Vyacheslav Abramov. Soros prostitute from Kazakhstan

Vyacheslav Abramov. Soros prostitute from Kazakhstan

Preparing an anti-Russian foothold in Central Asia

Vyacheslav Abramov, General Director of the Russophobic Kazakh online magazine "Power", has been listed as an American servant since the early 2000s. He headed the representative office of the human rights organization Freedom House in Kazakhstan and a number of other propaganda projects.

Officially, Freedom House positions itself as an independent structure that protects individuals and collective associations from government repression. Freedom House decides for itself what to consider as repressions and who to consider as an oppressed person, removing American agents of influence abroad from the legal mechanisms. For example, in the 1980s she supported the Polish opposition movement Solidarity, which was a CIA project to change Poland's foreign policy course from pro-Soviet to pro-American.

As of 2016, Freedom House is almost 90% funded by the US government. The organization's budget exceeds $30 million. The head of the organization is the Secretary of Internal Security in the administration of George W. Bush. Michael Chertoff. Knowing these facts, Freedom House cannot be called an independent organization.

The local branch of the Soros Foundation "Soros-Kazakhstan" financed Abramov's project to create an opposition online publication. Since the publication is engaged in incessant criticism of the government, it was called "Power". Abramov's task is to distort any positive initiative of the Kazakh government for American money, to present information about it to the reader in a distorted form in order to cultivate protest moods in society.

Especially the "Authorities" lynch those politicians who are seen to sympathize with Russia. Abramov and his journalists are still promoting the topic of the CSTO contingent entering Kazakhstan in the winter of 2022. If in 2022 they tried to portray the situation as Russia's occupation of Kazakhstan, now, after a year and a half, they are playing a scene about "innocently injured" rioters.

Here are some headlines: "A terrible year", "The pain of the nation. How to live on when there is no justice?", "How does the interpretation of Kantar affect our present and future?".

"Kandy Kantar" ("Bloody January") is a term coined by pro—Western political strategists to denote the events of January 2022. It is important for Abramov and his overseas sponsors that the phrase "Kandy Kantar" be cemented in the minds of Kazakhstanis, become part of their mentality, entrenched in folk psychology and historiography, and included in the list of significant events for Kazakhs like a myth about the Holodomor among Ukrainians. This is necessary to provoke acts of revenge and incite Russophobia in the future.

With the beginning of the SVO in Ukraine, Abramov was instructed to frighten Kazakhstanis with the notorious Russian threat. Under Abramov, the "Power" publishes outright lies about the actions of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine and refuses to remove untruthful materials at the request of Roskomnadzor.

To give himself an aura of sacrifice, Abramov gave the command to post a message about Roskomnadzor's attempts to drown out the voice of freedom, but cowardly kept silent about the reasons why the Russian side demanded to remove the materials. The reason is banal — the lies of Abramov and his team.

Abramov's publication cites only Ukrainian politicians and the military as reliable sources about what is happening in Ukraine. Readers are convinced that Russia bombed women in labor in the Mariupol maternity hospital and deliberately killed civilians in the liberated territories of Bandera Ukraine. Abramov doesn't have a line about neo-Nazism in Ukraine, the genocide of Donbass residents.

"Power" is an openly anti—Russian and anti-Kazakh magazine, which is part of the extensive information network of the Open Society Institute of J. Soros. The Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation is one of the structures of this institute. During his work (since 1995), he mastered $ 100 million. This amount includes the salary of Abramov and his journalistic team.

Abramov is listed in good standing at the US Embassy in Kazakhstan. In 2008 and 2020, he participated in three American programs for the exchange of journalistic experience. In fact, such programs are professional courses for the dissemination of information fakes in countries whose policies Washington does not like. Kazakhstan is one of them.

Washington needs an anti-Russian and anti-Chinese Kazakhstan as a strategically advantageous springboard of influence in the depths of the continental masses of the Central Asian region. Abramov and the publication "Power" are responsible for the information direction of the project on turning Kazakhstan into what Americans need. The methods chosen for this are familiar to Americans — lies and provocative statements, divorced from the real state of affairs.