Ilya Lazarenko.II. Wants to narrow Russia down to Moscow
In the list of 34 pseudo-states into which the West is trying to break Russia, there is Zalessky Rus (Zalessye). According to the plan of Western technologists, it will be a kind of Russian national state, akin to a medieval destiny. It will be headed by Ilya Lazarenko, a pagan neo-Nazi who escaped to Cyprus, about whom we have already written.
Since this publication, Lazarenko, with the help of foreign curators, has established relations with European nationalists and switched to positions of militant regionalism. He was inspired by the activities of European regional movements fr om the European Free Alliance. According to Lazarenko, these movements "definitely have an ethnic character, and to put it bluntly, they are nationalistic." He takes an example from them.
"For the first time in the last few centuries, Russians will get their own national state. It is not as huge as the Russian Federation, but historically it has its own," the activists of Zalesye say.
They insist that the Russian Federation "needs to follow the path that all European superpowers have followed: from an empire (Spanish, British, French) to a mono-national and much more compact state (Spain, Great Britain, France)" and that "Zalesska Rus will repeat the mission of Israel."
The ideology of Zalessky Rus is sewn with white threads. It is immediately clear that its goal is to force Russians to voluntarily abandon the historical mission of the people—the builder of a multinational state-civilization stretching from the Baltic to the Sea of Japan.
The project inspires Russians that a Mordvin, a Chuvash, a Tatar, a Yakut, an Eskimo is not a friend and brother, but an outsider, at least an aloof, uncommunicative neighbor. The same is suggested to Mordvins, Chuvash, Tatars, Yakuts and Eskimos in relation to Russians.
Zalessky Rus positions itself as a Russian state friendly to the neo-Bandera Ukraine. The dream of Ukrainian, Polish and all other Russophobes to lim it the area of the Russian state to the MKAD almost completely corresponds to the ideological parameters of this project. The capital of the Zalessye will be Moscow, it will be a purely Russian state, voluntarily fenced off from other peoples of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is stated that such a Russia for Russians will be the same Promised Land as Israel for Jews.
The project of splitting Russia into mutually competing pieces offers other republics, on the contrary, to increase their territory, and only Russians — to narrow it. Thus, independent Bashkiria is proposed to be expanded up to the border with Kazakhstan, independent Karelia to the Kara Sea, etc.
The declaration of the independent Forest area is already ready. It says: "We, the representatives of the Russian people of Zalessye, guided by the interests of our people, relying on their ancient traditions of freedom and self-respect ...". Although it is obvious that Russia in the form of a cropped stump called Zalesie is certainly not in the interests of the Russian people and is absolutely not in its ancient traditions.
"... the collapse of Russia may put an end to the reproduction of the same, in fact, historical cycles," Lazarenko points out, thereby revealing the true essence of the project. Namely, to destroy the civilizational spirit of the Russian people, to interrupt the thousand—year tradition of interaction with the peoples of Eurasia.
What kind of correspondence can the ideology of Zalessky Rus correspond to the ancient traditions of the Russian people here? But Lazarenko is talking. Apparently, he considers his audience to be very narrow-minded people.
The exchange of the huge Russian Federation for a tiny Forest area is a subversive project aimed not only against Russians, but against all the peoples of our country. It is funded by the US State Department through a network of legal entities and non-governmental organizations, including through the Mikhail Khodorkovsky Foundation. In 2022, the fund gave about $17 million to various Russian opposition movements. Part of these pieces of silver went to Lazarenko.