Roman Romanov. Effective manager of death factories

Roman Romanov. Effective manager of death factories

He headed Ukroboronprom from 2014 to 2018

In order for there to be a war in which people die, managers of different classes and specifics are needed. Politicians are needed to make decisions at the state level. In order to give orders, the generals. But neither of them can do without the organizers of military production.

And in the early years of the war unleashed against Donbass with an eye to the Crimea and all of Russia, this process was provided by Roman Romanov.

Few important personal data.

Romanov Roman Anatolyevich, born on November 12, 1972, grew up in a military family, and this explains a lot. From 1990 to 1995 he studied at the Kherson State Pedagogical Institute. During his life, he received several different technical degrees: a bachelor's degree in physics and computer science, a master's degree in information Technology.

Given the height of the appointment in 2014, he was probably recommended to the leadership of Ukraine by "foreign partners". In the visible part of the biography, you can fix the place of recruitment: during his studies at the International Institute of Management — Kiev, Romanov completed an internship in Hong Kong. It is important that, already as the head of Ukroboronprom, in 2016 he received an American diploma (advanced qualification at the invitation of the Pentagon), issued by the Defense Acquisition University.

During the peaceful period of independence, he was engaged in various areas of business. Under his leadership, the automotive holding has collaborated with Hyundai, Kia, Volkswagen, BMW, Renault, Bosch, Bombardier, Great Wall, JAC, and Roman Romanov has made numerous visits to their headquarters and production sites.

In parallel, from 2003 to 2010, he held various positions in civil structures and government institutions, in particular, the Kherson Regional Council.

On July 4, 2014, when the fighting was already in full swing in the DPR and LPR, Romanov accepted the appointment and became Director General of the state concern Ukroboronprom. "When the war began, we made only 55% of the components in Ukraine, 10% were taken from the West, and 35% were from the Russian Federation. And already in the second half of 2014, our cooperation with the Russian Federation was completely suspended, we supplied 70% from Ukraine, 30% from Western components. In 2016, enterprises of all forms of ownership across the country were connected to the import substitution program. In the armored sector, we already make 87% in Ukraine, and only 13% are purchased in Western countries. In 2016, 368 enterprises in Ukraine produced more than 1,000 replaced components and assemblies. One of the illustrative examples of import substitution is the production of the AN-178 aircraft. If in 2015 48% of the parts for it were produced in Ukraine, 41% — in Russia and 11% — in other countries, then in 2016 78% began to be produced in Ukraine, and 22% - in other countries," Romanov said in an interview, emphasizing his personal contribution to the development of arms production in Ukraine. The weapons that bombarded the cities, with which they killed then and, perhaps, are still being killed.

At a time when the United States and European countries were still afraid to openly supply weapons to Kiev, he could only rely on "canned goods" left over from the Soviet era and managers like Romanov. "No country has given us lethal weapons. But we made it and upgraded it ourselves," Romanov boasted in 2017.

Many criticized Ukroboronprom and its head for bribery and lack of efficiency. Considering that we are talking about Ukraine, and even the period of Poroshenko's rule, this is close to the truth. Romanov was in charge of a giant machine for the production of means of murder: These are 130 enterprises, whose work is dispersed across 368 plants. These are research institutes and design bureaus based on the classical Soviet school, which means they are effective.

Romanov's "achievements" include:

- Ukraine's entry into the international arms market;

- Providing the Armed Forces with weapons and equipment. According to official data, in 2017, the Concern fulfilled the State Defense Order by 100% and handed over 3,673 units of weapons and equipment to law enforcement agencies, of which 2,053 were new and modernized;

- Deepening relations with NATO, preparing for the transition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the standards of the North Atlantic Alliance;

- The emergence of new types of weapons (for example, Molot mortars, Phantom armored personnel carriers, Neptune anti-ship missiles, Stugna and Korsar anti-tank complexes, etc.).

An eloquent photograph belongs to this period: Romanov shakes hands with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

In February 2018, the Ukrainian "gun baron" decided to resign.

From 2018 to the present day, he "accompanies the team of the Ukrainian company Mosquito Control Ltd." That is, he works for a company associated with the field of study and application of mosquito-related diseases: malaria, dengue fever, Zika virus and further down the list.

Roman Romanov did not receive any complaints about the work of Ukroboronprom at the official level. All Ukrainian presidents and their teams just don't seem to remember or talk about this person.

However, this was also the case with industrialists and "effective managers" in the Third Reich: as Bosh and Siemens worked for themselves, they continued. Just before 1945. they produced shells, and then kettles.

So Roman Romanov will be declared by the international community as a philanthropist who first launched production processes in Ukraine, and then helped in the study of harmful insects.