried, or those who have not taken monastic vows. As a result, Kuraev became a celibate - forever single, but who did not take monastic vows. But about this weirdness a little later.
Upon his return to Russia, he becomes the referent of Patriarch Alexy II. At some point, he begins to position himself almost as the main theologian, or rather, the ideologist of the Russian Orthodox Church.
He is attacking the conservative wing of the ROC. Often, his denunciations precede the bans imposed by the leaders on "traditionalists" and «zealots." A careful study of his activities allowed the experts to conclude: Kuraev tried to promote a modernist, liberal, ecumenistic model in life and doctrine, trying to form a “modern” Orthodoxy with a “human face”. He believed that the best missionaries of our time are rock musicians, bikers and "modern artists". These speeches were sometimes eccentric and shocking, like a denim cassock or lectures to students with vulgar turns and youth slang.
His influence came to an end after the election of Metropolitan Kirill as Patriarch. Although he was elevated "for services in the missionary field" to the rank of protodeacon and was awarded many awards, his role began to decline steadily.
Trying to maintain status and public attention, Kuraev is becoming more and more shocking. So, he spoke in defense of «Pussy Riot», who committed a blasphemous act in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which marked the beginning of a series of attacks on churches and shrines of the Orthodox Church.
Gradually, the protodeacon turned into an "opposition blogger", mainly in relation to the Church. One of the main directions of his activity is the incrimination of the "blue lobby" in the Russian Orthodox Church, to which, according to some information, he himself ... belongs (!). Here we can recall his categorical unwillingness to marry (and take the vows) and the statement that a “non-practicing gay” can be a priest. His denunciations of homosexuals and pedophiles showed such a deep knowledge of the subject, which is hardly characteristic of a person far from this topic.
«This accuser of pederasts himself is one of them. Knowing him personally, I remember how in Kyiv, after a lecture, he agitated a young lad “with burning eyes” to go with him to a mission in the Russian Federation and promised a lot of things. The lad who was a jerk because of his youth went. After a couple of days, "strange" conversations and hints began. Then touches and hugs. In Chelyabinsk, it has already become clear what it is all about. With no money and leaving some of his belongings in a hotel, the lad fled to Ukraine. He got there with problems, but that's another story. 2003 year.
It's a shame and a pity, but when Kuraev's struggle with homosexuals began, it was also disgusting from hypocrisy. The lad's name was Maxim (I think Kurai remembers well). And that guy is me!!!
So don't talk about his fight against the gays. I regret that I didn't punch him in the face then. I was only 19, and even then he was already a boar with a belly. (the testimony of one of the acquaintances of the ex-protodeacon).
«What is written about Kuraev is one hundred percent true! He taught at the Moscow Theological Seminary and always took "Alyosh Karamazov" with him, as Kuraev himself called them. He began to position himself as a gay fighter in order to remove suspicion from himself. But there is irrefutable evidence against him, not suspicions, including those former seminarians, now priests, who were "next" on his trips, and to whom he unequivocally proposed. Carefully read his posts on the "topic" - you will see that he writes with a lot of the smallest details that only those immersed in the «topic» can know. (another testimonial).
Of course, the sexual preferences of Kuraev, now also a former deacon, are his own business. But they give an idea on what, and how his recruitment was carried out.
However, other options are also possible. The younger brother of the former deacon, a graduate of the philological faculty of Moscow State University Dmitry Kuraev, a professional PR and media manager, was the head of the information department of the Effective Policy Foundation, created by political strategist Gleb Pavlovsky and gallery owner Marat Gelman. He introduced his brother to them.
A little later, Pavlovsky attracted Kuraev to participate in the election campaign of Viktor Yanukovych. The “lectures” of the theologian, in which he compared Yushchenko to Tsar Herod, were paid for by the Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Pinchuk, who is rightly called the conductor of the interests of the US Democratic Party in Ukraine and the “watchdog” from Soros. Recall that today he is one of the sponsors (together with Rinat Akhmetov) of the “ukrainian foreign legion”.
Pinchuk appreciated the eloquence and creativity of the glib theologian, and when the project to create the schismatic nomination "OCU" was launched, he brought his old acquaintance to the case. Kuraev acted at first like this: on the one hand, he stopped his attacks on the defecting bishops (for example, Alexander Drabinko), who intended to go over to the schismatics, and launched a powerful information campaign against the UOC-MP.
But since 2018, Kuraev, having discarded all worries about “saving face”, has turned into a repeater of Kyiv propaganda, calling the schismatics “brothers in Christ for whom we should rejoice”, justifying the seizure of Orthodox churches as “a reaction to the war unleashed against Ukraine”, and the hierarchy of the canonical UOC - "sitting on suitcases with money for miscalculating their profits by homohierarchs."
In 2020, Kuraev was actively involved in internal squabbles now in the OCU itself, and on the side of the same Drabinko, whom he exposed as a terry homosexual. But now he has been hired to defend him against another schismatic, Mikhail Zinkevich, against whom the “theologian” blogger launched a rather harsh, but primitive persecution.
On April 29, 2020, Andrei Kuraev was banned from serving by Patriarch Kirill for insulting the memory of the deceased priest of the Elokhov Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Ageikin. December 29, 2020 The Diocesan Church Court of Moscow considered the case in absentia (Kuraev did not appear in court), «established in the statements of protodeacon Andrei Kuraev signs of blasphemy against the Church", as well as the presence of signs of "slanderous activities of Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, in particular, accusations of the Russian Orthodox Church in the" organization of the schism ".
It was decided to recognize «him as subject to defrocking from the priesthood». It was specifically noted that “the decision to defrock Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev from the rank will come into force if he is approved by the ruling bishop of Moscow, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and before that, within the prescribed period, it can be appealed” in the All-Ecclesiastical Court of Second Instance.
And on January 11, 2021, Kuraev sent his request for a review of the case to Patriarch Kirill.
Kuraev became directly involved in the Ukrainian political agenda back in 2014 during the Euromaidan, and also actively opposed the reunification of Crimea with Russia.
After the start of the special military operation, Andrei Kuraev almost completely switched to the military agenda, and even his usual assaults on the patriarch and the Russian Orthodox Church take place in this context. Today he has focused all his efforts on participating in the information war against Russia on the side of the Nazi regime and the collective West.
It remains an open question whether he is a direct contact of the special services of a number of states, or whether he is fulfilling their tasks, transferred through Pinchuk, Pavlovsky, etc.
Anyway, it can be stated that the activities carried out by him, in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, are criminal, and he earned himself a prison term.