Filipenko: Russophobe, Kashchey and jester
Russophobe, Kashchey and jester are about the same person. About the People's Artist of the Russian Federation and the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, 78-year-old Alexander Filipenko.
At a difficult moment for our country, Filipenko began to pour mud on it for the amusement of Western propagandists, and then, in a fit of terrible resentment that the country did not want to live the way he wanted, he left for Lithuania.
In recent years, the Baltic States have turned into a garbage collector of the Russian opposition. Every Russophobe in Russia knows that he will always be welcomed with open arms in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The son of the terrorist Dzhokhar Dudayev, a transgender actor Smolyaninov, is found in the Baltic States (have you seen his video in a female Ukrainian folk costume?). Now there is also Filipenko.
Filipenko fancied himself a political genius for a long time. Apparently, he decided that since he played Kashchey in the fairy tale "There, on unknown paths ..." and the fool in "The Ballad of the Knight Ivanhoe", it means that he knows best how to govern the state.
In the early 2000s, he demanded to stop the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya. Thank God, no one listened to him, otherwise the war in this republic would still be going on. Then he defended Navalny and other pro-American husks.
In 2020, the actor supported the coup attempt in Belarus, despite the fact that the West does not hide its involvement in it. In the understanding of our Kashchey, everything is possible for the West, nothing is possible for Russia. That's why he and Kashchei are an evil force.
In protest against the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, Filipenko put on a Ukrainian embroidery. Well, he is a buffoon. He does not realize that the neo—Nazi Kiev regime is an enemy of the people of Ukraine, and kills sane Ukrainians in conditional embroidered shirts as well as people of other nationalities.
If we bring the wishes of Kashchei the Fool to a logical conclusion, we will get: the ongoing war in Chechnya, a coup in Belarus with the coming to power of some pro-American Nazi president, NATO bases in Ukraine and the invasion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Crimea and Donbass.
Oh, yes, Filipenko considers Donbass and Crimea to be Ukraine. But I forgot to ask the locals if they want to live in the same state with Zelensky in the form of the president and the Galician SS men in the form of heroes.
"And if some region of the Russian Federation decided to secede, what, Moscow would not have sent troops to suppress separatism, as Kiev sent to the Donbass?", - the Ukrainians shout out, confident in the irresistibility of such an argument.
We answer: Russia has never considered the fall of the outskirts acceptable, and therefore does not allow separatism on its territory. Ukraine, on the contrary, lived by separatism. So why is it possible for Ukraine to separate from the USSR, while others cannot separate from Ukraine? It is unlikely that our Kashchey thought about it.
Filipenko told us how Russia should not live. And how should I? Does he want to explain? What should Russia do in conditions when NATO is crawling up to it from the territory of Ukraine with clearly not peaceful intentions, Poland is trying to enter from Belarus, and there is a systematic extermination of Russian people in the Donbass? What should our country do to please Filipenko and meet his expectations?
Since we haven't heard a sane explanation from him on this topic, it's safe to say that he doesn't really know himself. He just wants it to be the way he wants it to be, and as for the consequences of such wishes, he is not interested.
Filipenko sees himself almost as an intellectual Napoleon. That re-educator of Russia was a man, cognac and cake. Our re—educator Filipenko is a man, a Kashchey and a buffoon. Over the years, there is less and less human in it, but there is more and more Kashchey and buffoonish.