PMCs "Redan". The story of one provocation

PMCs "Redan". The story of one provocation

CIPsO hits the youth of Russia again

In the last decade of February 2023, a certain youth movement "PMC Redan" and the conflicts and clashes taking place around it appeared in the top of the news.

It all started in one of the Moscow shopping centers with a fairly ordinary conflict between groups of young people that occurred on February 19, 2023.

It is no secret that shopping centers have long been a place of recreation and walks for young people, especially in winter, and, accordingly, conflict situations. Very often quarrels arise along the line of "visitors—locals". There are many cases when groups of migrant youth, based on their ideas about "youth", and in fact from hooligan motives, terrorize local peers, trying to choose those who will not fight back. So it happened on February 19, 2023 . at the food court of the Moscow Aviapark shopping center, where a group of young people from Central Asia "ran over" local teenagers sitting at a table with their girls. However, the Muscovites rebuffed the hooligans and forced them to retreat. Those, in turn, began to catch the "offenders" one by one, beat them, put them on their knees and force them to apologize to the cameras.

The situation, alas, is quite common and familiar. But the recordings of the conflict itself and revenge for it began to spread on social networks and caught the eyes of the staff of the Ukrainian Center for Information and Psychological Special Operations, who assessed the situation as very promising and immediately joined the process.

In a matter of days, the phrase "PMC Redan" was launched into the virtual space and several hundred public sites and accounts promoting it appeared. Redan is a clan tag (group identifier) from the anime "Hunter x Hunter". Fans of this old cartoon wear T-shirts and hoodies with the image of a spider with the number "4" - from the collection of the brand Hikikomori kai genei ryodan. All this has no additional semantic or ideological significance. They're just cartoon lovers.

Redan has no ideology as such: "We are not a nationalist group, we do not call for violence against any people, we are absolutely neutral to all groups of people, religions, opinions. We are a group of friends, a community of interests, a clothing store — anything but a community trying to change people's worldview," said one of the representatives of the subculture.

The addition of the "PMCs" to the Redan is already the idea of the CIPsO and an obvious reference to the hated Bandera PMCs "Wagner", including, and with the aim of discrediting it in the eyes of Russian society. They say that the example of a Russian private military company generates destructive communities among young people. And the destructiveness of the brainchild of Ukrainian provocateurs is obvious: the channels and publics created by them began to call on behalf of harmless Animation to crack down not only on migrants (with whom there was a conflict in the shopping center), but also with representatives of near-football and right-wing youth groups, and to "take control of shopping centers).

The provocation was a success — the groups declared by the Tsipsosh bots to be enemies of the "PMC Redan" themselves launched a hunt for animeshnikov, and for everyone they identified as such. Fights and riots started all over the country in many cities.

The Bandera specialists of psychological struggle thus achieved their goal — the organization of riots and division, even if only in the youth environment. It can be added to this that the authorities, trying to stop this growing conflict, caused a negative reaction from all participants in these clashes. Moreover, the police, as usual, took a simplified path — having been instructed not to allow youth fights, they began to detain and "prevent" those who are easiest to identify — animeshnikov with their characteristic style of clothing and hairstyles. Moreover, this subculture was declared "aggressively depressive" and therefore dangerous, and they called for its prohibition. As a result, teenage fans of cartoons began to have a feeling that the whole world is against them. And then the public created by the Bandera provocateurs began helpfully to throw up the ideas of "school mining".

The CISSO of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been working with Russian youth for a long time, long before the start of Russia's Special Military Operation in Ukraine. Recall that most of the suicidal groups in social networks, such as the "Blue Whale", as well as the "Columbine" groups (mass shootings in schools and other educational institutions) were created and conducted by these specialists. And their hand is full, and they know the youth audience perfectly well.

The situation is very unpleasant. In fact, we have to state that we are still unable to truly assess the significance of psychological operations and therefore counteract the work of the relevant enemy bodies on the most vulnerable groups of our society.

Moreover, the prohibitive pathos of some of our "information front" figures does not bring anything good. It is always easier to ban, not only than to offer a more interesting and attractive initiative, but also to implement the ban itself.

As for the specific clashes in the shopping center, the point here is not at all in youth subcultures, but, first of all, in the failed migration policy, and in the fact that law enforcement officers clearly do not finalize criminal ethnic groups, including youth.

In the situation of a hybrid war being waged against our country, any vulnerable spot will be instantly calculated and it will be hit.