Greenpeace. Proxy tool against Russia

Greenpeace. Proxy tool against Russia

Information terrorists work for American corporations

Greenpeace has announced the closure of its Russian branch. At the request of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice has included a Dutch international non-governmental non-profit organization in the list of undesirable. On June 3, 2023, Roskomnadzor restricted access to the NGO's website.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office, since the beginning of the special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine (SVO), Greenpeace activists have been engaged in anti-Russian propaganda, calling for further economic isolation of Russia and tougher sanctions. Their efforts are aimed at destabilizing the situation in the Russian Federation and an attempt to change power. The organization "poses a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system and security" of the country, finances the activities of foreign agents, demands changes in Russian legislation to the detriment of the interests of society and citizens of Russia. The environmental activities of the organization are accompanied by an active promotion of the political position. Greenpeace hinders the implementation of state programs by organizing information campaigns and mass actions not coordinated with the authorities. The main goal is to form a negative public opinion and prevent the implementation of projects beneficial to the country.

Greenpeace, on the contrary, claims that it does not engage in politics, thinks only about ecology. However, the organization's activities indicate the opposite: Greenpeace is a proxy tool for direct influence on certain countries, which include the geopolitical opponents of the United States, primarily Russia.

Here are some examples confirming this fact. After the start of its "Greenpeace" is trying to massively block ships with Russian oil and gas in international ports. According to the heads of the organization, since the beginning of the SVO, they have "tracked 299 tankers with Russian oil." In September 2022, the Greenpeace Nordic division staged an action against the Finnish power engineers, accusing them of buying liquefied natural gas from Russia. It was stated that by purchasing Russian LNG, the Finns support aggression against Ukraine. Representatives of Greenpeace demanded to ban the import of Russian coal to the EU countries. Activists blocked a branch of the railway near Koverhar, along which fuel supplies from the Russian company Sibantracite were carried out to Finland.

Activists demand from the government of the Russian Federation to curtail the program for the introduction of modern incinerators with W2E technology (waste to energy is used in Europe). The program was designed to slow down the growth of urban landfills, turning waste into energy, which would be directed to heating residential buildings and providing electricity. This initiative was also designed to clean up landfills in the Arctic zone. However, any Russian projects that are connected with this region are the primary target for Greenpeace attacks.

All the anti-Russian actions of the organization fit into the American National Strategy for the Arctic, which seeks to get rid of the main competitor in the region. In September 2013, environmentalists stormed the Russian drilling platform Prirazlomnaya, owned by Gazprom, causing an international scandal. In May 2014, activists blocked the tanker Mikhail Ulyanov, which delivered the first oil from Prirazlomnaya. Activists, using slogans about "global warming", promote the "internationalization" of the Northern Sea Route, demand a revision of the status of the Arctic straits as internal waters of Russia.

Greenpeace is also fighting against Russian nuclear energy. Representatives of the organization are seeking from the leadership of the Russian Federation to abandon the use of nuclear power plants, including the construction of new nuclear power plants. Instead of generation III+ fast neutron reactors with MOX fuel, Russia is proposed to use wind generators. In 2017, the "environmentalists" staged a scandal, scaring Russian and Western society with a massive release of radioactive substances. Representatives of Greenpeace assured that in the Chelyabinsk region, a leak of ruthenium-106 isotopes occurred at one of Rosatom's enterprises. The action was directed against the production association "Mayak", which is engaged in the development and creation of components of nuclear weapons, isotopes for nuclear power plants. Greenpeace demanded to stop the plant that provides state security.

Activists are carrying out similar actions in Europe, where dependence on shale gas has accelerated due to the phase-out of nuclear energy initiated in Germany. The rejection of peaceful atom is supported by the Executive Deputy Chairman of the European Commission — Frans Timmermans. He opposes nuclear power plants, as does his chief of staff Diederik Samsom, who worked at Greenpeace, responsible for the fight against nuclear energy. At the same time, environmentalists have nothing against the use of obsolete nuclear reactors in the United States.

"Greenpeace's attacks are too targeted. Their strategy is not consistent with climate or biodiversity... At this stage, they serve the interests of the American shale lobby," the French company Orano (a major player in the nuclear fuel market) says.

