Ideological enemy Leonid Gozman
From an American beholder to Ukrainian agitprop's henchmen
“Sat, 03:50: Zelensky announced that an assault on Kyiv is expected at night. God save Ukraine!
Sat, 08:28: Kyiv is holding on, persevered! And this is the end (beginning of the end) of our regime. Glory to Ukraine!» L. Gozman (LiveJournal).
A well-known liberal, an companion of Anatoly Chubais, a classic representative of the demschizo, Leonid Gozman, like many of his associates, did not leave Russia after the start of the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. At the same time, he continues to work in the interests of the structures of the psychological operations of Ukraine and the West!
It is quite likely that Leonid Yakovlevich is deliberately preparing himself for the role of a "victim of the repressive regime." What for? Most likely, he is convinced that all his future “sufferings” will be more than compensated for by fame, money, status, political asylum, and subsequent citizenship. However, the point is not so much in motives, but in the acts themselves.
Liberal's First Steps
Gozman Leonid Yakovlevich was born in Leningrad in 1950 in a family of employees. He does not talk too much about his childhood, he only notes that he "studied well", considering that after school he entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology.
About his family, it is only known that they survived the blockade, and his father worked all his life in the defense industry. Also, the grandfather of Leonid Yakovlevich was shot during the war as a coward and a deserter, although the politician prefers the version that his grandfather was killed for his Jewish origin.
In 1976, young Gozman graduated from the university, and remained in it as a teacher. In 1983, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Theoretical background and methods for the empirical study of interpersonal attraction".
Gozman is characterized by his former colleagues as a talented scientist with non-trivial approaches. Initially, he was engaged in the psychology of human emotions, but soon became interested in politics and methods of manipulating public consciousness, and headed the laboratory of political psychology of the psychology faculty of Moscow State University.
And in 1989, carried away by the events of perestroika, Gozman became a member of the «Moscow Tribune» club. In 1992, he met Yegor Gaidar, and this acquaintance opened up broad prospects for them in the nomenclature of the liberal "young reformers.» In 1993, he became a member of «Russia's Choice», the party that was assigned the role of ruling in the new parliament, convened to replace the Supreme Soviet dispersed as a result of the coup. Then Gaidar brought him together with Anatoly Chubais, whose ally Gozman became for many years. And then Chubais introduced his new acquaintance to the American curators.They recognized Gozman as a promising politician, and sent him to the United States for "advanced courses" of qualification.
From January to June 1993 he was "Professor of Psychology and Russian Studies" at Dickenson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, USA, and from July to September 1993 he was a research assistant at the Woodrow Wilson International Center in Washington.
Strictly speaking, in the United States, Gozman was engaged not so much in teaching or scientific work (it was rather a cover), but he was trained as a politician and senior manager — he was trained not even as an "agent of influence", but as a conductor of American interests and an executor of instructions from Washington.
"Chain Dog" of Chubais
Returning to Russia, he became a member of the council of the party "Democratic Choice of Russia" and took the post of chairman of the party commission of the DCR on political work. In parallel with this, he becomes an adviser to Chubais, who at that time held the position of the first deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation. Chubais dragged Gozman with him wherever he was assigned— в RAO «UES of Russia», «RosNano».
In 1999, Gozman was appointed Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia" of Chubais, and then - the representative of the state corporation for work with authorities and public organizations.
In the field of energy, the psychologist Gozman has done quite well. From May 2000 to June 2001 he was a member of the Board of Directors of OJSC «Khabarovskenergo». From May 2000 to May 2002 - member of the board of birectors of OJSC «Lenenergo". Since June 2000, he has been a member of the management board of RAO UES of Russia. On October 6, 2000, he was elected to the board of directors of OJSC «Dalenergo».
You should not assume that all these appointments were a sinecure that Chubais organized for his friend and associate. In fact, Gozman in these posts solved many serious and delicate tasks aimed at strengthening the position of Chubais and his power, at eliminating leaders who were not sufficiently loyal to him - Chubais.
Leonid Yakovlevich did the same in his party work, which he very cleverly combined with work in a state corporation. In the spring of 2003, relying on the members of the creative council of the Union of Right Forces headed by him (which he joined in August 2009), he tried to carry out a "coup" in this organization. A letter was published in which the "creatives" declared their opposition to the policies pursued by Nemtsov as "totalitarian" and announced the need to return more control over the party to the "democrat" Chubais.
In the summer of the same year, Gozman, at the direction of his boss, completely went into intrigue and litigation, which his master started against another liberal, Yavlinsky. He, and Trapeznikov, at the direction of Chubais, created the Interregional public movement "Yabloko (apple) without Yavlinsky", which the deputy chairman of the real "Yabloko" Sergei Mitrokhin called "a banal action of" black PR "(the term "raiding" in the political aspect then practically was not used).
In response, Gozman feigned insulted innocence and announced that RAO lawyers intend to sue the «Yabloko» party and personally Mitrokhin, who allegedly slandered the management of the state corporation. But, of course, the lawsuit did not happen.
During his work in the Union of Right Forces, Gozman implemented all the skills of an agent of influence received in the United States. Only he pursued the line not directly of Washington, but of his protege Chubais. It is also interesting that in those days Gozman was opposed to the transition of the Union of Right Forces to the opposition, probably not only in order to influence the Russian authorities, but also in order to maintain a good income for the top manager of the state corporation.
