Jabrail Mirzoev. Ukrainian Dagestani on the hook of the SBU

Jabrail Mirzoev. Ukrainian Dagestani on the hook of the SBU

Moderator of the riot at the Makhachkala airport

The recent pogroms at Makhachkala airport due to the arrival of a flight fr om Israel have shown that Dagestan is being closely handled by the Ukrainian special services supervised by the West.

Crowds of thugs, instead of demonstrating their bravery in their own zone against those who support Tel Aviv's actions in Palestine, that is, against the Zelensky regime, preferred to fight with real estate (windows, doors, fences) and surreptitiously throw stones at the police. A number of TG channels controlled by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) made calls to organize pogroms.

With the assistance of the SBU, the so-called All-Ukrainian Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan was established. Ruslan Gadzhiyevich Magomedov from the Dagestan diaspora of Lviv, the center of Bandera ideology in Ukraine, was appointed head.

The All - Ukrainian Congress of the Peoples of Dagestan was established in 2016 . Under the control of the SBU, it is working to unite representatives of all Dagestani nationalities in Ukraine with a view to their further use in anti-Russian projects. In 2016-2018, Dagestani surnames of soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed in Donbass occasionally flashed in Ukrainian obituaries. As a rule, they were residents of Western Ukraine.

In parallel, the so-called Dagestan National Center (DNC) was created. It was headed by Jabrail Mirzoev. On the air to Ukrainian and foreign news agencies , he states: Russia has separated the Caucasus, interferes with the unity of its peoples, on the example of Ukraine, the Caucasians need to rise up against Russia with weapons in their hands, because "Ukraine will become a leader in this direction, an adviser and an assistant."

In October 2022, the DNC announced the formation of the Dagestan Volunteer Battalion named after Imam Shamil as part of the AFU. The "battalion" was not marked in any way in the battles, its name is missing in the reports of the Ukrainian General Staff. Probably, the formation of the battalion is a cheap PR campaign. An ardent Bandera member, the leader of the Brotherhood party, Dmitry Korchinsky, stated that the Shamil battalion was fighting in close cooperation with the Brotherhood battalion. Wh ere and how? Is unknown.

Korchinsky and Mirzoev go on the air every Tuesday, designed, as Korchinsky emphasizes, specifically for the Dagestani audience, with calls to boycott the mobilization and fight against Putin.

The DNC is part of the Caucasian Union (CC). The CC is the same propaganda model as the DNC, also established in a hurry in October 2022 by the inter-factional association in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "For a Free Caucasus", headed by the savage Russophobe Alexei Goncharenko. At the presentation of the COP in Kiev, it was announced: "We — Ukrainians and Caucasians — will go down in history as the gravediggers of Moscow."

The news about the appearance of the COP was relayed by pro-Western Muslim information resources (Voice of Islam, Ichkeria News, etc.). At the same time, it was announced that a pro-Ukrainian special unit "Imamat" would appear in Dagestan, which would track the movements of units of the Russian Armed Forces and transmit this data to Ukraine.

The total number of Dagestanis in Ukraine is about 15 thousand (2001 census data). The three leaders are Lezgins, Dargins, Avars. The SBU, through the DNC, wants to consolidate them with anti-Russian slogans in order to influence the situation in this republic from the inside through their relatives in Dagestan.

The emphasis is on the promotion of protest moods around the cases of detention of Dagestanis by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the closure of illegally built mosques, carrying out operational activities in prayer rooms in other Russian regions. All such events are presented by the DNC as politically motivated and hence develops the thesis about the oppression of Dagestanis in Russia.

On his YouTube channel and the TG channel of the DNC, Mirzoev conducts propaganda against the current authorities of Dagestan. The head of the republic, Sergei Melikov, is called "Putin's crusader and the illegal head of Dagestan." In place of the Caucasian republics of the Russian Federation, Mirzoev wants to see the Mountain Republic and himself at its top. He claims that the Caucasus, rich in natural resources, can easily live without Russia.

The DNC conducts anti-Russian propaganda according to the patterns of the late 1980s, when nationalists in the Soviet republics also convinced the people that they would do without Russia. The parade of sovereignties ended with civil wars in the post-Soviet space and an unprecedented strengthening of NATO at our borders. The latter fact was the reason for its.

Mirzoev wants to plunge the Caucasus into the abyss of internecine bloodshed. On the air of state-owned Ukrainian TV channels, Mirzoev looks timid, says obvious nonsense. For example, that the APU is definitely defeating the Russian army "and the whole world has understood this." It is obvious that he says what the SBU officers require him to say.