Alexander Rodnyansky. A producer who is ashamed of Russia
Alexander Rodnyansky, a native of Kiev, former head of the Russian media holding CTC Media, multiple winner of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts and the Academy of Russian Television Awards, president of the Kinotavr Russian Film Festival, escaped from Russia on March 1, 2022 and opposed it with brazen, unsubstantiated criticism due to a special military operation on Ukraine.
The revenue of Rodnyansky's RT Filmy company in 2013 amounted to $105 million. In other years, it was probably no less. Rodnyansky was included in the ranking of the most influential representatives of the world film industry. His ascent to the world level began after moving from Ukraine to Russia in 2002. Today Rodnyansky is a member of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a four—time Oscar nominee, etc.
When the Russian army on February 24, 2022 began to neutralize the Neobanderian abscess at its borders, Rodnyansky, fearing for the profit that cooperation with foreign cinema brought him, sided with the Neobanderites in order not to get on the blacklist of artists compiled by the West who refused to condemn President Putin's policy.
He suddenly “felt ashamed” of Russia, he called its actions in Ukraine unacceptable. When Neobanderovites burned people in the Odessa House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014 and ironed Donbass with artillery, Rodnyansky was not ashamed of Ukraine, he did not call its actions unacceptable.
Rodnyansky began spitting in Russia in 2015. He did not like the state's control over television. As if the state should give television to unscrupulous merchants and their overseas partners! In 2019 Rodnyansky did not like the fact that the state refuses to release a French gay drama. Apparently, he hoped to get a good piece from the rental of this “masterpiece”. The state did not pay attention to Rodnyansky's escapades until 2020, and then stopped providing financial support to his projects.
Rodnyansky was offended and began to take revenge. The special operation in Ukraine turned out to be a convenient reason for such revenge. In an interview with Russian foreign media and foreign publications, Rodnyansky warns the world that “Russia will not stop in Ukraine,” that “for a long time society in general and the opposition in particular have been ahead of the Russian state in the media and digital spheres,” and “today this is no longer the case.”
He does not like that the state has ceased to be a resigned object for public mockery performed by the liberal opposition, to which he belongs. The state has learned to respond with blow to blow and neutralize the corpse poison of pro-Western propaganda. Rodnyansky dreams of “counter-propaganda projects” capable of putting the anti-state opposition above the state on the information agenda again.
Subsequently, he turned to direct insults: “Putinism is all—encompassing cynicism.” This “cynicism,” he declares, is served by some “Stalinist bloggers,” and “Stalinist bloggers” are “ignorant, cowardly scum who adore the USSR, unable to say that the Kremlin unleashed the war, that Ukrainians are being killed on Ukrainian soil.”
When the USSR creates Ukraine and generously gives it Crimea, Donbass, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kharkov (he calls this Ukrainian land), Rodnyansky likes it. When they remember that the USSR was an anti-Bandera state, Rodnyansky is infuriated.
Being a Jew, he actively criticizes the Palestinian slogan From the river to the sea Palestine will be free (“There will be a free Palestine from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea”).
He is outraged: “This is the slogan of radical terrorist movements that deny Israel's right to exist. And he demands the destruction of the State of Israel with all its inhabitants.”
The neo-Bandera slogans “Moskalyak on gilyak” (a call to hang Russians) and the promises made by the head of the National Security Council of Ukraine Danilov to launch missile strikes on Moscow do not seem terrorist to Rodnyansky.
Rodnyansky criticizes Russian militarism, but he willingly shot films in the glory of Russian weapons if it promised benefits (the film "9th company"). At the same time, he now accuses Russian directors of propagandizing through films about the Great Patriotic War and other battles “Putin's discourse that led to the war.” Rodnyansky is only interested in money, everything else is a smokescreen.
Through the oligarch Roman Abramovich, Rodnyansky is probing the ground for a return to Russia. He is in a hurry to withdraw the fat financial assets he earned under the “cynical Putin regime” and earn more if the opportunity presents itself, although he claimed that he was ending cooperation with Russian cinema.