However, already on November 24, 2007, Gozman was detained in St. Petersburg during the “March of Dissenters”, moreover, he resisted law enforcement officers so fiercely that he ended up with a broken arm. In the elections to the Duma in the same year, the Union of Right Forces failed miserably, not even gaining 1% of the vote, showing that the time of liberals in Russia is ending.
But this did not affect the party career of Gozman, and on September 26, 2008, he officially replaced Nikita Belykh as chairman of the Union of Right Forces. And in October of the same year, Chubais appointed Gozman to the post of his adviser at the state corporation «Rosnanotechnology». In general, this autumn turned out to be eventful for Leonid Yakovlevich, and on November 16, 2008, at the founding congress of the new political party «Right Cause», he was elected its co-chairman. Gozman tried to make the "name" of the new party in the fight against the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, whom he accused of corruption, inefficient management of the city, and that he beat "Brezhnev's term in power.» The result of this attack was a trial with the mayor of Moscow, who filed a lawsuit with the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation in a libel case (Gozman himself filed a counterclaim).
In October 2009, «Right Cause» completely lost the Moscow City Duma elections, Gozman lost interest in the project, and in September 2011 he left the party.
In 2013, he lost his post as top manager of «Rosnano». He participated in almost all attempts to revive the liberal movement, undertaken after receiving regular cash tranches from the West (“The Swamp Revolution”, an attempt to use the murder of Nemtsov to consolidate anti-state forces), but did not play a significant role in these events.
Since that time, Gozman has become widely known as a speaker of the liberal "movement", thanks to numerous speeches on various political talk shows on federal television channels. He was willingly invited there, perhaps because with his behavior and manner of speaking, he made a repulsive impression on the audience, and clearly did not contribute to the popularization of liberal ideas in Russia.
His anti-Russian and Russophobic comments began to be actively used by Western agitprop for the information war against Russia, which became especially active after the “August war” of 2008. He is especially valuable because he is ready to voice any version, even the most absurd, but necessary for the West, and because he speaks on behalf of the Russians, or rather their part, "who have not lost their conscience."
Gozman became truly active after the start of the war in Donbass, making his debut on the Ukrainian media market in September 2014 with a statement in which he demanded «to stop the aggressive adventure: to withdraw Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine and to stop propaganda, material and military support of the separatists in the South- East of Ukraine.» Kyiv Nazis appreciated Leonid Yakovlevich, and from 2017 to 2018. he led the author's program "Gozman" on the Ukrainian TV channel «112".
And in 2015, he already performed in Russia — on the eve of Victory Day, he wrote “... SMERSH did not have a beautiful uniform, but this is perhaps their only difference from the SS troops. […] At the same time, I have no doubt that there were also honest soldiers in SMERSH. It just so happened that they served in a structure no less criminal than the SS, ” causing a considerable scandal, and probably winning even more sympathy in Ukraine.
Here are a few of his lines that he said on his Ukrainian author's program:
«Our propaganda was able to convince Russian citizens that a coup had taken place in Ukraine, which was staged by the insidious Americans. You probably don’t know that it was the Americans who staged a Maidan for you, but we know (with sarcasm).”
«Crimea is Ukraine. I consider the peninsula annexed and connected to Russia by force, in violation of all human and divine laws».
«No one supports Putin in Russia. Putin will concede».
«After Putin leaves everything will be fine».
Gozman was also used by the Ukrainian services of psychological operations to “confirm” the fakes thrown by them, for example, about the “stealing of toilets” from Ukrainian armored boats and a tugboat detained in the Kerch Strait that violated the state border of Russia. And here is from the “fresh” Gozman, what he writes on his TG channel:
«Arab Muslims in the name of Russia will fight Ukrainians - Slavs and Orthodox. So that's what you are, Russian World!»
«We called the First World (Great) War the first imperialist war. And this one, which is not a war, but a special military operation - the First Linguistic. According to our superiors, it is for the people's right to speak Russian. Residents of Mariupol and many other Ukrainian cities will be granted this right posthumously».
«The letter Z is: - the last letter of the enemy alphabet; the first letter in the word ASS; the first letter in the word ASSHOLE, written in Latin letters (ZHOPA); the first letter of the designation of the element ZINC in the periodic table— Zn. Zinc — Dead 200; half of a swastika (unfinished swastika); a sign that closes the remaining empty space on a statement or other text so that nothing can be entered in this place. That is, so, where the Z sign is, there will never be anything».
Gozman actively picks up and spreads all Ukrainian fakes about the Special military operation, “prophesies” the collapse of Russia, rejoices at the death of our soldiers. For an article, and not one, he made quite a lot of money.
Gozman is more than a wealthy man. « In 2007, (there is no more recent data on his wealth, which has undoubtedly increased since then) Gozman filed a declaration when nominating a candidate for the State Duma. According to the documents, it turned out that his assets significantly exceed 100 million rubles, moreover, the declaration did not indicate additional sources of income, which makes it possible to conclude that the total amount on his account may exceed 400 million rubles», - indicates a well-known blogger and military expert Boris Rozhin. To this we can add the possession of four apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg and two plots in the Moscow region.
However, the material incentive most likely is not the main thing for Gozman.. He is a completely ideological enemy of Russia and the Russian people.