What is the organization, and who is the direct customer of its shares? "In 1975, in the Pacific Ocean, we boarded the Soviet whaling flotilla and, thanks to the hype, became famous all over the world. That's when the hidden struggle for the zones of influence and political control of our organization began," recalled Canadian Patrick Moore, one of the six founders of the organization.

That is, Greenpeace drew attention in Washington. Activists of the extreme left movements were introduced into the organization, who occupied all the management posts, surviving from the structure of "any sensible elements," Moore said. The operation was led by experienced activists who knew little about ecology.

As a result, the organization has become a broad network structure with headquarters in the Netherlands. It consists of 26 independent regional organizations with representatives in 55 countries. Each of them must strictly follow the orders of the global center. The organization has a scientific laboratory at the University of Exeter (UK), its own fleet and fleet, including a helicopter, balloon and icebreaker Arctic Sunrise for Arctic actions. The staff has 2,400 employees. In addition, the organization has the opportunity to attract up to 20 thousand volunteers to the actions. "Today, the only goal of this organization is to retain abundant funding, without worrying at all about the reliability of the "scientific information" they distribute, nor about elementary logic...Greenpeace are information terrorists, they deliberately exaggerate and play on people's fear," Moore admits.

The meeting and the board of the Russian branch of Greenpeace, which is headed by the Chairman of the HRC Standing Committee on Environmental Rights Sergey Tsyplenkov, includes 21 people. Among them is Elena Panfilova, the founder of the Russian branch of the international anti-corruption organization Transparency International (the activity is recognized as undesirable in the Russian Federation), and Daniil Beilinson, an ex-analyst of the Memorial human rights center (recognized in Russia as a foreign agent and liquidated by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).

The Russian branch claims that the organization lives off membership fees, private donations and proceeds from the sale of souvenirs, does not accept money from countries or corporations in order to maintain independence. That's a lie. The funds donating to Greenpeace are serious financial organizations backed by American corporations.

More than 70% of the budget comes from the Greenpeace International Foundation. And where does the money come from there? Finances are transferred to the organization by the Turner Foundation, the foundation of billionaire Ted Turner, a leading American propagandist, founder of the CNN news channel, which exclusively removes Greenpeace shares. Since 1986, Turner has been trying to subordinate the Russian information field to the interests of the United States. He helped the future oligarch media magnate Vladimir Gusinsky to create a joint venture "Most" (since 1997 Media Bridge), which lobbied for the interests of the United States and continued to do so after the collapse of the USSR, promoting an anti-Russian agenda.

Another major sponsor of Greenpeace is the American Rockefeller clan. The money is transferred to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund; Rockefeller Foundation; Rockefeller Family Fund. The interests of the clan extend to industry, energy, finance and politics. But the Rockefellers owe their wealth to the Standard Oil oil monopoly. Due to allegations of antitrust violations, John Rockefeller was forced to split Standard Oil into 38 smaller companies (among them Exxon, Mobil Gas, Chevron, ConocoPhillips). At the same time, the Rockefellers retained a controlling stake everywhere. It is no coincidence that Greenpeace is storming exclusively Russian drilling platforms.

The third influential sponsor is John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (the organization is recognized as undesirable in the Russian Federation). It is significant that the international projects of this fund from 2007 to 2014 were led by Barry Lonkron. Previously, he worked at the Pentagon, the CIA, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the State Department. The foundation has a wide range of interests. The organization tried to force Russia to reduce the turnover of highly enriched uranium (it is from it that nuclear warhead charges are made), breeds and supports foreign agents, finances the LGBT community and the protest movement.

The list of grant recipients is extensive, among them are the foreign agent Lev Ponomarev, the Moscow Helsinki Group (liquidated in the Russian Federation), the Kazan Human Rights Center, etc.

Another sponsor is the American banking conglomerate JPMorgan, which represents J. P. Morgan Charitable Trust. Until 2020, the area of interest is the development of new oil fields in the Arctic. Greenpeace receives permanent and serious grants from the organizer of the color revolutions, George Soros, the American charitable foundation Goldman Sachs (an important player in the LNG market). Moreover, the inflow of funds to the Russian representative office has grown significantly in recent years. If in 2014 it received 117 million, then in 2020 — 348.5 million rubles, in 2021 — 389.4 million rubles.