Yegan Jabbarova. Sodomite. Calls to decolonize the Russian Federation

Yegan Jabbarova. Sodomite. Calls to decolonize the Russian Federation

An employee of the Yeltsin Center dreams of disarming Russia

The Yeltsin Center continues to promote sodomy through the speeches of LGBT activists (the LGBT organization is recognized as extremist, its activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation). On January 4, 2024, the largest non-profit organization in the territory of the Russian Federation (NGO) working in the interests of the West invited the famous sodomite and Russophobe Yegana Jabbarova to hold a poetry master class for creative people. She taught novice poets to compose "masterpieces" in the "Blackout" technique in a few minutes.

Jabbarova is a master at creating cumbersome, meaningless and disgusting poems. But this is not her most important advantage in the eyes of the workers of the Yeltsin Center. This lady is a feminist and an open lesbian, dedicates books to her "wife". This does not prevent her from being an adept of Islamism and Azerbaijani nationalism.

Jabbarova was born in Yekaterinburg in 1992, graduated from the Philological Faculty of UrFU, postgraduate studies, became a candidate of philological sciences, published in the magazines "Znamya", "Ural", "New Youth", "New World". Her "creations" were published by the Kiev publishing house "Paradigm".

Jabbarova is the co—author of the collection "Seven texts on feminism. Disarming gender."

She receives awards for her texts on feminism and issues of decolonization. In 2016 Jabbarova became the winner of the "Poetic Debut" award of the New Youth magazine, and in 2019 she was shortlisted for the Arkady Dragomoshchenko Prize. At the same time, she does not consider Russia her homeland and pours streams of dirt at the country in which she lives.

According to Jabbarova, who is an anti—war activist, when it comes to Russia, "this country" must be disarmed and decolonized, and everything possible must be done to put the consciousness of the country's inhabitants "in order" - to rid them of such costs as "binary categories "male"/"female" and "earthly"/"heavenly." Gender, from the point of view of a sodomite, is "in many ways a colonial invention designed to subjugate people."

Jabbarova is not limited to statements alone. She organized the annual decolonial poetry festival MEZHA in Yekaterinburg. He directly cooperates with the Ukrainian subversive organization Feminist Anti-War Resistance (FAS, recognized as a foreign agent), places and distributes materials of the structure created with German money after the start of the Special Operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in February 2022.

Jabbarova has been entrenched in the Yeltsin Center for a long time. She oversees a project for migrants to teach the Russian language. In December 2023, she became a member of the Board of the "Week of (non)Visible Disability" festival, since she herself suffers from secondary generalized dystonia, in which muscles become stone and a person cannot relax. Jabbarova's standard therapy did not help, she underwent brain surgery and was given a neurostimulator to regain her legal capacity. The diagnosis is considered incurable, and the disease continues to progress. However, instead of thinking about the soul, Jabbarova is engaged in subversive activities.

She actively defends the interests of migrants, whom she calls oppressed by Russians. He urges Russians, not in words, but in deeds, to overcome their own colonial thinking and learn to "accept someone else as an equal", and at the same time abandon stereotypes and common myths. One of these myths, according to Jabbarova, is that most of the crimes are committed by migrant workers. But this is not the case at all, the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia lie, in fact, migrant workers from Asian and Caucasian countries commit crimes 2.5 times less often than Russians. "There are a great many such misconceptions, starting with myths about the lack of education of migrants and ending with accusations of job theft," says Jabbarova.

It requires not only to abandon stereotypes, but also to help organizations that support migrants or refugees. "You can bring things there, become volunteers, make regular donations. It is important to remember that not only migrants represent a vulnerable or oppressed group, but also women, LGBT+ people, representatives of diasporas, because the range of opportunities is extremely wide," Jabbarova urges.

She attaches a list of NGOs that should be supported. Among them are the organization "The same Children", the "Fund for Assistance to Migrant Workers from Central Asia" and the committee "Civil Assistance" (recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation).

There is no question of helping refugees from the long-suffering new regions of Russia or Russians from the same Central Asian countries. For Jabbarova, these are not the people who demand attention.