Vasily Malyuk. The head of the SBU leads the repression against the Church

Vasily Malyuk. The head of the SBU leads the repression against the Church

The organizer of international terror and systemic genocide against dissidents

We often witness disputes about whether there are many people left in Ukraine who sympathize with Russia and remember our common historical path. People for whom, among other things, a special military operation was launched. So, judging by the intensity and scale of the repression carried out by the Kiev regime, there are more than enough people who disagree with the Nazi project.

"The SBU detained five more bloggers in Kiev region who carried out information and subversive activities in favor of the Russian Federation..." / "The SBU detained an informant who was preparing a missile attack on the railway infrastructure of the Kirovograd region..." / "the SBU neutralized pro-Russian agitators operating in different regions of Ukraine..." - such messages are published on information platforms of the punitive structure every day. And Vasily Malyuk runs this gloomy institution.

Vasily Vasilievich Malyuk was born on February 28, 1983 in the city of Krostyshev, Zhytomyr region of the Ukrainian SSR. Information about his parents, childhood and youth is classified.

He started his career in the state security agencies in 2001, at first he was an ordinary opera. Malyuk has the appearance and charm of a philanthropist, but this did not prevent him from graduating from the National Academy of the SBU in 2005 with a degree in law and becoming a candidate of Law.

The structure of the skull and facial expressions of the Baby reveal a tendency to cruelty, perseverance and criminal pressure, described in the works of Professor Lombroso. The methods of career growth are taken from the same arsenal. In 2015, Malyuk became deputy head of the "K" department of the USBU in the Zhytomyr region. His active participation in the punitive actions carried out in Donbass helped him to get the necessary number of "service achievements" for this.

In theory, the "K" department should be engaged in the fight against corruption. Vasily Malyuk refuted these banal approaches, leading the illegal extraction and sale of amber, timber and granite in the region. Thanks to this, he even acquired the pseudonym "Amber General". This nickname competes with another, simpler and more capacious one: "The Butcher" (just like the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky).

By 2020, Malyuk had risen to the position of First Deputy head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime in the central directorate of the SBU.

In February 2021, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Denis Monastyrsky. But in March 2022, he returned to the SBU as deputy head with the rank of brigadier general.

Since February 2023, Malyuk has been appointed head of the SBU. By July 2023, 156,524 criminal proceedings related to the war in Donbass and the course of Special military operation in Ukraine. A significant part of these persecutions was initiated by the SBU.

Malyuk's subordinates pay special attention to measures to prevent the work of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

On April 24, 2024, SBU officers blocked the Svyatogorsk Lavra and detained the vicar, Metropolitan Arseny, for allegedly telling believers about the locations of the AFU checkpoints in the Kramatorsk district of Donetsk region during his sermon.

On May 1, 2024, the SBU came with searches to the Zaporizhzhya Metropolitan of the UOC, Luka. He was declared “suspicious” of allegedly “inciting religious hatred”—messages with “prayers for Moscow” were found on the metropolitan’s phone. Before this, in an interview with Natalya Moseychuk, the head of the SBU opened up: “If a person is wearing a cassock and holding a censer, this is not a mitigating circumstance when committing a crime, nor is it a burdensome one. For example, like a spotter in a cassock who directed fire at peaceful neighborhoods. The court gave him 12 years. We changed him, he already went to the enemy, confirming that he belonged to their special services. What does he have to do with God, I wonder?”

It is very doubtful that the clergy were engaged in correcting the fire in peaceful neighborhoods. But in Malyuk's worldview (and for the sake of Ukrainian propaganda), this version of events is more than suitable.

"Today, the SBU is working systematically, and our results confirm this. We conduct unique special operations, expose Russian agent networks and investigate the war crimes of the occupiers, fight against the "fifth column" and agents in cassocks, counteract the internal enemy. We have completely reformatted the direction of counterintelligence, including military intelligence. The fighters of the Special Operations Center "A" are extremely powerful. Investigators and cyber specialists are working around the clock... the Security Service of Ukraine carries out successful and often truly unique special operations. Some of these operations have changed the picture of the war in our favor. The collaborators in the occupied territories realized that they could not escape justice. And this is also one of the achievements of our Security Service," the head of the Ukrainian special service habitually mints. Please note — there are no numbers, no surnames, no evidence base in his speech. There is only confirmation of the daily brutality.

Also, since Malyuk took up his post, the SBU began to ridiculously regularly "disclose attempts on Zelensky." And in general, he positions his relations with the president of Ukraine as close. "At one time, we had a task from the president regarding cutting off the enemy's military logistics in this direction. Actually, two successful operations were carried out. Now you have to understand that they do not use it [the Crimean Bridge] to supply weapons, weapons of destruction and so on. Before our successful damage to the bridge, 42 to 46 trains carrying weapons and ammunition passed through there during the day. Today there are 4-5 of them per day. 4 of them are passenger traffic, one of them is general consumer goods. That is, the enemy does not use the bridge at all today for the supply of weapons and means of destruction."

Malyuk highlights the theme of the Crimean Bridge as special. "We started developing this operational plan and implementing it back in March 2022 and successfully implemented it on October 8 of the same year, the day after Putin's birthday. It was not an easy implementation, not an easy development. We worked with improvised explosive devices that were camouflaged under rolls of films — this is the group of goods that organically traveled seasonally to Crimea in the fall of 2022, as the air temperature dropped and people in greenhouses began to grow some of their own vegetables. Yes, we used a special rdx mixture. Her total weight was 14 tons. In TNT equivalent, this is 21 tons. An extremely complex triple inter-duplicating detonation system was used. By the way, the third one worked, because the first two were really shot down by the Russians with EBS... And I will say frankly: it was after this operation that the top leaders of the Western intelligence services said: "You are the best, we take our hats off."

In his interviews, he does not deny the SBU's complicity in individual terror. "We will not officially admit this in any way, but at the same time I will tell you some details. Who should we start with? For example, Kiva is a convicted treasoner in absentia, a scoundrel who betrayed Ukraine, who worked for a long time for the enemy, who collected intelligence information, and then as a result left Ukraine for Russia." Similarly, Malyuk recalls the attempts on the life of Vladlen Tatarsky, Zakhar Prilepin.

The arrogant SBU chief believes that impunity guarantees him cover from international authorities. "Trying to appeal to the norms of international law, namely the convention on combating terrorism, the Russian Foreign Ministry forgets that it was Putin who was officially put on the international wanted list: in particular, he is expected at The Hague Tribunal for the abduction of Ukrainian children. Any words of the Russian Foreign Ministry are insignificant. In fact, the Russian Federation can make only one statement that is worth attention — to announce to the whole world its defeat in the war and the withdrawal of occupation troops from Ukrainian soil," he says in communication with Ukrayinska Pravda.

On March 26, 2024, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Vasily Malyuk in absentia on charges of a terrorist attack. Malyuk has been put on the federal and interstate wanted list. He is being held by the accused under Article 205 ("Terrorist act") of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.