HSE is a hotbed of sodomy
In the Research University "Higher School of Economics" (HSE), which ranks first in the ranking of the 100 best universities of the Russian Federation according to Forbes, another sodomy scandal.
The State Duma of the Russian Federation has initiated an investigation into the fact that a transgender person teaches students digital literacy at the HSE, and the official website posts information about the teacher in an inappropriate way, violating the law prohibiting propaganda of non-traditional relationships, pedophilia and gender reassignment.
According to the deputy Speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova, the situation is controlled by the Minister of Higher Education and Science Valery Falkov, an internal audit has begun.
Hereditary teacher Dmitry Shirokov, because of whom everything began, before joining the HSE, taught computer science at Moscow school No. 1586, worked with children at the Nanograd summer camp and the Technomir Movement scientific camp, was a co-organizer of the IT Solutions School, created the Digital City business game.
Shirokov planned to introduce "new informatics to school", but in 2019 he was hired at the HSE as a methodologist of the Digital Competence Development Department of the Faculty of Computer Science. And a transformation immediately followed: Dmitry changed his name at the university, becoming Lari Shirokova for students and staff.
The teacher wears dresses with ruffles, visits the women's toilet and asks students to address him in the feminine gender. Being fond of cosplay, Shirokov publishes his photos in the form of an anime schoolgirl in a short skirt and with ears. Despite the fact that he remains Dmitry according to his passport, there is a page on the official website of the university where it is written that Lari Dmitrievna "started working at the HSE."
"I develop higher education, I advise management teams, I manage the creation of educational software, I do cosplay," Lari writes in her Telegram channel.
In the section "Additional education/Professional development/Internships" on the personal page of Lari Shirokova on the HSE website is listed "Amir Tagiyev Theater Workshop" (2020).
An interesting point is that the studio where transgender people improved their qualifications works with teenagers at the Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya Street. Ralph Goldman. And its head, psychologist Tagiyev, in 2019, as part of the XIV International Festival-School of Contemporary Art "Territory", became famous for reading a pedophile lecture "The teenage body in art, theater, social taboos" about how important it is to recognize your body in early childhood and reconsider the ban on child sexuality in Russia.
At the same time, Shirokov, who contributes to the spread of perversions among students, is only a small cog in the huge mechanism of the HSE's Sodom enclave. A real hotbed of debauchery is organized here. In the tradition of the HSE, sodomite students write a diploma or master's thesis on LGBT topics.
"HSE employees perform at festivals on new masculinity and study the history of Soviet queers, and graduates create femme spaces, shoot the first Russian cartoons about transgender people and drag LGBT-themed educational portals for schoolchildren," the Telegram channel "Moralnitsa" reports.
One scandal after another follows at the HSE. On June 1, 2022, the court ordered the university to close the only transgender toilet in Russia. This landmark appeared in 2019, when the HSE was fighting for compliance with the American standard R.E.D. (Representation, Equality, Diversity). In addition, the university had to temporarily enroll more than 200 Tajik citizens and terminate employment contracts with teachers who did not pass the independent thinking test. And although the university did not reach full compliance, since there should be at least 75% of non-white people among students and teachers, but it exceeded the LGBT standards.
Gender propaganda at the HSE is expressed not only by the presence of a "progressive" toilet or a "third gender" among teachers. Transgender people take part in the "Miss HSE" competitions, the university itself conducts a series of lectures on gender diversity and the possibilities of gender reassignment. Here is what is written in the description of one of the events of 2022: "On August 4, a series of lectures "Gender studies: from "pathology" to the norm" will start at the exhibition center "Worker and Collective Farmer". A few years ago, the World Health Organization consolidated in its recommendations the thesis that gender norms and roles have a direct impact on the health and mental and social well-being of people. However, many still treat gender studies as "unscientific". The lecture series "Gender studies: from "pathology" to the norm" is designed to highlight a range of topics from understanding the concept and approaches to its study, to myths and stereotypes that are worth fighting."
