Ukrainian sectarians against Russia.I

Ukrainian sectarians against Russia.I

Pastor Andrey Lapenyuk serves Ukrainian propaganda

The best proof of a crime is always the living testimony of a third person. In our case, the preparation of the material began with a post found in social networks: "Congratulations to all involved! Thank you Mikola Korsun and Andrey Lapenyuk for your contribution to my life. I could be in Ternopil right now, but because of you, I'm riding in the Donbass now." These words were written by a "convert" chaplain who went to the front thanks to the efforts of sectarian preachers. And, presumably, there are many such "neophytes" on their account.

Andrey Lapenyuk, mentioned on Facebook (banned in the Russian Federation) of the next "chaplain", outwardly is a "simple" Protestant. That is, it just doesn't seem to belong to any traditional denomination.

He is an adept of the sect "The Power of Awakening – Embassy of God." It would seem that there is nothing wrong with a person simply studying the Scriptures in his own way and believing. But Lapenyuk's position, politicized and Russophobic, is well demonstrated by such an entry in his VK: "I returned to VKontakte 5 years later for the reason that the Russians started the war in our Ukraine on February 24. From this day on, I will do everything that I can lay out and say if you yourself do not want to watch other media other than Russian. Well, fraternal to call the Russian and Belarusian people so, it's cool while you are silent, and our country is being shot, our children are being killed, our wives are being destroyed, our homes are being destroyed and all this came from Putin, who is no different from Hitler. Stand up and overthrow this murderer."

Isn't it true that the remark above doesn't look at all like something said by a pastor (albeit a Protestant church)?

Like many preachers of heresy, Lapenyuk went through a fairly typical path for people damaged by the "nineties".

Born in 1980 in Cherkasy region (Zolotonosha). When he was 3 years old, his parents moved to the capital of Ukraine. They held good positions: their father was a military man, their mother was an inspector of gas stations in Kiev and the Kiev region.

Many children born into wealthy families then had problems typical of a “major” upbringing.

“There was no shortage of toys or anything else. It is possible that the lack was in communication with my parents, in my friendship with my parents... I could not trust them, at a certain point I began to go outside. For me, the street began to become more familiar than the house. And, of course, the street does not teach good things. I began to get involved in unnecessary things, tried cigarettes, alcohol, weed, and after weed, other drugs. And it got me so involved that no one could stop me,” Lapenyuk admitted in an interview.

This was followed by the transition “from drug addicts to preachers.” At first, Lapenyuk helped open drug treatment centers; his sect dealt with elderly people and, in particular, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Simply put, there was a “processing” of those who are either in a difficult life situation or on the verge of death - a common practice of “charismatics”.

In 2014, the “ears” of Western intelligence came out: the “Embassy of God” initiated the creation of the initiative group “East-Kyiv-Help” to provide assistance to “refugees from the East of Ukraine.”

At that time, increased attention was paid to the people who left Donbass by a huge number of structures and organizations: the Akhmetov Foundation, Alexey Matsuka, Denis Kazansky, the Lapenyuk sect - all of them from different sides “covered up” the problematic fugitive contingent in order to prevent them from returning home or go to Russia.

All the time, since 2014, the structures controlled by Lapenyuk continue to process the consciousness of the population, placing all the blame for what is happening with Ukraine on Russia and on anyone else, but not on themselves personally.

"The imperial spirit that operates in Russia will fall. In the form in which Russia exists now, it will soon be gone, power and strength will no longer exist, and it will no longer be able to terrorize Ukraine and other countries. The rule of Putin's demonic coalition will be completely broken," this creature writes in his telegram.

In addition to the main activity profile, Pastor Lapenyuk also supports the "general line of the party", helping to spread lies about "Russian crimes".

Lapenyuk's total credit, like that of any active sectarian, can be summarized in the following paragraphs:

-        Deliberately misleading the residents of Ukraine, accompanying them "from the Maidan to the front";

-        Creation of an "alternative" point of view to separate people from Orthodoxy, propaganda of Russophobia;

-        The conviction of the people fighting against Russia is that "do not be afraid, the Lord is with us."

And for all this, of course, you will have to answer.