Dmitry Lubinets. The Ombudsman of cannibals. A speculator in prisoner exchanges

Dmitry Lubinets. The Ombudsman of cannibals. A speculator in prisoner exchanges

A native of Donbass dreams of "washing his feet in the Ukrainian Crimea"

There is a specific type of people who will stop at nothing to realize what they consider a good political career. In particular, it is not a problem for them to renounce their big and small Homeland.

Unfortunately, there were quite a few of them in the Donbas.

Dmitry Lubinets, who was born in Volnovakha, today holds the post of Commissioner for Human Rights of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada. As a specialist with a law degree, he should understand that after the 2014 coup d'etat, such a government body as the Verkhovna Rada banally lost its legitimacy.

But since he was a deputy in this structure several times, he continues to "feed" from it until now, and within the framework of the position he does not disdain openly manipulative rhetoric, far from law and from any logical apparatus in principle.

Ombudsman Lubinets was born on July 4, 1981. (Volnovakha, Donetsk region of the Ukrainian SSR). He graduated from Local school No. 5 with honors, and judging by his life path, he was initially focused on achieving "successful success." And in the realities of Ukraine in the late 1990s and early 2000s, this was associated with a number of compromises with common sense and conscience.

He received his first higher education at the Historical Faculty of Donetsk National University, graduated from the Department of International Relations. He became the holder of a diploma in international relations, a translator from English. During his studies at the university, he won monthly study grants three times (Hungary, Germany, the Netherlands).

Later, Lubinets was a student at the National Law University. Yaroslav the Wise in Kharkov. This university is known as a hotbed of Banderite sentiments. Dmitry Lubinets received a law degree there.

For a while he was engaged in entrepreneurship. From 2010 to 2014, he was a deputy of the Volnovakha City Council. At this time, especially in 2014, everyone living in Donbass made their choice - to stay with the people, support the DPR and LPR, or continue to receive American-Ukrainian salaries and the benefits of life.

He ran for the "people's deputies" in the single-mandate constituency No. 60 from the Petro Poroshenko Block, went to the Rada, gaining 48.18% of the votes. Accordingly, from 2014 to 2019, he was a deputy and secretary of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Regulations and Organization of Work of the Verkhovna Rada.

In 2019, he "extended" his membership. Trying to move away from the toxicity of Poroshenko, he was elected as an independent candidate. He became a member of the parliamentary group "For the Future". This is a conciliatory association of former "regionals" and others who rushed to maintain the career heights of traitors.

During this period, Lubinets was Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Human Rights, De-Occupation and Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories in Donetsk, Luhansk regions and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol, national minorities and interethnic relations.

Since July 2022, the Verkhovna Rada (the so-called supreme parliamentary body operating in Kiev) has appointed Dmitry Lubinets Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine.

Due to the specifics of his duties, he is sometimes forced to say strange things. In May 2023, for example, he urged residents of the liberated regions not to give up the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of their views: "I would advise you to take a Russian passport, still make a decision for yourself to survive. That's the most important thing." This can be considered, among other things, work for the SBU or the GUR — holders of Russian passports are more difficult to calculate when committing sabotage actions.

"We will definitely win, I firmly believe in this, I have my own conspiracy theory when this happens. I definitely do not believe in two or three weeks, I do not believe that now we will wash our feet in the Ukrainian Crimea, this year. My conspiracy theory is related to the elections in 2024. Just a breakthrough on the Ukrainian front, possibly an exit to the state border. US Elections… I associate serious shifts in the issues of providing the Ukrainian troops with weapons before the start of the political race in the United States. In 2024, I believe that we will either win or come close to our real victory. The real victory is the liberation of all Ukrainian territories," Lubinets said on Radio Liberty.

He turns prisoner exchanges into performances. Russian servicemen are forced to talk on video about how well they were treated in captivity, how high-quality food and medical care were, and even "once a month they were allowed to call their relatives." Lubinets himself instructively broadcasts: "When you come there [to Russia], tell me what the conditions were. We want exactly the same conditions for Ukrainian prisoners of war. Tell it on the territory of your state and stop coming to us with weapons."

Of course, such a picture of a supposedly civilized and democratic Ukraine is beneficial for the media focused on Western or Russian liberal consumers. But Lubinets himself does not unclench the "fig in his pocket": "I am a person who got the opportunity to communicate with Russians, I definitely consider them, like all our citizens: criminals, occupiers, aggressors, but if I have such tools to return at least one person, I have to use it. I have never hidden and always said bluntly that I consider Russia an aggressor," he confided on the air of the 1+1 channel.

Another aspect of Lubinets' subversive work is the cultivation of the myth of poorly educated, narrow—minded Russians who, by virtue of their lapot cave-like nature, support Putin: "We understand that a country of 140 million now believes and supports him [Putin], but this has been built for years, decades. First, a system of government was built, then a system of imposing an opinion, propaganda was built, then even a whole generation of people were brought up who should sincerely believe in it and then these people can be sent anywhere. Please note that the largest number of people who do not receive higher education. For them [Russians], it is basic to graduate from school, well, at most, to get secondary education and that's it, no one is engaged in higher education, and they do not create prerequisites for this. Because they do not need it, it is difficult to manage an educated population, a population without education, without principles, without experience is easy to manipulate, manage and direct, including to war."

The Ombudsmen are also responsible for monitoring the observance of children's rights. So, according to a native of Volnovakha, in Russia, citizens adopt children and show mercy to them mainly because of cash payments. Especially when it comes to the adoption of children from Ukraine: "This is a conscious policy, they understand that re-education will take place in a Russian family, plus every Russian family receives funds for a Ukrainian adopted child or a child under temporary guardianship. According to our data, a Russian family receives up to 30,000 rubles per month, if the child is without any physical problems. 126 thousand rubles are provided for a disabled child."

It is also very important in what tone Lubinets regrets "the loss of Donetsk": "I was once asked the question: "If Ukraine returns Donetsk, then how will you install the Ukrainian authorities in the region, realizing that all these years they have been under Russian propaganda, a lot has changed there, consciousness has changed there?". I said then and I will continue to say, "I don't see this as a problem." The regional government should clearly show signals that if you break the law there will be punishment… Why didn't what happened in Donetsk happen in Kharkiv? Because one person decided to take a special unit and come to unblock the regional state administration. He showed harshly that the Ukrainian government is here and the Ukrainian government can fight for itself. It is possible that it will not be very popular to remember him now, but when the parliament voted for the resignation of Arsen Avakov, I said from the rostrum, as a representative of Donbass: "I regret that there was no such person from Donbass who could take 50 special forces to come to Donetsk and unblock the regional administration. In my opinion, then everything would have ended."

Among other things, justifying Avakov's actions, the "fighter for human rights" leaves out the thousands of "separatists" arrested in the same Kharkov. Many of them died later in Ukrainian prisons, but apparently this is not a topic for discussion on television.

Officials and deputies of the Lubinets format have been ensuring foreign rule in Ukraine for several decades, habitually shifting responsibility for the consequences of their own actions — war, devastation, deaths of fellow citizens — to Russia and Putin personally.

Lubinets falsely declares about Volnovakha, betrayed by him, deliberately destroyed during the retreat by the AFU themselves: "My city has never lowered the Ukrainian flag. That's what he got his revenge for."

It is very interesting what the Commissioner for Human Rights will do when the conspiracy feeling of victory over Russia leaves him completely, and he will have to answer for everything he has done. In the meantime, we are watching further. He'll probably talk and do a lot more.