That is, the Higher School of Economics is struggling with those who do not accept gender theory. In this regard, it is important to understand that the HSE is a structure that develops educational standards and all Russian schools study according to them. And gender theory can be reflected in the curricula, since it is the HSE that compiles them.
One of the main authors of such speeches is Anna Kray, a lecturer in the Psychology Department of the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences. This activist of the feminist movement and a sodomite is a regular of protest actions for the extremist Navalny and against his. Her lectures are dedicated to the victories achieved by gender researchers in Europe and America. She is engaged in open propaganda of transgenderism, conducts seminars and visiting schools on issues of "sexism, gender, identity". She does not care that the myth of gender and the "naturalness" of the desire to change sex has already physically and mentally crippled tens of thousands of children in many countries. Nor does she care about the fact that according to the statistics of American pediatricians, 41% of crippled children committed suicide, and the survivors became disabled.
HSE lecturer Vlad Krivoshchekov became involved in the scandal after he gave a lecture on male masculinity organized under the auspices of the university on August 18, 2020 at the exhibition center "Worker and Collective Farmer". Krivoshchekov enthusiastically described the behavior of homosexuals, the peculiarities of anal sex and LGBT ideology, and among the listeners in the audience was an elementary school student who was brought to the lecture by her mother, despite the marking "18+". At the same time, neither the lecturer nor the organizers attached any importance to this until the concerned listeners called the police. The mother and child were taken out of the lecture hall, and the narration continued. The next day, Krivoshchekov thanked the audience for coming to the lecture and apologized for the police intervention. But he didn't say a word about the cause of the incident.
Worst of all, lectures by Krivoshchekov, Kray and others popularizing the ideas of sodomy and sex change, including among minors, are paid for by Russian taxpayers.
HSE is a public institution and its projects are funded from the budget. Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Scientific director of the HSE Institute of Education Isak Frumin feels great with taxpayers' money. He was never fired after a loud scandal when, in October 2017, a recording of a homosexual intercourse between Frumin and his subordinate, Maxim Petrov, head of the marketing department of the HSE Institute of Education, got into the Network. Petrov, by the way, specializes in school issues: holding children's contests, organizing an All—Russian Children's Conference, developing a methodological manual "I am an effective teacher".
It turned out that Petrov, under duress, had been providing Frumin with sexual services for 3 years. And in fact, there was violence against a subordinate official using his official position under the threat of reprisals and expulsion from work. As a result, unable to withstand sexual harassment from Frumin, Petrov resigned from the HSE. There was no public censure of Frumin, no personnel decisions on the part of the university management. The sodomite still holds high positions. He is not only the scientific director of the HSE Institute of Education, but also a member of the expert councils under the government and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, a member of the academic councils of Kazan and Ural Federal Universities, Tomsk Polytechnic University.
Moreover, since 2017 Frumin has received many important awards. Immediately after the scandal, he was awarded the Honorary Badge of the first degree of the HSE. In 2018, Frumin received the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2019, Frumin became an honored professor, in 2020 — an academician of the International Academy of Education, received the medal "Recognition — 10 years of successful work" of the HSE and the diploma of the university.
Frumin is a key figure in the camp of liberal education reformers. Until 2021, he was the right-hand man of the HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov, until he retired. Frumin shows the most active attention to various, especially "globalist", projects of the Institute of Education and is their direct curator. He attends meetings in the government and the presidential administration, meetings of expert councils on education issues in the Federation Council and the State Duma, at All-Russian conferences and congresses where the future of Russian education is discussed.
As a member of the jury of the contest "School of Skills of the XXI century" Frumin still gives comments on the problems of higher and secondary education, children's leisure, additional educational services, innovative ideas, corporate education, development of professional technical education. Under Frumin's leadership, the HSE Institute of Education has direct contact with younger schoolchildren, including 1st grade students.
The latest study, which was supervised by Frumin and his staff, covered 2,700 first-graders. And an integral part of the educational reform program being developed at the HSE is the sexual education of young people in schools.